Im so sorry to hear that [STUDENT] was feeling [UPSET/FRUSTRATED] about what happened yesterday. Do you have any further tips or considerations to add? Say thank you and please. I hope all is well. I wanted to give you a heads up and provide this link to start re-enrollment for Scott for next year. Find more information on inviting parents here. Your child has been working hard and learning new things this summer. A Montessori education program, for example, involves three weekly emails, each containing photographs, and text that explain the principles of the Montessori approach. 101 JFK Parkway | Short Hills, NJ | 07078 | (973) 921-5500, Youre Going To Want To Steal This Teachers Super Easy Color-Coding System, Help! As it turns out, this one video significantly impacted student success by dramatically increasing the number of projects completed. In the same Edutopia article, Aguilar mentioned some parents had never received positive calls home. Instead of pulling information about the school day out from students like pulling out teeth, parents can communicate directly with teachers, allowing them to initiate more guided and meaningful conversations with their kids. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She found that [by sending parents positive message home], students were more motivated to engage in positive behaviors and parents were thrilled to receive upbeat information about their children! With these 10 key messages you will have an inventory of ideas at your fingertips that you can start implementing right away and come back to it from time to time. Theres nothing like finally having a class of your own! 10 Messages Every Teacher Should Send To Parents. A positive email is an effective way to communicate with parents. Heres what weve been up to: Dear Parent/Guardian, We are very excited about the upcoming school year! First, frequency and consistency are key. Open Records Requests: 3 Challenges for K12 Education. Thank you for your purchase! Check out this comprehensive post! As a student teacher that is about to enter the teaching profession, this post really opened my eyes to the steps I need to take when emailing my students parents next school year. In fact, the significant influence of positive school-to-home communication is becoming more and more well-known within the education landscape. Share pictures from the first day of school. It was a pleasure to meet with you and discuss your childs progress. Hi Mr. Smith just reaching out to let you know George is really excelling in our physics lessons! She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling. However, positive phrases will help them see school as an enjoyable journey and encourage them to focus on the learning process. Get tips for building a positive relationship with your students families. Model the behavior you want your kids to imitate. Dont overuse emojis or exclamation marks. I saw them [specific example of behavior]", "Today in class I really appreciated how they _____", "Your student is the one that I can depend on to _________", [Student name] was so well-behaved today! Confident children believe in their dreams and have the courage to pursue them. Refer to something positive that their child did in class (or via Zoom) that you appreciate! I wanted to send you a quick update on [Name] progress. Keep your emails professional but friendly; you dont need to be too stiff or formal. Request More Info On Our Workshops & Services. By teaching children about kindness in a nurturing environment, schools can nurture this side of their personality and create a culture that values kindness. 10 Messages Every Teacher Should Send To Parents. With our support Sue, is destined for great things. . for tokens of appreciation that can be shared with parents, but acknowledging parents effort does not have to involve gifts, obviously. so helpful and will make my teaching so much better! Here are some online resources and links to good workbooks Ive gathered for you to extend learning at home: . Here's our top tips on how to write a great email, no matter what the purpose: Prioritise clarity - get straight to the point and let your readers know as quickly as possible what they need to know. Consider the first-grader, who may say that kindness is asking someone to play with them, as an example. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help prepare [name] for her first day back. , a simple and powerful communication and scheduling platform that brings research-based practices to help teachers turn parents into partners and improve the quality of family support in education. Last time we spoke you were looking for an after school soccer program for Scott. Grandmas talking nonsense again., Until then, weve created some email templates you can use to save time and the all-too-precious mental energy it takes to email parents beyond the quick Thanks for letting me know! or Ezra said the funniest thing in class today!. Whether its with a phone call, direct message, or face-to-face communication, keeping in contact with parents or guardians is essential to building a positive school climate for all stakeholders. With confidence, your child will be able to do just about anything. With that in mind, we are sending this letter home for your awareness. As it turns out, this one video significantly impacted student success by dramatically increasing the number of projects completed. Encouraging your principal and other school leaders (coaches, faculty, etc.) Thats called a canned response. Hello Ms. Hetzon, I just finished reading Jeffs paper and wanted to let you know that it was the best close reading analysis of Great Expectations Ive ever seen. ", "Your student was so lively today. Break up text into short paragraphs. Ensure the tone of all emails is calm. I love spending time with you. Its important to me that homework is meaningful, but also that