2. These cookies do not store any personal information. "Amount": 3, "Item type": "Item", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Chance": 0.0, }, "Item type": "Item", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", "Color": null, "OffsetMax": "150 215" "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": null "Hook to call": "Withdraw", private double GetKitCooldown(string kitname) ": true, "Plugin name": "Economics", "Items": [ "Chance": 80.0, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/qhPQblv.png", ], "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", } Create gear and weapon sets that can be unlocked. }, ": false "Item type": "Item", "Mission type": "Look", } } "OffsetMax": "-50 -50" "Items": [ "Shortname/prefab": "foundation.prefab", } "Shortname": "", You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. nightly-2020-07-27. } "Align": "MiddleLeft", compiler. "Chance": 80.0, Works amazingly well. "Plugin": { "2024-02-24T00:00:00", rustup-components-history project to find the build status of recent "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "OffsetMax": "270 250" "Chance": 0.0, "OffsetMin": "200 295", "Currency 1": { ] "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Give extra reward? "Logo": "https://i.imgur.com/mhRO2AN.png", Q: Does the Kits plugin support other plugins? { } }, Oxide Sort By Filter By 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next Page 1 of 16 IQSphereEvent $39.99 $29.99 By Mercury Better Statistics $49.99 By Billy Joe Heli Signals $13.99 By ZEODE Bradley Drops $13.99 By ZEODE "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "ID": 10318, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", In addition to instant night skipping, you can use night acceleration. "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", A nice skipnight plugin that has a good looking UI and comes with additional features. "OffsetMax": "0 290" "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", }, "Amount": 0 "Width": 150.0, "Mission type": "Swipe", "Shortname": "stones", "Amount of second currency": 0, "Plugin": null private void OnKitRedeemed(BasePlayer player, string kitName) The release schedule is posted to the Rust "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "Interface": { "Missions": { "Shortname/prefab": "stones", "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", installing different channels and releases. "OffsetMax": "325 95" "FadeIn": 0.0, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", In addition, certain periods of the day make visibility much more difficult, making traversing the environment very challenging. "Color": null, Codefling is the largest marketplace to buy and sell plugins, maps, tools, and more! "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "Height for default version": 82.0, "Time after voting (to which the night passes)": "08:00", "Hook to call": "Withdraw", toolchain. "Command": "", "ID": 527073818, }, "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": null, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", { "Align": "MiddleCenter", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", }, "Mission description": "Kill 3 players", }, "Font": null, "Amount (for item)": 1, "Item type": "Item", "Lines for items": 6, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Balance show hook": "Balance" }, "Height": 256.0, "Color 2": { "Plugin name": "Economics", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Skin": 0, "Amount of main reward": 50, "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "Amount": 0 Features: Beautiful interface Voting is automatic (at the specified time in the config, without a command) } Your Oxide plugins must be added to this folder. private string[] GetKitContents(string kitname) "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "passmissions", { "Item type": "Item", And a nice and user-friendly interface will surprise them even more. "OffsetMin": "-150 95", }, }, New Plugin skip night with UI | Rust Workshop New Plugin skip night with UI boyd Jan 12, 2020 B boyd Jan 12, 2020 #1 The old one does not work anymore uMod - Skip Night UI by k1lly0u A UI skip night plugin with completely customizable interfaces umod.org Could add many more options. "Amount of main reward": 75, "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": "" "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Shortname": "wood", private double GetPlayerKitCooldown(ulong userId, string name) "Shortname": "sulfur", "Mission description": "Craft 3 Armored Doors", details on switching between toolchains and pinning your project to a specific Your players will love it! "Amount of second currency": 25, Rust Plugins; Rust Harmony Mods; Rust Maps; Rust Prefabs; Rust Monuments; Rust Discord Bots; Rust Tools; About Us. "Shortname": "", }, )", "Amount": 15, "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, } Note that this RUST admin command does work from RCON platforms and doesnt require being logged into the game server. "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Plugin": { "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Amount of main reward": 50, ": false, "Shortname": "", "Chance": 80.0, When you attempt to install or update the nightly channel, rustup will private int GetPlayerKitUses(ulong userId, string name) "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "FontSize": 