Go on, explain to me why that "theory" is accurate, what you have to support it, why it makes any sense at all or how it is anything less than totally arbitrary. I was consistently INTJ all of my life. lol. Well I think we should first look at this from an accuracy standpoint. They're just more likely to be intelligent in certain types of intelligence. A very common type but they seem to be up there with ENTJ and ENFJ in regards to IQ. Not to argue or anything, but intuitives who believe in the possibilities of paranormal activity, psychics, etc, are probably smarter than those who don't because they can see how their perception of the world is only limited to what they can actually perceive instead of what there actually is. I do not think I/E has anything to do with a person's intellect. Enstein was only 160 IQ (15 sd) Feeling usually involves people. By the way, if this doesnt convince you, maybe this will.http://advan.physiology.org/content/262/6/S1.full.pdf Fe Fi and Se are the least intelligent functions. 6. Young children have a profound sense of idealism about the world and they ask the most bizarre questions like "why do shapes exist?". - ESFP/ESTP: Most aware of their enviornment, as well as how far they can push their limits. Verywell / JR Bee. Culture and industry matters. How would you objectively rate intelligence? She may work hard, but her innate intellectual capacity is unlikely up to par with the thousands of N's who are simply too lazy to apply to an Ivy. Intelligence.. shall we break it down ? I'm 24, unemployed, I can't drive, and I don't even have a good excuse for any of those. The true pattern-recognition based test gave me 95. ESFJ- ESFJs are intelligent when it comes to people and knowing the right thing to say to make people happy. Any mbti type can learn certain intelligence, but doesn't come as naturally to them as another type would. Several Myers-Briggs personality types show a more social or societal focus, thus scoring lower on IQ tests and earning less income. They don't even want the future. They're slated to shut down by the end of March. A score between 30 and 80 is considered normal. Why then, is every single type under-represented in the top 2%? Highly insightful, they use their intelligence tempered with innate feelings to read an environment and adapt. Why don't we talk experience? Also, the chart you gave could mean two things: 1. So I think many INF, can adjust them to be ENF, ESF, ENT, EST, INT, IST, ISF when facing different situations. This article is fairly accurate and logically sound, though I'd still debate INF vs ENT. Intelligence has nothing to do with independence, you can only say that the extroverts get their energy from the outside, which does not even represent a dependence (moreover), because we live in a human society, not on the moon, the world is full of people from whom extroverts can get energy. But i can say, SJ types are the least intelligent of all with several reasons : E's are usually influential in the foreground as leaders while I's are generally influential in the background as philosophers. Feeling is usually a less logical approach to things, but when coupled with introverted intuition it becomes more logical as it is normalized through a much more precise channel. Feeling, and Judging vs. While IQ tests may attempt to do so, they cannot accurately predict a person's ability to take in information and process it in real life situations. They are protective over others who look out for them. The main problems are in the way that they are interpreted. But I do want to point out that if you look in you function order you'll find that you, as an INTj, use intuition, to a greater extent than thinking, while the case is opposite for the INTPs. Your analysis exhibits a lack of understanding regarding what the Myers-Briggs type actually indicates. or INTJ.. I don't understand why people are so defensive to state that MBTI is useless when a simple yet complex trait is mentioned: intelligence. Yet everything gets easily blurred by my feeling side and my need to skip every step so quickly. 2. These people often have high logical-mathematical intelligence and are good with logical reasoning and analysis. I can imagine an ENTP having some pretty grand ideas that they could easily force on the rest of us. Intp seem to be more "spiritual". Maybe I don't quite understand what's meant by influence being the marker for intelligence in this case, but I'm not sure I'd choose that as a unit anyways. There are plenty of INTP's who will end up accomplishing little to nothing, and ESF's who have greater mental capacity than INTP's. This article doesn't answer 'Which MBTI type is smartest?" INFJ's are best at knowing the emotional and spiritual world. Didn't even get past the first sentences. And another one that is Istp. There is not one valid reason to support this. Okay, so being smart starts first with N. Then it goes to I. In terms of household income, ENTJs came out on top, while INFPs came in dead last. We carry out what the "background philosophers" dream about. They seemed to be some Great Other who took classes I had no interest in at school. But I suspect his IQ is high despite his M-B profile. Those aren't the main problems, though. 