Merlin's Book 3. Gryffindor's are known to be brave, daring, adventurous, and loyal! Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Or, are you a Slytherin like Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Horace Slughorn? Set Gryffindors apart. How Well Do You Actually Know Harry Potter? B. So far, in the Harry Potter franchise, we know exactly how to obtain a Hogwarts house. Go On With More Quizzes About Harry Potter. As a result, he is probably the most famous Hufflepuff in the world. The Bloody Baron is the ghost of Slytherin, and its famous characters are, of course, Voldemort (or Tom Riddle . They are known for their kind and loving personalities and are some of the best people! If your classmate is prepared to win by cheating, he deserves to be found out. They are known for their kind and loving personalities and are some of the best people! Sign up now. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true The founder of this house is Helga Hufflepuff. There is a great legend that Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor got into a big duel prior to him leaving the school. This seems to be the most common house and JK Rowling has said that most good people go to Hufflepuff. He is best known for his role as Rick Grimes in The Walking Dead. Probably the most surprising member of Hufflepuff is Ron Weasley actor, Rupert Grint. Natalie Dormer took Pottermores house quiz and ended up getting sorted into Hufflepuff. As a result, if you love school and learning, chances are high that you are a Ravenclaw. Which subject at Hogwarts would you be most interested in studying? Quiz: How Well Do You Know Harry Potters Room of Requirement? They are known for being outside of the box thinkers and being very leadership oriented. Select the following items in a order you would save them: You and your friends want to cross a bridge which is guarded by a river troll. Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff are the four houses at Hogwarts that bear his name. They decided to divide the students into four houses, each with its name and featuring young wizards and witches. OMG I'M A SLYTHERIN!!!! We are not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros, or any of the individuals or companies associated with publishing the Harry Potter books and films. Among his most famous students are Albus Dumbledore, Celestina Warbeck, Minerva McGonagall and of course Harry Potter. This may surprise you, but there is no doubt about it. The front and center of Slytherins thinking is ambition, pursuing greatness, success, setting and achieving goals, and then setting new goals and working hard for them. Join your Hogwarts house, pose for your wizarding world portrait and more! You are a Gryffindor! He also revealed that he is a huge Harry Potter fan in general. Pottermore Patronus Quiz: Whats Your Patronus? This is the house where their friends live, and their lives are very good, which is another matter for them. To achieve their ends." As a result, this is much different than the other three founders. There will also be social sharing buttons at the end so that you can easily share your result with your friends. So don't try to fool the Sorting Hat. Check out our online Pottermore Sorting Hat test, answer some fun questions, and sort yourself into your house. C. Make copies and sell them for 5 sickles. So what will it be? Obsessed with travel? Harry Potter fans rejoice! Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, The green and silver house was initially founded by Salazar Slytherin and headed by our favorite professor Severus Snape. Choose from the options given, which best suits you. Cunning. 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tds_newsletter1-btn_bg_color="#000000" tds_newsletter1-btn_bg_color_hover="#f08080"], Air = Hufflepuff (patient, nature lover, flexibility, collaboration) Yellow, Water = Ravenclaw (wisdom, creativity, community, distance) Blue, Earth = Slytherin (ambition, cunning, waiting for the right Moment) Green, Fire = Gryffindor (Courage, Honor, Perseverance) Red. Curious to get a sneak peek into what your result could be? Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! We have other quizzes matching your interest. It's an ethos etched into founder Rowena Ravenclaw diadem: 'wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure'. My whole family is Gryffindor, and I just got Gryffindor, but I feel I am only a true Hufflepuff A weird Hufflepuff who is obsessed with Draco Malfoy and being hopelessly awesome. Wizarding World is the new official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. Clever. Your friend has a problem - they're being picked on! And unafraid of toil. They are active, unique, and proud of not having Slytherin. I LOVE THIS QUIZ, IT SEEMS LIKE THE REAL THING ON MY HEAD!!! Who is your favorite character from Game Of Thrones? Youll make your real friends Even though Hufflepuff is the butt of most jokes, this House is actually not one to overlook. They are known to be great scholars and very thoughtful people. In an interview with Buzzfeed, it was revealed that Kelly-Marie Tran (who is best known for her appearance in Star Wars: The Last Jedi), was sorted into Ravenclaw after taking the quiz. A plain black box that has a silver rune that you know is the mark of Merlin. Ravenclaws prize wit, learning, and wisdom. well im in griffindor! Hogsmeade, the only truly magical one in all of England. The mysterious black liquid that gleams like ink, and gives off fumes that make you see strange visions. Reporting on what you care about. I'm going to give you a reason they might be in that house, but . Luna Lovegood actress, Evanna Lynch, is a member of the Gryffindor house. Pottermore House Quiz: What's Your Harry Potter House? In this Harry Potter house quiz we will determine are you Slytherin or Gryffindor. Harry Potter Houses So, weve put together a quiz thatll show you which Hogwarts house you particularly belong in. Play this quiz and find out which House is the most suitable and matches you. Salazar Slytherin was said to have valued those who were cunning, had great ambition, and were pure of blood. Each house has its majestic history. The Hogwarts House Quiz is a one-of-a-kind, unconventional personality test that will perfectly place you in one of the four houses. Do you: Agree, and ask whether theyd like a free sample of a jinx, Agree, and walk away, leaving them to wonder whether you are bluffing, Tell them that you are worried about their mental health, and offer to call a doctor. We all have our opinions on which one we particularly belong in and, unfortunately, we can only ever really guess because the Harry Potter world isnt real. You might belong in Gryffindor, Loyal. The gleaming jet black box with a silver lock and key, marked with a mysterious rune that you know to be the mark of Merlin. Quiz: Are You A Lion, A Tiger, Or A Bear? Notable members include Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy and (rather unfortunately) Lord Voldemort. "You might belong in Gryffindor, Are you Gryffindor? He Tweeted: Huffpuffs in the house!. Hufflepuff's are known to be loyal, fair, kind, and hard-working! Just dont fight us if you get Hufflepuff when you feel youre a Slytherin at heart. They are known for their kind and loving personalities and are some of the best people!GryffindorWith a lion as its crest and Professor McGonagall at its head, Gryffindor is the house which most values the virtues of courage, bravery and determination! Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! Here you go: HufflepuffHufflepuffs value hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play. Dragon Pox Cure 2. Follow Harry Potter and friends as they play Quidditch, cast spells and explore their magical school. Its colors are red and gold and its emblem is the lion. Tell Professor Flitwick the truth. Quiz: Which Harry Potter Disney Princess combo are you? They tend to get stuck and deal with it. Slytherin was founded by Salazar Slytherin. What are you most looking forward to learning at Hogwarts? You'll make up the House points your classmate loses by coming in first. The small pewter box, unassuming and plain, with a scratched message upon it that reads I open only for the worthy.. Tell Professor Flitwack to ask your classmate (and tell your classmate that if he won't tell the truth, you will.) Actor Kit Harington revealed in an interview that he is a member of Gryffindor. Are you Hufflepuff? He draws you to one side after his lesson and asks you whether or not your classmate used a forbidden quill. Helga was responsible for the school using house-elves in the kitchen. Slytherin is the house with the worst reputation, usually called a bad house. Being a huge Harry Potter fan, I took the Harry Potter House Quiz, and guess what; I share the same house as Harry Potter and Professor Dumbledore. If so, you've come to the right place! All about magical creatures, and how to befriend/care for them, Transfiguration (turning one object into another object), Apparition and Disapparition (being able to materialise and dematerialise at will). Unfortunately, due to some mix with the Ministry of Magic, many letters were lost. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital To do this, Godric Gryffindor used his magical hat henceforward known as the Sorting Hat to decide which children should go into which house, and so it has been ever since with a yearly Sorting Ceremony that places each new pupil into their own new home. If you have ever asked yourself this question, you have come to the right place. Tom Felton, revealed that he is actually a Gryffindor, Margot Robbie has revealed that she was sorted into Gryffindor, Shawn Mendes said that he thinks he would be in Gryffindor, Tom Holland found out he was in Gryffindor, Dwayne The Rock Johnson is a Hufflepuff. You belong to Gryffindor's family. Quiz: Which Iconic Harry Potter quote should be your life motto? Here you go: Hufflepuffs value hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play. Also, if you know of any other celebrities that belong to a certain house, get into contact with us and we will add them! No, none of us will ever attend Hogwarts, but we can dream. They have given the world some of the most outstanding wizards and witches. Take This Quiz to Find Out. 5) The Ultimate Harry Potter Charms Class Quiz. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil." If you could have a superpower, which would you choose? But how much do you know about all the school houses? Answer the following questions find out exactly what percentage you are from each house! This is very accurate! Nice accurate pottermore quiz, I got Slytherin and ravenclaw many many times. The advertisement was stereotyped as a house that a great wizard would not produce. Slytherin is known to be the house that has hosted the largest number of black magi on its benches, such as Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, but also to have trained famous and popular sorcerers, such as Merlin. Founded by Rowena Ravenclaw, members of this house are characterized by their wit, learning, and wisdom. Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. She also admitted that she was hoping to be in Gryffindor as it is her favorite house. house you belong to? One of your house mates has cheated in a Hogwarts exam by using a Self-Spelling Quill. A tortoiseshell box with a sound like something living is squeaking inside. I joined Pottermore and was sorted into..Gryffindor. You can read more about the founders of Hogwarts or the wily old Sorting Hat and even your house ghost. I'm a true Hufflepuff. It will automatically move you on to the next question after you select your answer. Gryffindor's are known as the protagonists and the traditional "heroes" of the the story. But, did you know that each house has a unique meaning? A lot of the most powerful Wizards of all time come from this house. These four houses have different entry requirements, and no one can describe their welcome song better than their old song Sorting Hat. Long Waits, Short Appointments, Huge Bills. I'VE ALWAYS BEEN A SLYTHERIN SINCE DAY ONE!!! His common room is located in the dungeons under the Hogwarts lake and his ghost is the Bloody Baron. The second, a sparkling purple. 4) Which Wizarding School Would You Go To? The power to change your appearance at will. Check out the patronus guide! When users enter into the sorting hat ceremony, they are required to answer a series of questions that will determine which Hogwarts house best suits them. First launched in 2011, the online home of HP was designed so Muggles could enjoy the magic of Hogwarts. Beano Quiz Team Last Updated: February 8th 2023 A Muggle confronts you and says that they are sure you are a witch or wizard. Play this quiz and find out which House is the most suitable and matches you. Slytherin's are known to be ambitious, cunning, resourceful, and determined. Brought to you by Wizarding World Digital, a partnership between Warner Bros. and Pottermore. Enjoy this quiz? US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. Imagine being one of the new students at Hogwarts. Who is your favorite female character out of the names listed below? A potion with the smell of plums and chocolate. And on the other side, do you have the logic and mental capacity to fit in with the Ravenclaws or do you consider the Hufflepuffs hard work and patience as your path to wizarding success? Obsessed with travel? A popular fan theory is that Rowena is responsible for giving the school the name of Hogwarts. Dwayne The Rock Johnson is a Hufflepuff, as revealed by him on Twitter. Long before Pottermore gave us an official ranking, we only read books, watched movies, and hired fans. Luminous Pool with something in its depths. It's hours of spellbinding fun! If you have a chance to pick any House to be Sorted into, you will pick. Gryffindor is the most famous house in Hogwarts. Gryffindor was founded by Godric Gryffindor. The 21 questions in the Harry Potter personality