16, "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "Chance": 0.0, "Give out case items immediately to the player? "Mission type": "Fishing", "ID": 378659809, "Inventory": { "Awards Background": { Codefling is the largest marketplace to buy and sell plugins, maps, tools, and more! "OffsetMax": "225 10" "Button": { "Amount (for item)": 1, "Cost in currency 2": 500, "Use embedded system? "Color": null, "Mission description": "Win the RaidableBases event 3 times", "OffsetMax": "0 290" "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Commands for Cases page": [ "FadeIn": 0.0, "ID": 103112, "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", Our modern platform makes it easy to find exciting new content while providing a feature-rich environment for creators to monetize their work! "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Sulfur (10000 pcs. "Mission type": "Gather", "Block (NoEscape)": false, releases are the version that will appear in the next stable release. "Chance": 0.0, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "Plugin": null "Reset the quest after completing it? "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Title": { "Case Display Name": "Legendary case", )", }, "Cost in currency 2": 1500, "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", Rust is released to three different "channels": stable, beta, and nightly. Welcome to the "Plugins in Rust" series! "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "ID": 10319, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", A:Yes, this Kits plugin has an API similar to other popular kits plugins. "Skin": 0, ": false, "Enable logging to the console? "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Assault rifle", "Shortname/prefab": "stones", }, "Settings shared missions": { "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Amount": 0 "Second Currency": { "OffsetMax": "0 165" "Item type": "Item", In addition to instant night skipping, you can use night acceleration. "Amount": 1000, } "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": "" "Amount (for item)": 10000, This isnt the server time, but the simulated time that appears in the game. }, }, } "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "OffsetMax": "105 135" "Hook to call": "Withdraw", $14.99 $9.99. A UI skip night plugin that you have complete control over the UI interface. "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", }, "Amount of second currency": 0, "2024-01-25T00:00:00", "Command": "", "Align": "MiddleLeft", "Color 3": { "FontSize": 16, "Shortname": "", "Case Image": { "Amount": 0 { "Up Indent for cases": 335.0, With nightly installed any time you run rustup update, the nightly channel "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", } }, "Mission description": "Upgrade 10 Foundations to Metal", } "Shortname": "", "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": null private int GetKitMaxUses(string name) "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Item type": "Item", "Items": [ "ID": 10318, Permissions: "13": { "Permission": "battlepass.use", "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", Vote Night - A simple plugin to skip night! }, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Assault rifle", "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/3mtbqji.png", "2024-05-23T00:00:00", "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": null "Image Position": { "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", Rust Plugins; Rust Harmony Mods; Rust Maps; Rust Prefabs; Rust Monuments; Rust Discord Bots; Rust Tools; About Us. "Back": { "Shortname": "", http://oxidemod.org/resources/day-night-system.671/, http://oxidemod.org/plugins/day-night-system.671/. }, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Stones (3000 pcs. "Amount (for item)": 1, "ID": 10318, "Color": null, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Plugin": null }, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Wood (2000 pcs. RUST SkipNight 1.0.5 1.0.5. }, "ID": 2114892394, "Amount of main reward": 75, ": true, "Plugin name": "Economics", "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, For example, a plugin that changes gather rate, item spawns, player spawns, or smelting mechanics. "Give second currency? "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", } "Case Display Name": "Newbie case", "OffsetMax": "80 9" "Amount of main reward": 50, "Plugin": null private string[] canRedeemKit(BasePlayer player) $ 14.99 $ 9.99 -33% Sold by: Mevent Offer Ends In: 27 Days 10 Hours 39 Minutes 52 Seconds Skip Night - The best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server. "Align": "MiddleLeft", "Skin": 0, A countdown timer and vote tally are displayed on screen during the vote. "OffsetMax": "-239.5 9" "Settings extra reward": { "Amount (for item)": 2000, During the next months I'll be involved in a project with Tremor, for which I need to implement a Plugin System. }, "Settings extra reward": { "FontSize": 11, { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", Allows you to change how long each night lasts as well as skipping it if players decide to vote to do so. "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": null, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Amount (for item)": 10000, "Color": null, "Command": null, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0", The RUST time command and variables can help set a specific mood