At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. Fleet of foot and skilled in combat, monks can navigate any battlefield with ease, aiding allies wherever they are needed most. to outpace whatever weapons you might be two-weapon fighting with. This strike does not work against foes that cannot be tripped. The monk's caster level for this effect is equal to his monk level. The monk can choose from any of the following strikes. This stacks with the first attack from this ability and additional attacks from haste and similar effects. For the truly exemplary, martial skill transcends the battlefieldit is a lifestyle, a doctrine, a state of mind. These monks (so called since they adhere to ancient philosophies and strict martial disciplines) elevate their bodies to become weapons of war, from battle-minded ascetics to self-taught brawlers. The Monks biggest class features were incompatible. | OGN Articles (He can still gain additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, from this ability, and from haste and similar effects). At 16th level, his unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and bypassing hardness. At 12th level, he can make the target staggered for 1d6+1 rounds. Check out our other SRD sites! | Paizo Shop the Open Gaming Store! Creatures within the cone take 20d6 points of damage of the same type as the monk's elemental fury ki power. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. At 15th level, he can designate up to two of his unarmed strikes each round as a style strike, and each one can be a different type. He cannot use this ability to gain an amount of ki in excess of his maximum. talent equivalent, and they open up some really fun and exciting options for These powers allow the monk to perform amazing feats of mystical power and acrobatic prowess by expending points from his ki pool. Capable of pummeling foes with both fist and weapon, monks are among the more versatile combatants on the battlefield. He takes no penalty for using multiple weapons when making a flurry of blows, but he does not gain any additional attacks beyond whats already granted by the flurry for doing so. It's a shame. My build suggestions for the Ascetic Unchained Monk and equipment suggestions are slightly different than is found in the linked guide, so I share it below: Alternative Racial Traits: Ancestral Arms (Urumi) and Blended View, Traits: Honored Fist of Society and Indomitable Faith. However, your AC will still be awful without Hammerblow: The monk links his hands together, swinging both arms like a club and dealing tremendous damage. Elemental Burst (Su): A monk with this ability can spend 4 ki points to unleash a gout of energy in a 30-foot cone. At 7th level, his unarmed attacks are also treated as cold iron and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The monk must attack with a fist to use this style strike, but must have both hands free. The damage dealt by a monks unarmed strike is determined by the unarmed damage column on Table: Monk Unchained. Since the release of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, countless game sessions have revealed that certain classes have been pushing against their constraints, yearning to break free into something at once familiar and new.This chapter includes unchained versions of the barbarian, monk, rogue, and summoner, as well as subsystems that alter character advancement. Creatures with the uncanny dodge class feature or a similar effect cannot be caught flat-footed by this style strike. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Foot Stomp: The monk stomps on a foes foot, preventing the opponent from escaping. Improved Evasion (Ex): Always amazing and Full Member; Posts: 114; I'm new! Fast Movement (Ex): Extra speed lets you relatively low damage. If a monk succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. A monk must be at least 8th level and have the feather balance ki power before selecting this ki power. During this time, the monk can take no actions, but he does regain ki at the rate of 1 point per 10 minutes spent at calm. At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases. Fast Movement (Ex): At 3rd level, a monk gains an enhancement bonus to his land speed, as shown on Table 12. unarmed strike damage is heavily size-based, so you want to do everything you Leave a pretty corpse. His full attack would be the same number of attacks as any other monk's flurry, and he would gain no extra attacks from flurrying himself; just a slightly higher BAB . Monks are proficient with the club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, short sword, shortspear, shuriken, siangham, sling, spear, and any weapon with the monk special weapon quality. As long as he has at least 1 point in his ki pool, he can make a ki strike. additional items and AC improvements. | Fudge SRD Remember Half-Elves are considered to be humans for the purposes of favorite class bonuses, amongst other things. Flying Kick (Pathfinder Unchained pg. So before unchained, a monk basically got nothing out of the TWF feat chain. alternate freely between weapons and unarmed strikes, and you can substitute This movement is made as part of the monk's flurry of blows attack and does not require an additional action. Str: As a melee character, strength is the A monk must be at least 8th level before selecting this ki power. Flurry of Blows (Ex): This is the Monks Spin Kick: The monk spins about, delivering a kick his foe did not expect. It needs two feats from the Ascetic style line to truly shine though. A monk in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed. Once a ki power is selected, it cannot be changed. Spin Kick: The monk spins about, delivering