each of my students is challenged appropriately. Alternatively, you can just save responses to your frequently asked questions in a Google Sheet or other document. As busy teachers and parents, there may not always be time for regular phone calls home, but quick direct messages can be just as by Anne Good | Mar 30, 2020 | Recruitment and Enrollment, School Resources. We will be working on addition and subtraction with numbers. I hate to think [STUDENT] has been feeling confused or lost in class. Theyll appreciate the effort and love that goes into creating the poems. Thanks again for coming in today and I look forward to seeing you! As mentioned before, your daughter is a good student. Always use BCC if you email more than one parent so you keep their email addresses private. Subjects: 9 Templates for Responding to Tricky Parent Emails 1. Scroll down for a summary poster. But where to begin? Sending out these poems to parents will allow them to share their learning with their parents. An inspiration they care so much about our class. I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and to let you know that I am pleased and excited to have your child in my fourth-period Expanding Academic Opportunities class. As a parent having a look at your childs academic reports may not present a true picture of what goes on in school. Is it safe? Instead, parents prefer email (NSPRA, 2011) and other digital means, such as online blogs, online newsletters, online calendars of events and/or homework, text messaging, and websites. Id love to hear from you! of teachers sharing one 12-minute video, which outlined how parents could help their Grade 8 child with a science research project. We still have a few spots available, and we would love for you to come and see our school first hand. Wow! If can be difficult to expertly craft a follow-up email to parents. Most parents would love to support their kids learning at home, but expectations and curriculum have gone through many changes since theyve been students themselves. If youre planning to send out an email to parents about the new arrival of a new baby, you should consider sending poems about the upcoming event. Sending Home Positive Messages With Parentsquare But more important, this approach also protects student privacy if the parent wants to discuss an incident involving a classmate. Ive also recently started using Mailerlite and am finding it to be an excellent product too. Make sure the signature of your work email is short and professional. Id love to chat with you about some ideas I have for reducing the overwhelm [STUDENT] is feeling. Educators often have years or decades of experience, while parents dropping off their child to school for the first time really dont know what to expect. Im happy to share more feedback with you on [STUDENT]s areas for improvement. You have successfully joined my emaillist. When youre sending an email to parents, remember to include a few examples of how you have helped your child become more confident. Parents and teachers have a common goal: to facilitate the best educational experience possible for students. (Keep in mind your schools policy about where and when to use a childs name in an email.). Note: I think its important to set boundaries with families, including their ability to give you more work. For teachers and parents to partner well in the education process of the students, consistent communication is needed. Holding a weekly reading competition or choosing a Student of the Week and sharing their successes with parents creates an atmosphere that makes parents comfortable and willing to partner with you should the problems arise. We still have a couple of spots available, so let me know if youre interested in joining us at Sample. 5. Thanks for touring Sample School today! Hi Aubrey, While its best to keep your email communication personalised, canned responses can be a useful tool for busy teachers. Be a little more friendly and polite than you think you need to be. Mailchimp is free for your first 2000 subscribers and you can send 12,000 emails per month. Yet, its no secret that teachers have a lot on their plate. I am providing the following information to Generalized praise will not be very effective. Its a great way to express your gratitude to a parent, and parents will appreciate the gesture. Ask them about it. Recommend activities outside of school that help families bond around the current learning topics: taking their children with them to vote, swapping roles (parent is the student while the child explains a topic), discussing a newspaper article together. Since it is not in her habit to do so, I eagerly enquired what could be the problem but I only got a few now and then excuses. I wanted to let you know that Im looking forward to starting the new school year together. Here are some examples of general email intros for parents: Dear Parent/Guardian, Thank you for coming to parent-teacher conferences. 3. If you are worried about a language barrier with ELL families, consider utilizing translation technology. The shortcut for plain text is Control+Shift+V on a Windows PC, The Mac shortcut is Option+Shift+Command+V, You can also right click and select Paste as plain text. [UNIT OF STUDY] meets these requirements for learning. You dont want to come across as blunt. It can be uncomfortable to raise a concern. Your child has successes that we can share. As a parent, hearing something positive about your child, especially from their teacher, is powerful and touching. ", As a teacher, your student is someone I can't imagine class without!, "Your student was so focused today. First, lets imagine youre a parent. The I didnt know about test/quiz/field trip/event email Dear _____, Thanks so much for reaching out. In this post, we will be sharing some email templates to use when youre sending a positive note to parents. Keep it simple and take a few minutes out of your hectic schedule to let parents know something great their student did that day with a short direct message. Through digital communication tools like sending updates and pictures to parents, direct messaging, and social media sharing, positive school-to-home communication can be painless and even transformative. ParentSquares direct messaging offers real-time translation to 100+ languages, ensuring equitable communication. Note: At the secondary level, some schools have policies on students taking final exams at times other than the scheduled exam time. Encouraging Messages for Kids Im grateful for you. that help families bond around the current learning topics: taking their children with them to vote, swapping roles (parent is the student while the child explains a topic), discussing a newspaper article together. 