12. But for the purposes of this article we are going to measure smart as the influence one has over others and society. How about the idea that there are different paths. It may not be the best type, as they all have unique qualities. 1. http://advan.physiology.org/content/262/6/S1.full.pdf. So, here is the big question. If you want to base it on logical and analytical ability, then it's probably the INTP, yet they have a tendency to be exceedingly lazy. Many of them seem to be INFP or ENFP personality types. Shakespeare developed a whole art form surrounding this phenomena. A relevant omission is the frequency of occurrence of each personality type? THERE IS NO SOURCE FOR THIS CHART! INTJ- They are extremely skilled when it comes to information, storing it and knowing how to use it in the big picture. He could run circles around others without breaking a sweat. As for the lack of Data? ISFP You aren't talking about cognitive functions. 13. So yeah, it isn't complete, but it is far from bad. ISTJs are methodical not interested in big ideas. I once partnered with an INFJ managing a State presidential Campaign - My partner was brilliant, and one of the few people to earn my respect - And yet when it came to "Strategic and Positioning" (Guessing) decisions he always deferred to my ENT thinking because he understood we were dealing with relating to many different personalites which the ENT has a natural understanding of. 13 Signs The Relationship Is Over For Him, 109 Best Appreciation Messages To Show Gratitude, The Ultimate Love List: 365 Reasons Why I Love You, 11 Effective Exercises For Letting Go Of Resentment, Letter to Your Daughter: 13 Heartfelt Sentiments to Consider, 13 Best Ways To Deal With A Disrespectful Grown Child, 147 Powerful Morning Affirmations To Start Your Day. But unlike ISFJs, they appear to be smarter on the outside. This bar graph from Business Insider provides an important contrast to the previous one: Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is another measure of ones ability to fit into society and exhibit empathy. Known as energetic, prejudiced, and self-satisfied, they comprise 9% of the general population, with almost twice as many men and 11% as women. Furthermore, I do agree that emotional intelligence and cognitive ability are more important in determing a person's intellectual success than an mbti result, but I will say that it is highly probable an mbti result will determine how effective a person is likely to be intellectually. She usually comes up with the ideas, and I usually figure out how to apply them to real life. The letters (traits) are nothing but to help the definition of the cognitive functions which are divided into Judging functions (Thinking extra/intro, Feeling extra/intro) and Perceiving functions (Intuition extra/intro, Sensing extra/intro). I's derive their energy from the universe. My close INTP friend while incredibly intelligent and can remember details in a phenomenal way that I usually can't, can many times not realize how sometimes people can react badly to things she does and turns to me for advice. They can completely cut out time wasting emotional reactions and see logic, not only that they keep to themselves, storing even more information. So if you try to think about who actually is most likely to getting the maximum satisfaction from life, the entire order you proposed changes. But in other cases the INFJ may have more to offer than the ENTJ. The P-types in less organised workspaces while J-types in the more structured jobs. So intuatives are generally more intrested in learning than sensors. SJ on routine. But INTPs and ENTPs extrovert their feeling (Although as this is deep, they aren't well equipped to deal with emotion, though they don't knowingly hurt feelings much. The concept of "political correctness" is a fundamentally flawed concept as it is reliant on the general ideas that the opinions of white heterosexual cisgender abled men are normal and all other people's views are "political". Others are more logic and mathematical , and there are those who have pleasure at cooking , building houses , fixing cars , organizing files and databases , etc. There is no pattern there which is why there is absolutely no statistical evidence to support your claims. Surely there is no correlation there Hey, so is the author of this article an INTP? Generally agree. ISFJ is the most common U.S. Population type, with 14% exhibiting traits. This "is a very valuable form of intelligence to have in a word of emotional beings," Robledo notes. There is a strong relationship between MBTI intuition and high intelligence. - INFP/ENFP: Most emotionally intelligent (Quickest to understand the true motives behind peoples actions) Regardless, either can be smarter, and in most cases, INTPs are the most likely to have the highest IQ, according to non-proven but some of the closest to accurate statistics. And hey, maybe you are a genius (in one way.) "People who are smart generally rise to the top of influence ". I am of the opinion that INTJs and INTPs are roughly equal when it comes to intelligence. But then again I'm an INFP myself and if it's relating to my type or me as an individual , I personally love studying stuff I can relate and connect with deeply and personally as well as tools which help me understand people and their motives better. Feelers are the social innovators of the world while thinkers are the technical innovators of the world. Where are your sources? I'd rank my letters from most to least influential as N/S, I/E, T/F, and J/P. Te and Si are middle off the road function both highly organised have decent memories especially Si types. I know plenty of environments and cultures whete intjs are shot down and have no influence. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Those are INTP and ISTP. However, there are exceptions. By holding on to this concept; before appointing it's substance as a substrate, perhaps it can help define the boundaries in which to progress. If you actually look at ISFJs (just like the INFJs) they do this exact same thing because they have Ti in their tertiary too. There morals can make them selfish and kinds stupid. Not sure I agree with your definition of "smart", though. IQ testing seems to favor the INXX personality with a slight edge given to the INTP personality. INTPs have a reputation for being the "oddball" personality type. So how are intuitives who would mostly match my IQ range seen as visionary highly rational people? It can be quite analytical in terms off the outside world. Animals share the emotional traits that humans possess, but they don't share the reasoning traits. It's a case of each is just better at yielding solutions a different kind of extremely -but equally- difficult and complex problem. Surely? ESFPs are typically optimistic, even in challenging circumstances. In conclusion, they're actually just as dumb as ISFJs in the end. I don't know INTJs are smarter than INTPs or not, but they know how to use there intelligence in a usefull way, and that makes them usually more successful than us. What about istp aka me there 1% of the population and I'm in the top of my class ap in all but I do lack in ela but that just may be me for istp. These series lost their leads, sometimes abruptly, but still continued on. Again these are all my opinion but I am going to explain my reasoning below. I even heard how sensors would pretend to be intuitives in the MBTI Community for some reason. Based on my own personal research regarding MBTI and intelligence, I'd say the most intelligent type is the INTJ. I'm just saying that if your friend were an INTJ, with his current emotional intelligence and cognitive ability, he would gain the talent of unlimited perspective, deep critical analytical thinking, and rationality, making him a genius with more effective power. Why some got so much offended having to post novel-long comments? Ni always wants to understand below the surface level and understand the deeper meaning. These are all talents that allow for high IQ scores. BI chart is kind of redundant though as we know that certain types do not value money or accept it as a measure of success. You are simply wrong if you think we're close-minded. There are smart E's and smart I's. Join us in exploring the 16 personality types. and rank them based on your understanding or interpretation of "intelligence," then see which types have which functions as dominant. You come off as an absolute idiot if you feel the need to attack someone over their analysis, their are several ways to interpret a set of data, just because it doesn't align with yours doesn't mean it's wrong and necessary for name calling. I must say I really enjoyed the way you came to your conclusions. You're biased! Extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging types are also among the most intelligent,Joseph Puglisi, CEO of Dating Iconic, explains. INFJ- Incredibly big picture people I think they are the smartest when it comes to philosphy in life. The amount of influence? I liked this chart - http://geekologie.com/image.php?path=/2013/12/09/star-wars-myers-briggs- interestingly PALPATINE and YODA are "INT" and JAR JAR BINKS in an "ESF". Perhaps it may sound idealistic of me but perhaps it could even be a tool that could help us understand one another and ourselves just that one step closer to world peace maybe. And so we decided to do our own study, using the TypeFinder personality test, which is based on the theory . Durch Klicken auf Alle akzeptieren erklren Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass Yahoo und unsere Partner Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten und Technologien wie Cookies nutzen, um personalisierte Anzeigen und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr ber die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie fr die Entwicklung von Produkten. Anyways in my experience ENxPs and INTJs tend to be the smartest. The analysis should deal with the cognitive functions and not the letters. That's coming from an INFP- but I'd like to think that doesn't matter. NF's do use critical thinking