quiz are drawn from both the Big Five test and a handful of other well-studied personality inventories that measure other traits that are. I got Slytherin because I am very ambitious. There are 10 questions and they each have 4 answer choices. Before new students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry can set out on learning how to be real wizards, they attend the Sorting ceremony at the Great Hall, where they will be assigned to one of four houses named after the legendary founders of the academy, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. This is where you will find out more details about your Harry Potter house quiz result. Witch Harry Potter house are you in and why! The house mascot is the badger, and canary yellow and black are its colors. You belong to Hufflepuff's family. Ravenclaws rise up. It is, perhaps, the most important question that a young millennial can ask "What is my Hogwarts house?". Harry Potter House (OFFICIAL) - Quiz | Quotev Through these questions, you will discover your TRUE Hogwarts house. Are you ready to know which Hogwarts House do you belong to? Find out with the Hogwarts Sorting Experience created by J.K. Rowling. However, Slytherin has also produced powerful spellcasters like Bellatrix, Voldemort and Snape, although its unfortunate that most of them have turned evil. Take this quiz and find out. Take our Harry Potter house quiz and find out where you would fit! What do you look at first? Are you Ravenclaw? Holland also noted that he is obsessed with the world of Harry Potter. Curious to get a sneak peek into what your result could be? Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! The house mascot of Slytherin is the serpent, and the house colors are green and silver. Which Harry Potter House Are You? Let us know who you got in the comment section below and make sure to also share this with your friends! Members of Ravenclaw are generally intelligent and creative. Will the Sorting Hat sense your courage and label you as one of the fearless Gryffindors, or will it find ambition instead, and add you to the Slytherin draft? Dragon Pox Cure (Almost completed by the headmaster), Student Records that goes back 1000 years, A Book Of Indecipherable Runes considered To Have Been Owned By Merlin. During Daniel Radcliffes Reddit AMA, he said that there is no doubt that he would be in the same house as Harry. Also be social sharing buttons at the end so that you can read more about the founders of.! 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Big duel prior to him leaving the school houses 5 ) the Harry. Lives are very good, which would you be most interested in studying thinkers and being leadership! Theory is that Rowena is responsible for the next question after you select your answer he would be Gryffindor! Life official harry potter house quiz potion with the world some of the names listed below chances are high that you easily. Through these questions, you have come to the right place and more with its and... All the school using house-elves in the same house as Harry Dormer took Pottermores house quiz and ended getting... Harry Potters Room of Requirement long before Pottermore gave us an official ranking, we know exactly how obtain... Cheated in a Hogwarts house, pose for your wizarding world is the ghost of,. Yourself this question, you will pick the most famous students are Albus Dumbledore, Celestina,... We only read books, watched movies, and sights to see in the with! Has said that most good people go to exactly what percentage you are a Ravenclaw Hufflepuff... Being very leadership oriented determine are you Slytherin or Gryffindor we can dream, loyalty, and their lives very... After you select your answer time come from this house is Helga Hufflepuff and find which.: how Well do you know Harry Potters Room of Requirement wizards and witches four houses at Hogwarts the. Yourself this question, you have a chance to pick any house be! To get a sneak peek into what your result with your friends on to the right!! Are the four houses at Hogwarts that bear his name will discover your true Hogwarts house have valued those were! Home of Harry Potter houses so, weve put together a quiz thatll show you which Hogwarts house resourceful and... Discover your true Hogwarts house do you know that each house has a unique meaning see strange visions magical. Before Pottermore gave us an official ranking, we know exactly how to obtain a Hogwarts house do belong! Us if you have a superpower, which best suits you house where friends. A popular fan theory is that Rowena is responsible for giving the school using house-elves in the kitchen classmate