1. Note: As of mid-2020, this blog and my newsletter have been archived. We all enjoyed his energy and enthusiasm and we think he would be a great fit at Sample. Below is the fastest way to say, Got it! while still remaining polite. Teachers can keep parents in the loop about key takeaways and lightbulb moments from a class as well as encourage families to. In the past [student name] has been disruptive, used inappropriate language and would distract other students during study time, but Ive seen a great improvement over the past two weeks! Please enjoy browsing my old posts. It was a pleasure to meet with you and discuss your childs progress. When there are strong lines of communication between home and school, everyone wins! If youre feeling emotional or unsure, wait before sending. After much thought and number crunching, we discovered that our top early adopters mastered 5 elements of parent-teacher partnership. Your child went somewhere. Kindness is an innate human quality. I forgive you. Parents have given you their baby for the majority of the week! should be saved just in case. Weve had a lot of interest for fourth grade so we want to make sure you secure a spot this year. Weve analyzed our 100 most engaged classrooms to find out. Theyll learn that kindness is a rewarding and effective way to make a positive impact on the world. The outcomes associated with positive parenting are long-term and often permanent. Good Morning, Thanks for letting me know. Pinterest is a great source of ideas for tokens of appreciation that can be shared with parents, but acknowledging parents effort does not have to involve gifts, obviously. You can convey information about a positive experience your child had or about a problem that you encountered with their child. So start by recognizing individual areas for family support. A positive tone and a positive closing can go a long way to make the experience pleasant for both parties. The core concept: sending unexpected, positive messages home. Dear Parents, I hope you are having a great summer! A positive email to a parent can help you establish a positive relationship with the parents. How did they achieve this level of success? He is such a positive role model in class! Avoid using text speak, slang, or abbreviations. Its likely your parent will appreciate it more if you try. But what if an update isnt so positive? Parents are fundamentally responsible for their childs school attendance, and often determine the resources they use to get to school. However, you must remember that confidence is not something that should be frightening or intimidating. This is especially important for parents whose work or circumstances make it challenging for them to get involved in person. Be sure to include a closing note and your contact information at the bottom of the letter. Stay Connected to Everything from ParentSquare, "Your student was so _______ today. If you use Gmail, its easy to save canned responses and insert them in an email. Emailing with your students families can be an efficient way to keep in touch, especially when you have good news to share. Donate gently used clothing to an animal shelter, and be a good role model. She has been doing well in class and Ive seen her confidence grow each week! *Note: While it may seem like this approach adds more to your workload, it actually takes less time to hop on a phone call than it would to scan the relevant materials, transcribe or copy-paste all the feedback you gave the student, and copy and paste relevant sections of the rubric, etc. Children learn best by example, so try to include an example of kindness in your email. Kids love to see acts of kindness, so make sure to model it in your own life. Let me know if you had access issuesI know that can happen sometimes. Review several text sources, including primary source documents and classroom work. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Here are some examples of general email intros for parents: Dear Parent/Guardian, Thank you for coming to parent-teacher conferences. The first step is to check your school or district guidelines to make sure its allowed. Your school might even have its own email policy. They put so much effort into their art project today, it was amazing to see them so passionate about an assignment. [UNIT OF STUDY] is listed as a state learning standard: [COPY AND PASTE STANDARD]. I can tell he devotes a lot of time and effort into studying before each class. Parents and teachers have a common goal: to facilitate the best educational experience possible for students. to get involved and send positive messages home will also strengthen the sense of support and love within your school community! 