as well. Other big brains on the list are ESTJs. How's that for ENTP; basically "I say reverse-engineer IQ tests!" An hour of reading should bring you to the conclusion that you are heavily under-analyzing this topic because the theory goes much deeper than your current understanding of it. Dont forget it is a mean : The highest IQ now is VISHALINI (235) the indian girl INTP ; with Marilyn vos savant (228) who is INTP also. 1. Plus you're analysis is not backed by any scientific research or numbers. Now for my two cents: in contrast to traditional "intelligence", I see propensities for consistency as alternate forms of intelligence. Perhaps I'm one of those who's most in the clouds. Assessing someone's Myers-Briggs personality type requires examining them on four facets: Introverted vs. Extroverted, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. This personality combination makes up 4% of the population, with twice as many men as women. Like an S who hasn't quite developed their intuition, an ENT hasn't quite developed their focus, where the INF has. Introverted and intuitive, these individuals are among the most intelligent on the scale. You're not saying what exactly is wrong. Why don't we talk Chakras? As for this analysis I don't exactly agree with it. Thats very interesting. "The ESTJ is an incredible project organizerthey know how to keep things simple.". It should be noted that there were only 8 types in Jung system (ETJ, EFJ, ITP, ESP, ENP, ISJ, INJ, IFP). Reasoning traits, in my opinion, are a higher end form of intelligence than emotion and therefore more akin towards being influential. INTP is too busy making things work that they have no time to plan. Intelligence, like a playground see-saw, is a balancing act. Is it fully accurate? Virginity and tool making makes intj smarter. The only difference being they dont know what to do with things. ENTPs are idea people. Socionics and MBTI are pretty closely related (I think. I put emphasis on my F type because to me intelligence can mean the knowledge of being able to predict what people want and read between the lines in order to provide it to them. If everyone were completely healthy geniuses the same in every other stat besides mbti, the INTJs would simply be the most drawn to becoming what most people culturally believe to be intelligent, and therefore be the most influential in what most people culturally believe to be intelligence. My family is comprised of the N-J types. I believe that intj's are better than intp's at critical thinking. So in order of importance for intelligence I would rank these as follows: I would weigh whether or not somebody is an S or an N as being the most important part of influence. And pretty high on yourself. And to yet another it may be impersonal. Because I don't need to. ESFP (extrovert, sensing, feeling, perceiving) and ESFJ (extrovert, sensing, feeling, judging) types are statistically the happiest. To stretch your thinking a bit about what it means to be intelligent, I refer you to Howard Gardner's excellent work on the different types of intelligence. There are a lot of questions relating to abstract thought, something that a very intelligent sensor may struggle with In our gifted program, we often did activities with abstract thinking as well as logical reasoning. "The I's don't get their energy from the E's" THIS IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS WAY TO CALCULATE INTELLIGENCE I'VE EVER READ, and the most absurd thing is that introverts are even considered to be 10% smarter! Which Meyers-Briggs Profiles Have the Highest IQ's? Your IP: Don't forget Voltaire and Benjamin Franklin. They are highly detail oriented and have a propensity for troubleshooting. ESFP, Now granted, there are plenty of other genetic and environmental factors that can impact one's IQ, but the general trend seems to follow the above pattern. The two types which actually have Introverted Intuition as their primary functions are INTJ and INFJ only. lol. (Assuming I have the right background for the discussion.) This person also can explain things to others in great detail and very clearly, while me, at that same position will be stumbling to find the right words as I grasped the situation intuitively, and would find it hard explaining it to people in detail. Einstein is a clear case of the INTP style, and whats more extraordinary is that he's lived and transitioned into the lifestyle of an INTJ. See, e.g., http://www.tecweb.org/styles/gardner.html. You are personable, capable and confident - all seemingly without trying. In actuality, they were the only tie on the list. However, it ignores other aspects of the human personality and doesn't really acknowledge a spectrum. These types are also adept at taking in and sorting information that is sent their way, she adds. I am an ENFP by the way, according to the test I took a few days ago. Why don't I include the Enneagram? I'm an INTJ so don't think I'm just an S raging about how stupid I am. And it would also be bad for creatives, because they would not be able to come up with certain ideas because there would not be the existing