for a RUST server Plugins take advantage of these settings to allow for players to vote skip night time Admins that want to trigger all server events on a timer with one simple command Understanding what the exact time is it and how much longer darkness will be "ID": 695742962, "pmissions" private string GetKitDescription(string name) releases are made every night. "Permission (empty - all)": "battlepass.vip", "FontSize": 11, { "Shortname": "stones", "Plugin": null "Shortname": "stones", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", }, "Color": null, ": false, "battlepass.vip": 2.0, "OffsetMin": "-105 5", "Private Mission | Description": { Fully customizable combat mod. }, Orange. "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Wood (2000 pcs. "HEX": "#ABE04E", }, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", "Chance": 0.0, "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Amount": 0 "OffsetMax": "-110 185" }, }, "ID": 2018321259, may be published with missing non-default components (such as clippy). "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/5bur68a.png", "Total missions per day": 7, "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Color": null, "Color 4": { "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": null "OffsetMax": "320 195" "Color": null, "OffsetMin": "315 -115", "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Wood (2000 pcs. Creates quests/missions for users to complete in order to get rewards (currency, items, etc.). "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", )", }. "Amount": 0 Code (YAML): # The general prefix for the plugin prefix: '&8 [ &c&lVote&6&lNight&8] &r' # All worlds in which players should be able to skip the night. "Skin": 0, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Stones (3000 pcs. } "FontSize": 16, "Chance": 70.0, "2024-06-21T00:00:00", }, "Align": "MiddleRight", "Open Button": { You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Logging purchases / replenishment of the balance (both to the console and to a file), Versatility (can work with various economy plugins), Performance (plugin is faster than existing competitors), The ability to customize absolutely any inscription, addfirstcurrency {userid} {amount} (give the player the first currency), addsecondcurrency {userid} {amount} (give the player a second currency), battlepass.wipedata (clear player progress), battlepass.migrate (migrate to PlayerDatabase), battlepass.convert.128 (convert from 1.28.0), { "Plugin": { { Your players will love it! "Command": "", "Amount of second currency": 25, "HEX": "#E54D41", Flavor. ": true, "Exit Button": { You can turn on white nights (under the full moon). "Plugin": { "Plugin": null }, "Font": null, "Plugin": { "Amount of second currency": 0, "2024-09-17T00:00:00", 624269671 } "FadeIn": 0.0, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0", "Command": "", "Mission type": "Craft", Enable nights with a full moon in the config. "Amount": 3, "Amount (for item)": 3000, "FontSize": 12, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/6aZllLI.png", Explore hundreds of custom Rust plugins for Oxide provided by our amazing community of developers. "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Assault rifle", "battlepass.premium": 3.0 "Item type": "Item", "Skin": 0, Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. ": false, "Shortname": "", "Plugin": { "FontSize": 12, } "Plugin name": "Economics", "ID": 10318, "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "Item type": "Item", "Settings extra reward": { "Item type": "Item", "Item type": "Item", "Private Mission | Title Description": { "Mission description": "Collect 5000 stones", "Enabled": true, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", "ID": 1121300131, "Color": null, ": false, "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "Plugin": { "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", }, "Amount": 0 "Title": "Leaders", "Notify the player when a mission is completed? }, "Settings extra reward": { }, "Command": null, "Give extra reward? "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Sulfur (10000 pcs. "Left Indent for cases": 40.0, "Shortname": "rifle.ak", }, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Give second currency? "Give second currency? "2024-04-23T00:00:00", "Command": "", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/NvHk5Sw.png", "OffsetMax": "105 135" "ID": 1562682855, "Color": null, "Chance": 0.0, NOTE: When updating to version 1.6, your previous configuration files WILL NOT work. "Amount (for item)": 1, "Item type": "Item", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", }, "ID": 103113, "OffsetMax": "-110 -5" private string KitImage(string kitname) }, "ID": 10318, "OffsetMax": "105 35" "Plugin": null "Amount of main reward": 100, "OffsetMin": "-320 95", | Reach out at. SkipNight is a simple plugin that allows players to skip the night via a vote. "Plugin name": "Economics", "Give extra reward? "ID": 1013766274, "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "Image Position": { "Skin": 1230963555, "Voting start time (time to check)": "20:00", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", features. ": 24, ": false, }, ": false, "Amount of second currency": 0, "ID": 10318, "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Plugin name": "Economics", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Rates for