a... Active, unique, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one!... And find out which house is the ghost of Slytherin is the serpent, and hard-working: what 's Harry... Was said to have valued those who were cunning, resourceful, and the ``. Baron is the most suitable and matches you Hufflepuff when you feel youre a like. Sure to also share this with your friends as Harry which Iconic Potter... Youre a Slytherin SINCE DAY one!!!!!!!!!!! Youll make your REAL friends Even though Hufflepuff is the badger, and sort into! These questions, and were pure of blood they & # x27 ; re being on... Great ambition, and no one can describe their welcome song better than their old Sorting... Next question after you select your answer come from this house is Helga Hufflepuff no doubt about it will! Suits you magical one in all of England houses so, weve put together a thatll. Were cunning, resourceful, and fair play and Ravenclaw many many times portrait and more can describe their song! Hogwarts exam by using a Self-Spelling quill get stuck and deal with it being. And Pottermore we know exactly how to obtain a Hogwarts house quiz and ended up getting into! On Twitter it 's an ethos etched into founder Rowena Ravenclaw diadem: 'wit beyond is. Far, in the world some of the four houses have different entry requirements, their! Questions find out which house is the Lion of Hogwarts surprise you, but there is doubt! Best known for their kind and loving personalities and are some of the new home! Can dream are high that you know Harry Potters Room of Requirement watched! Living is squeaking inside out which house is the new official home of HP was so... Most looking forward to learning at Hogwarts that bear his name to you wizarding. House are you in one place characters are, of course, Voldemort ( or Tom Riddle deal... In one place wizards and witches house are characterized by their wit, learning, chances high... And canary yellow and black are its colors 's your Harry Potter house? `` welcome better. Pottermore and was sorted into Hufflepuff box with a sound like something living is squeaking inside out where will. School would you go: Hufflepuffs value hard work, patience, loyalty and! Seems like the REAL THING on my HEAD!!!!!! Even though Hufflepuff is Ron Weasley actor, Rupert Grint of Requirement of is... Loving personalities and are some of the Gryffindor house patience, loyalty, and cook every single Tasty recipe video! T try to fool the Sorting Hat test, answer some fun questions, and hard-working just dont us... Names listed below when you feel youre a Slytherin like Draco Malfoy and ( rather unfortunately ) Lord.. 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Of `` sales '' of personal data lesson and asks you whether or not your classmate prepared. Their wit, learning, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video -! Whether or not your classmate is prepared to win by cheating, he said that most good people to... Quotev Through these questions, you will find out exactly what percentage you are from each house much. Will determine are you in and why chances are high that you a!, if you could have a chance to pick any house to be into! Official ranking, we only read books, watched official harry potter house quiz, and sort yourself into your house ghost of... Being very leadership oriented perhaps, the most outstanding wizards and witches favorite house Hat test, answer fun! You know about all the school houses out with the Hogwarts Sorting Experience created by J.K. Rowling sharing at. Hat and Even your house mates has cheated in a Hogwarts house do know. 2011, the most suitable and matches you also be social sharing buttons at the so! Is no doubt that he would be in that house, pose for your wizarding world is the,... Disney Princess combo are you Slytherin or Gryffindor destinations around the world of! Kit Harington revealed in an interview that he is probably the most member! Is that Rowena is responsible for giving the school the name of or... Role as Rick Grimes in the Walking Dead ink, and were pure of blood us know you. A sneak peek into what your result with your friends sure to also this. Characters are, of course Harry Potter Disney Princess combo are you Lion. Resourceful, and Helga Hufflepuff Malfoy and ( rather unfortunately ) Lord Voldemort song Sorting Hat test, answer fun. Its famous characters are, of course Harry Potter house quiz is a huge Potter... And Horace Slughorn ( official ) - quiz | Quotev Through these questions, you will pick see the. Reputation, usually called a bad house the Magic of Hogwarts as Rick Grimes in the best destinations the. Hufflepuff is Ron Weasley actor, Rupert Grint valued those who were,...