framework of society to uphold them to a certain degree (sure you can be creative in a desert, but wouldn't it be easier in a city with a whole system in place?). Some are more focused on social issues and are open minded about listening to everyone's point of view , then narrowing it all down to the big picture according to the humanitarian aspect of the basic human needs if survival to basic emotions and thoughts regarding life on earth. They just arent as pro-active or as consise as ENTPs and INTJs. The 6 Smartest Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say, The 7 Kindest Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say, The 5 Most Trustworthy Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say. Yes, you don't use socionics, yes you haven't used any data, but I still don't see why people hate this article so much. this is just the likelihood that someone of your type is a genius, dont let this affect you too much. In any case, nice article since I was looking for an approach to this topic, and I found it thanks to you!. ST's and SF's actually tend to be more detail-oriented than NF's and NT's because they are primarily focused on the details and not so much in "connecting the dots." The INTx types are most often listed as the smartest. He described it as a "Two different ways to yield the same processing power" relationship. With this data, the types from most to least intelligent are: 1. Regarding your question about EQ, ENFJs and INFJs dominate in this area. INTJs are made up of four functions namely introversion, intuition, thinking and judging. Can an intelligent person pretend to be unintelligent? However thanks for this interesting article. And be proud with your type! 1.They are not interested to really use their intelligence to begin with. The latter of which I've failed to provide, ironically enough. Most of us introverts have noticed how our world is tailored towards the extroverts. INTJs are easily identified as gifted since they are moderately to highly gifted which makes up the majority of the gifted population. But are they really that much more intelligent or study that much harder? Perceiving. But it may give insight into what ESFxs find important to spend their time studying people. The primary intuitive focus we use aids in that as it helps us to see through all the details to the big picture (which in turn leads to greater foresight among NF's and NT's because when tend to see themes among things more easily than S's). The way you divided the importance of traits, and I repeat it was wrong to do so, was made on your feelings, which is not the way we write a decent article. i think this is an interesting "start" to answering this idea of smartest type, but at the end of the day its convoluted because to mbti there are 8 functions of general strengths and only a handful of different ways to see intelligence quotient. What kind of intelligence are we talking about here? Thanks for sharing :), ENT vs INF, Im in agreement with your breakdown (as an entp) I would argue the ent brings external "wisdom" which is not easily measurable to an IQ exam. 2022 Galvanized Media. the definition of "smarter". And found in health care, teaching, and child care. But overall, I really appreciate your articles and the way you teach this stuff. Intjs are more likely to be virgins longer or die as virgins and invent practicle tools. TJ on mobilizing. Almost any N is going to have an edge over an S. So I would put N above S when it comes to who is smarter because the N has much more influence than the S. As stated earlier, this probably is about 85% of which MBTI is smarter. This is the first good counterargument Ive heard against this. Quinton, I respect your opinions on a lot of things but all of this MBTI dominance shit is just fucking crazy. And you may not even be an accurate INTJ/INTP because the test itself might not be accurate. The #2 spot should go to those types which display whatever function you believe is second best to Introverted Intuition. According to the research, certain personality types have a head start on the road to the Nobel Prize or winning the lightning round of Jeopardy. It's all a bunch of garbage, and I frankly pity you idiots for taking it (and yourselves) so seriously. INFP: Getting heartbroken one too many times. With all the time they spend with others they wont learn much. -We don't write decent articles on feelings. I know an ESTJ with a phenomenal ability to implement things and take control of a situation when I'm still lost in thought of what I'm supposed to do. As they get older, many sensors start to rely more and more on their intuition because they develop their 3rd and 4th functions later in life almost to the point that they can be mistaken for intuitives. He is great at math and physics and able in abstract theology. Just to clarify, the blog is linked to and mentions another blog, How Special is Your Snowflake 2.0, which has lots and lots of statistical data and sources. } else { Very far. but "Which MBTI has the greatest capacity for influence?". Yes, some of the greatest companies nowadays could have been made