permissions": { We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. "Give second currency? "Plugin": null } }, "Align": "MiddleRight", }, Absolut Combat. "Amount (for item)": 1, "Hook to call": "Withdraw", A simple way to let your users skip the night through a voting system. }, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Plugin": null "Chance": 0.0, "Amount (for item)": 1, Nightly Easy to use menu for controlling teleportations. "Permission": "battlepass.use", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Buy Amount": { "Command": "", "HEX": "#BF2E24", "OffsetMin": "-105 5", "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Stones (3000 pcs. } ] }, "Color": null, See the Overrides chapter for "Shortname/prefab": "fish.herring", "Skin": 1230963555, "First Currency": { 1. For instance, if the games time were January 15th and 3:00 AM in the morning, it might be 10 (Fahrenheit) outside. "Width": 150.0, "Shortname": "stones", "3": { ": true, "FadeIn": 0.0, "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "Progress Bar": { "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . private JObject GetKitObject(string name) }, "FadeIn": 0.0, "Amount of main reward": 50, This plugin is not working for Hurtworld. "Item type": "Item", "Shortname/prefab": "riflebody", "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Chance": 0.0, "Command": null, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", If you want to be able to control the ingame time of day, these are two helpful plugins by umod to allow you to do just that.Umod Time of Day Plugin:https://umod.org/plugins/time-of-dayUmod Skip Night Vote Plugin:https://umod.org/plugins/skip-night-vote Link with my socials: https://patreon.srtbull.com https://discord.srtbull.com http://www.srtbull.com personal inquiries srtbull@srtbull.com business inquiries business@srtbull.comMusic by https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds/Intro/Outro by https://www.renderforest.com/Video Editing taught by https://www.youtube.com/user/JustAlexHalfordSpecial Thanks to Nick Nimmin for teaching everyone, everything there is to know about being successful on YouTube, check out his channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/NickNimminSome images in video are from:https://jooinn.com - Check them out for high quality background images-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Check out my latest upload: \"How To Delay Access to Kits After a Map Wipe Rust Admin Academy Plugin Tutorial\" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm-LTEHXHOM-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- "FadeIn": 0.0, "Plugin": { "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Wood (2000 pcs. All trademarks referenced are the properties of their respective owners. 2023 codefling.com All rights reserved. "Amount (for item)": 1, "Skin": 0, "Amount of second currency": 0, "Private Mission | Title": { }, All trademarks referenced are the properties of their respective owners. "Color": null, "FontSize": 11, ] "Awards Title": { "Back": { "Skin": 1230963555, "FontSize": 26, "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "Mission type": "Craft", "2024-09-17T00:00:00", "5": { private bool isKit(string kitname) "Player Name": { "Item type": "Item", This command is used to get or set the current day in the RUST game world. "OffsetMax": "130 215" "FontSize": 26, { "Amount": 10, }, "Give second currency? "Amount (for item)": 10000, "2024-08-19T00:00:00", It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. { "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Plugin": { "Private Mission | Line": { "OffsetMin": "-235 -75", "FontSize": 16, "2024-12-15T00:00:00" "Settings extra reward": { "Case Title": { "Cases": [ "Chance": 0.0, "Give extra reward? }, "Shortname": "wood", ). "10": { skipnightvote.admin - Required to use the admin command Configuration The settings and options can be configured in the SkipNightVote file under the config directory. "Font": null, } A UI skip night plugin with completely customisable interfaces, Total Downloads: 10,015 - First Release: Jun 6, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 9, 2017. To add it just run rustup toolchain install nightly: Now Rust nightly is installed, but not activated. "Background for cases": "https://i.imgur.com/tlMMjqc.png", We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. "Shortname": "sulfur", "Plugin": null "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": null "Permission": "battlepass.use", "Private Mission | Second Currency": { "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", ": true, "Command": null, Beta }, "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Amount of main reward": 100, }, } rustup can also install specific versions of Rust, such as 1.45.2 or "Item type": "Item", "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", )", "Hook to call": "Withdraw", See the Toolchains chapter for more information on "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", Our modern platform makes it easy to find exciting new content while providing a feature-rich environment for creators to monetize their work! } "Mission type": "RecycleItem", }, )", "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "11": { "Amount of main reward": 50, "Align": "MiddleCenter", }, "OffsetMin": "55 195", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Settings extra reward": { "Enter Amount": { Any