2. Sample Email To Professor Asking for A Meeting | 12 Email To send to brands for collaboration, I used to hate having to wear headphones, util I got these Head Phones, The Dos and Donts of Working from Home: Insights from Research, 17 The Office Gift Ideas That Will Make Any Fan Say Thats What She Said, Farewell Email to Colleague Leaving The Company |13 Templates, How to Congratulate a Boss on a New Baby 11 Email Samples, How to Say Thank You For a Recommendation Letter: 15 Email Templates, How to write an enquiry email to University | 23 Email Templates, Respond & Accept Job Offer Email | 25 Sample Templates, How to Negotiate Salary offer via Email Sample | 19 Templates, 39 Job Offer Acceptance Email Sample Templates. Understood is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization (tax identification number 83-2365235). I saw them wait their turn to pick up their grammar packet. I have added it to the Dear Parents, We are so happy to have your child back. Since joining the football club, his coach observed the immense potential in his ability to play football. If your district allows opting out for this unit of study: Thanks so much for communicating this with me. While students days are jam packed with activities, learning, and socializing, parents can be completely unaware of what their students are actually learning let alone when their student performs an act of kindness, improves in a certain subject, or experiences a positive moment. I am looking forward to working with your child and hope that you will be able to attend one of our parent-teacher conferences. Researcher Susan Graham-Clay recalls the story of teachers sharing one 12-minute video, which outlined how parents could help their Grade 8 child with a science research project. I began blogging in 2008 and I love writing about digital citizenship, publishing online, global collaboration, research skills, and edtech. Positive notes helps teachers build relationships with students, Is it effective? Always think whether your words could be misconstrued. For more tips on parent management, check out this great round-up. They can expand their horizons and learn from their natural curiosity. But we know you are super busy, too so call when its convenient for both you and parents making calls during your free period or at the end of your school work day are ideal times! With this specific issue, I think its better to try to build a positive relationship by showing parents you respect their wishes (even if you might not agree with them). You should avoid using slang and overusing emojis. Avoid training parents to expect an instant response from you via email. In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. In this Edutopia article, teacher Elena Aguilar experimented with this idea by calling parents to share something great their kid did in class that day. But as I learned last year, this just opens you up for more work that ultimately boils down to families values and beliefs about humanity, which are not our job to change. Weve also been working on math skills, including basic addition and subtraction. I recommend you put some thought into your approach to emailing. Celebrating the little milestones can go a long way! I was really impressed with Parker today. First, use a personal example. Ill be able to tell my grandchild, You know, when I was a teacher I had to spend a big part of my day emailing parents., Hopping off of his hoverboard, hell frown and call out, Mom! At Sample, we offer Montessori education for K-6 in the Avondale area. My name is Mrs. Hernandez. For example, you could set up an audience list just for students on the athletics team or those involved in the school performance. But what if an update isnt so positive? Managing your subscriber lists is easy. For those reasons, its one of the primary ways that teachers and parents like to communicate with each other. There are lots of benefits to be enjoyed. Thanking a particularly involved parents in a class newsletter will boost their confidence and give a sense of achievement while encouraging others to follow suit. It will look a bit odd if the font or style of your pasted information looks different to the rest of your email: To many readers, this information will be obvious, however, whats obvious to some is enlightening to others! We know that teachers and parents want to share experiences and stay connected, but many teachers are at loss about what kind of messages to share. Dont forget that the praise you give students can promote either a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. Instead, you can make it fun and enjoyable for your child. Poems and other literary works can also help you show a positive tone. Weve learned that in our most engaged classrooms teachers and parents make an effort to communicate often, with both sides feeling encouraged and comfortable with initiating the exchange. , too. Positive parenting fosters secure attachments and quality relationships with parents; school adjustment and achievement; reduced behavior problems, depressive symptoms, and risk behaviors; and positive youth development in general. I know, I know it seems like a daunting task to reach out to all your parents but it becomes a lot more doable if you tackle a few each day. End on a positive note and invite further communication. Positive language in emails to parents can help a child view learning as a journey, rather than as a chore. WebMy Winter and Christmas Edition of positive notes home to parents are easy to print, fun and engaging, and the perfect way to build the bridge between school and home. As busy teachers and parents, there may not always be time for regular phone calls home, but quick direct messages can be just as effective in getting parents and students excited about their work in the classroom. 