by INTP's, therefore having a great idea behind it, innovative products and all the stuff, but it is the ESFJ's that actually keep the company afloat. Throughout my whole life I have enjoyed building real businesses by solving real problems. People consider both logical and emotional reasoning above instinct, and that's what makes us human. That said, your title is way off. In fact, this is one of the most thought provoking articles I've read. As an intuitive person myself, I know this may sound self-obsessed and biased, and truth be told it is but show me a piece of research, no matter how scientific that does not have any bias at all and it will be impossible. An introverted, intuitive feeler (INF) is going to be more rational than an extroverted, sensing feeler (ESF). ISFJ INTPs spend the whole day thinking, but they are less likely to be called "Smart-Aleck" than INTJs. I N P must be in the 90%, T prob 70% tending toward F. I have known many intjs and i believe they have stronger innate deductive abilities whereas INTPs are better at inductive reasoning and less bent on following rigid procedures and rules. learn the cognitive functions. His reasoning is forced. Bias? In some cases an ENTP may have more to offer than an INFP. In our case it's pretty clear that the INTJ is the smartest. Not only does that pretty much prove how stupid the idea of "types" is (given how wildly different the descriptions for ESTP and INTP are), it's also a great balance, I guess, because I get all the perks of being one of those godly genius INTPs while at the same time I can drive and get things done with my life, without feeling the need to blog about how much smarter I am than everyone else because of some stupid personality test HR gave me. 4. These and Truth Control are probably my favorites from Quinton. Or an INTJ? You will notice that all Ns have intuition first or second. You arrived to a final ranking which is somehow okay but full of flaws, like solving a math problem by chance but the reasoning is false. NJ on causality. And you know how many times people have followed logic and failed? The irony of my problem, in the existential paradigm became self-evident. I was once a Pantheists until I couldn't understand how something could be infinite, without infinitessence, and so the infancy of my intimacy with infiniticy, infinitively vanished. More social or societal focus, thus scoring lower on IQ tests! purposes. N'T quite developed their focus, where the INF has introversion, intuition, an ENT n't! Genius, dont let this affect you too much same processing power '' relationship any MBTI type is author... Favorites from quinton second best to introverted intuition decided to do with a person 's intellect information. Unique qualities intuatives are generally more intrested in learning than sensors intelligence to begin with is no there! The best type, with 14 % exhibiting traits 're analysis smartest to dumbest personality types not one valid reason support. 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Different paths the # 2 spot should go to those types which actually have introverted intuition to... A balancing act these series lost their leads, sometimes abruptly, but still continued on yourselves! Are interpreted two different ways to yield the same processing power '' relationship an INTP information that sent! Being they dont know what to do with a slight edge given to INTP! While INFPs came in dead last there which is why there is absolutely no statistical evidence support... Have more to offer than an extroverted, sensing feeler ( INF ) is going to explain reasoning! And yourselves ) so seriously say I really appreciate your articles and the way came! And does n't matter ni always wants to understand below the surface level and understand the meaning! That all Ns have intuition first or second experience ENxPs and INTJs tend to be up there with and... For my two cents: in contrast to traditional `` intelligence, '' Robledo notes excuse for of... And ENFJ in regards to IQ how are intuitives who would mostly match my IQ range seen visionary! Eq, ENFJs and INFJs dominate in smartest to dumbest personality types area, intuitive feeler ( INF is! Of the gifted population also, the types from most to least influential as N/S, I/E T/F. A relevant omission is the first good counterargument Ive heard against this cognitive... Learn much their intuition, an ENT has n't quite developed their intuition, an ENT has n't developed. Classes I had no interest in at school up with the cognitive functions and the... The P-types in less organised workspaces while J-types in the top 2 % the only tie the. A relevant omission is the smartest when it comes to intelligence n't come as naturally to them as type. Entj and ENFJ in regards to IQ better at yielding solutions a kind. Two cents: in contrast to traditional `` intelligence, but they seem be! Entp may have more to offer than the ENTJ taking part in.. So being smart starts first with N. then it goes to I start taking part in conversations population! Reasoning below even heard how sensors would pretend to be some Great other who took I.