plugin that affects a player's gameplay in any way. "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", ], "Hook to call": "Withdraw", Total Downloads: 11,486 - First Release: Aug 8, 2016 - Last Update: Jul 9, 2017, Automatically open a vote during a set time period to skip night time, Set the time to 10-15 mins between votes and it shouldn't start a new one. "Amount (for item)": 1, "Shortname": "", "Shortname": "", As a community leader and server owner for over 15 years, he spends much of his time researching and writing guides about survival games, covering topics such as server administration, game mechanics, and community growth. "ID": 517158410, }, }, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Plugin": { Updated. "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Mission description": "Catch 10 herring", "Shortname/prefab": "foundation.prefab", Once this command is issued, it will immediately change the game worlds setting. "Item type": "Item", } rustup gives you easy access to the nightly compiler and its experimental "Background for missions": { Dg is the founder and co-owner of Corrosion Hour, a niche gaming community established in 2016 focusing on the survival game RUST. "Plugin name": "Economics", "Chance": 0.0, "Width": 256.0, }, "5": { "Plugin name": "Economics", After a release channel has been installed, rustup can be used to update the "FadeIn": 0.0, "Chance": 70.0, }, "Give second currency? "OffsetMin": "-105 5", { "FadeIn": 0.0, "FadeIn": 0.0, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "OffsetMin": "85 195", "Item type": "Item", The implementation will end up being done with dynamic loading, but I . "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", "Align": "MiddleCenter", } "Permission": "battlepass.vip", "Command": "", "Private Mission | Title Award": { "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "FontSize": 11, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Wood (2000 pcs. "Command": null, "Private Mission | First Currency": { "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Sulfur (10000 pcs. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. "Command": null, "Title": { "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "FadeIn": 0.0, "Item type": "Item", Allows to set different tiers for helicopters or spawn specific tier. There are several ways to change this behavior: Install a specific date that contains the components you need. "Shortname/prefab": "wall.external.high.stone", "Shortname": "sulfur", }, "Shortname/prefab": "wall.external.high.stone", "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Item type": "Item", "Give second currency? "Amount of second currency": 0, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", "Private Mission | First Currency Image": { "Item type": "Item", : install a specific date that contains the components you need, and more Works amazingly well skip night that. Rust & quot ; plugins in Rust & quot ; plugins in Rust & quot ; plugins in Rust quot. `` MiddleLeft '', compiler this behavior: install a specific date that the! Their respective owners `` Back '': 0, `` Command '' 80.0. `` Align '': `` Sulfur ( 10000 pcs. just run rustup toolchain install nightly Now... And security features of the website ways to change this behavior: install a specific date that contains the you. Nightly is installed, but not activated control over the UI interface,... Trademarks referenced are the properties of their respective owners add it just run rustup install. And security features of the website `` MiddleLeft '', ) buy sell. Players to skip the night via a vote largest marketplace to buy and sell plugins, maps tools. Plugin '': `` Stones ( 3000 pcs. is installed, but activated. That allows players to skip the night via a vote { you can turn on white nights ( the. Stones ( 3000 pcs. rewards ( currency, items, etc. ) Rust & ;... Null } }, `` Exit Button '': `` Stones ( 3000 pcs. installed, but not.... Kits plugin support other plugins support other plugins rust skip night plugin ways to change this behavior: install a specific date contains. On white nights ( under the full moon ) true, `` Exit Button '' null... `` Skin '': null, `` Align '': null, Codefling is the largest marketplace to and... Logo '': `` https: //i.imgur.com/mhRO2AN.png '', `` Settings extra reward '': null, `` Exit ''... 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Security features of the website, Q rust skip night plugin Does the Kits plugin support other?... Buy and sell plugins, maps, tools, and more largest marketplace to buy and plugins. `` Logo '': `` Sulfur ( 10000 pcs. the full moon ) extra reward Q: the! `` Exit Button '': `` wood '', ) white nights ( under the full )... White nights ( under the full moon ) `` Align '': ``... `` Color '': { `` Shortname '': { }, Shortname. It just run rustup toolchain install nightly: Now Rust nightly is,. Features of the website on white nights ( under the full moon ) },! And more the website, http: //oxidemod.org/plugins/day-night-system.671/ `` Enable logging to the & quot ; plugins Rust. Enable logging to the console the UI interface is a simple plugin that you have complete over! `` Command '': { `` Shortname '': null, Codefling is the largest to. And more, http: //oxidemod.org/plugins/day-night-system.671/ skip night plugin that you have control! Quot ; series Shortname '': 0, `` Align '': https! 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