2. They're [insert positive traits here; hard working, kind, always on task etc]. I get to work with wonderful students like them! ", "Your student was so patient today. spare time. Most engaged teachers love that technology can give parents options to customize the frequency and types of updates, empowering them to participate in the communication on their terms. Well email you our most helpful stories and resources. If you found Positive Email to Parents from Teacher Sample Emails useful, check out otherrelated templates: Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. What to Say in a Positive Email to Parents Examples. Its also best to avoid things like humour or sarcasm. Email is accessible, quick, easy, and familiar. You can write out a response addressing these questions and save it. See more tips for email word choice below. Confident children believe in their dreams and have the courage to pursue them. WebCompliment letter to the parents of an employee for good work Example of a letter extending Father's Day greetings Farewell letter from a teacher to a parent First-grade welcome letter to parents Goodbye letter from a teacher to parents Guidance counselor's letter setting up meeting with parents I'm sorry letter to mom We are so excited to have [name] in our class. Your child has successes that we can share. Let me know if that works for you. Dear Parent/Guardian, We are very happy to have your child in our class. If a parent doesnt respond, you can simply leave a message and follow up with the same message in a text or email. If your district does not allow opting out for this unit of study and does not provide the language for your response: Thank you for sharing this concern. Please feel free to call me at 555-333-4444 if you have any additional questions. I saw them earnestly say thank you after I gave him a new pencil after his first one broke. This is a great strategy for students who have had difficulties in the past (whether behaviorally or academically). We are working on her writing skills, as well as reading comprehension skills (especially with longer stories). Have you found a fourth grade classroom for Scott yet? If as a teacher you prefer sending a note instead of an email or a letter, find a sample of a note from a parent to a teacher. The benefits of using a tool like Mailchimp for class newsletters include: Of course, check with your school or district if youre allowed to use an email service provider before giving it a go. Complete with examples and shows their work. When homework assignments and grades are parents only insights into academic activities, they miss out on the learning process and have trouble understanding how to best support their child. Effective communication with families can be a game-changer for parent involvement, with a positive ripple effect on long-term relationships and community. This post originally appeared on our ParentSquare Learning Network blog on September 28, 2020. Lets work together to prepare the best future for John and the rest of our students. His ability and willingness to show kindness is incredible! Then you can copy and paste them into emails as needed. Thanks so much for reaching out about this. Use bold for important words or action items. Many parents get tripped up when sending an email or making a phone call. Im glad you let me know. Thanks for reaching out about this. Show them that teachers are human, too . I look forward to meeting you and Scott! [emailprotected]). Given the popularity of email, its surprising how little time is spent discussing effective email habits. The Your Words Matter Kit Volume 2 contains many positive words that can help boost your childs confidence. Consider how your child might respond if they were in the situation of a fellow student. While phone calls are the most personal assuming you speak the same language as your parents and they understand you you can also direct message, text or email. We met last week at the Summertime in the Park event where we talked about Sample Schools programs and your son Scott joining us for the next school year. Mark J. Griffin, PhD was the founding headmaster of Eagle Hill School, a school for children with specific learning disabilities. She is a good math student, so we are focusing on solving multi-step word problems. Disclaimer: I have no affiliations with Mailchimp although Im quite familiar with the software, having been a customer for nearly a decade. Email is a great way for teachers and parents to communicate. Lets start with tutorials on [DAY and TIME], where I can chat with [STUDENT] and figure out where the disconnect is happening. Compared to the old paper methods, email allows our correspondence to be: I definitely recommend you use a professional email address rather than a personal email address. Hey Mrs. Stanley, today I noticed Pat helping a fellow classmate who fell on the playground. I appreciate her preparation and am really proud of the way she has grown in the classroom this year! I saw them very honed in on the writing task. ], Brought so much positive energy to the classroom. If youre wondering what to say in a positive Email to parents example, here are some good ideas: Start by being kind and positive. If you get an email, letter, or note from a teacher keep in mind the message being passed along and play your role. How exciting! Im so glad you let me know about this. Tell her to keep up the amazing work. As a school, we look forward to providing the best environment for your son to achieve his dreams. You get a phone call from your childs teacher: How would getting a message like this make you feel?! But you might choose to send an email if its minor or if the family has told you they prefer email updates. We see that youre looking for a Montessori option for Scott in 4th grade. BCC (blind carbon copy) means you include others in the email correspondence and other recipients cannot see their email addresses. TeachThought is an organization dedicated to innovation in education through the growth of outstanding teachers. Accessible, quick, easy, and website in this post originally appeared on our ParentSquare learning blog. Writing skills, as an example is not something that should be frightening or intimidating for... 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