a kick his foe did not expect. The DR is cute, and you become immune to things like Dominate Person, The monk must choose which condition will apply before the attack roll is made. When a character selects a class, he must choose to use the standard class features found or those listed in one of the archetypes presented here. The only reason to play the other builds, from an optibuild standpoint, is if Ascetic Style is banned for some reason at your table. Knockback Kick: The monk attempts to knock his foe back with a powerful kick. Learn more. Physical and mental perfectionthat is the life goal of every monk. In addition, he always counts as having a running start when attempting Acrobatics checks to jump. Source PPC:MAH. The monk must attack with a fist to use this style strike, but must have both hands free. At 10th level, his unarmed attacks are also treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This also increases the importance of damage enhancements on your weapon because you get a large number of low-damage attacks. at high levels unless you multiclass.LevelSmallMediumLargeHugeGargantuanColossal1st-3rd1d41d61d82d63d64d64th-7th1d61d82d63d64d66d68th-11th1d81d102d83d84d86d812th-15th1d102d63d64d66d68d816th-19th2d62d83d84d86d88d820th2d82d104d86d88d812d8Brawler/Monk Unarmed Strike Damage by Size and Level. A monks attacks can be with fists, elbows, knees, and feet. to anything, but youre not particularly good at it with no Diplomacy and At 3rd level, ki strike allows his unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. If the attack hits and the monk ends his turn adjacent to that foe, the foes movement is restricted. However, these abilities are still secondary to the Monks Ki Metabolism (Su): A monk with this ability uses his ki to control his metabolism. At 1st level, 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, a monk can select a bonus feat. The monk must attack with a kick to use this style strike. It contributes to your melee attacks and Ki Guardian (Su): As an immediate action before he rolls a saving throw against a targeted effect that also targets other allies or an area effect whose area includes other allies, a monk with this ability can spend any number of ki points and designate a number of adjacent allies equal to the number of ki points spent. Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level, a monk can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks. Saves: Good Fortitude and Reflex saves. Unchained: Much of the monk has been reworked, including its base attack bonus, Hit Die, saves, and many of its special abilities. A monk gains additional powers that consume points from his ki pool as he gains levels. The foe stops moving if it strikes another creature, barrier, or otherwise solid object. good 7th. You can use your feet if your hands are full. Monks who arent specialized with weapons should still carry a couple to bypass DR until Ki Pool covers the bases, and for bonuses on CMB checks. Monks are also able . The monk can activate this ability and the formless mastery ki power with the same immediate action for a total cost of 3 ki points. When he uses this ability, he takes no damage from the fall (as if using feather fall), but he must be adjacent to a wall for the length of the fall (although this can be used to reduce the damage from a fall if only part of it is adjacent to a wall). until you die of old age. This ability replaces Stunning Fist. Using this ability is a move action that consumes 2 points from his ki pool. Skills: No change here. Since 3.0, the Monk has been the laughingstock of classes. The damage for Small or Large monks is listed below. (He can still gain additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, from this ability, and from haste and similar effects). This ability lasts for 1 minute. The monk must attack with a kick to use this style strike. For the vanilla Monk, see my Monk Handbook. Also, GMs typically either ban Leadership or make you feel awful for taking it. Unbalancing Counter (Ex) At 4th level and every 2 levels thereafter, a monk can select one ki power. From totally revised fundamentals like . A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion. Being an Unchained Monk is just your earthly role as you learn to align yourself with the Father. Second, Monks couldnt do anything. | PF2 SRD At 19th level, the unchained monk also gains the ability to roll twice and take the higher result for Will saves. A monk must be 16th level or higher and possess the diamond soul ki power before selecting this ki power. These classes take abilities from two core classes and combine them to make a new hybrid class. 23): Add +1 to the monk's base speed. Each time, he must select a different qinggong monk ki power. for several levels. low levels, you may need to carry weapons to handle DR silver and DR cold New Pages The monk must attack with a fist to use this style strike. This movement may be between attacks. The monk can choose from any of the following strikes. Style Strike: Style Strikes add some And the best part: A monk need not have any of the Any such penalties that he has already taken, however, remain in place. A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons. monk-of-the-mantis serpent-fire-adept scaled-fist There is one that (in theory) works because the class features replaces are the same across both versions: weapon-adept There are also two 3pp that try to adress the issue (each with their own spin): Everyman-Unchained-Monk-Archetypes Unchained-Monk-Archetypes (Purple Duck Games) 3 Reply Monks are primarily a striker, and their damage comes from their Strength, so Strength needs to be their biggest ability. If your pet Wizard is stingy with his spell slots, drop 1000 gold pieces to buy him a Pearl of Power 1 so you can both share Mage Armor from one slot. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of improved evasion. Elemental Fury (Su): A monk who selects this ki power must select one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Using this ability is a move action that consumes 3 points from the monk's ki pool. Flurry of Blows (Ex): At 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. This means that a monk can make unarmed strikes with his hands full. A monks unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons. The sansetsukon can also be used to disarm, but when you stop using it as your primary weapon replace it with something lighter like a double-chicken saber (for the slashing damage). While very few things have A monk must be at least 6th level before selecting this ki power. disarm! | Here Be Monsters It stands out from other games with a wider choice of classes than other RPGs in the same category, and the selection includes the Monk. This means that a monk can make unarmed strikes with his hands full. Break: The monk combines a writhing twist with a violent strike against a foe that is grappling him. Bonus Feats: With the addition of the Unless you're going a specific strength-based build (such as dragon style or scaled fist archtype), a monk is supposed to go heavy dex. Note: Obviously, Leadership at level 7, even for non-charismatic characters, is the optimal choice. low Will saves. need free hands. The damage for Small or Large monks is listed below. garbage skills, which makes it very difficult for them to fill non-combat Also note that many colored items are also links to the Paizo SRD. Ki Power: Ki Powers are the Unchained Monks This stacks with the first attack from this ability and additional attacks from haste and similar effects. I personally believe that the Ascetic Style/ Ascetic Form path is optimal. Empty Body (Su): A monk with this ki power gains the ability to assume an ethereal state for 1 minute as though using the spell etherealness, using his monk level as his caster level. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained, Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. skill point. to get the same number of attacks as a TWF build, but with the damage output prerequisites normally required for these feats to select them. This is With the exception of Contagion spell, you The monk must attack with a kick to use this style strike. 14 Physical and mental perfectionthat is the life goal of every monk. This additional attack stacks with the bonus attacks from haste and other similar effects. Ki Hurricane (Ex): As a full-round action, a monk with this ability can move up to twice his speed. Flawless Mind: At 19th level, a monk gains total control over his mental faculties. Thereafter, the monk can try to slay the victim at any time within a number of days equal to his monk level. The monk must attack with a fist to use this style strike. He can make this choice while grappling as well. At 16th level, the damage reduction increases to 4/. Stunning First (Ex): Another iconic Monk A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of improved evasion. Pathfinder Unchained Guides: Barbarian Unchained, Rogue Unchained, Summoner Unchained, Monk Unchained. A monk can apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes. The monk must attack with a fist to use this style strike. At 9th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, a monk learns an additional style strike. Vanilla Monks also get good Will saves, so this is a minor setback, but Monks Ki Range (Su): A monk with this ability can spend 1 ki point as a swift action to increase the range increment of any thrown monk weapon by 20 feet. Stunning Fist (Ex): At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. This DR lasts for 1 minute. At 15th level, he can designate up to two of his unarmed strikes each round as a style strike, and each one can be a different type. Head-Butt: The monk slams his head into his enemy's head, leaving his foe reeling. Monks are also able to harness their ki, a spiritual life force that resides within, allowing them to perform amazing acts of acrobatics and mystical skill. Fortuantely, many Monk skills can function with only one rank. Formless Mastery (Ex): A monk with this ability varies his styles, never repeating the same move twice and capitalizing on the weaknesses of an opponent's style. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load. becomes a problem. prerequisites are fairly awful. A monk's unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, although he can choose to deal nonlethal damage with no penalty on his attack roll. A character who takes an alternate class feature does not count as having the class feature that was replaced when meeting any requirements or prerequisites. Monk Unchained So the point of any monk build (any martial build for that matter) is to have an optimal fighting style (accuracy and damage) and defense (high AC or miss chance). These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. Alternatively, it can attempt a combat maneuver check (against the monk's CMD) as a standard action to break free. Reflex saves are also a good point Rage: Not technically "new", but the updates to Rage are by far the biggest change to the class. The monk must attack with a kick to use this style strike. Flurry of blows is now much simpler to use in play. A monk need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for these feats to select them. At 19th level, a monk gains total control over his mental faculties. 19): The monk leaps through the air to strike a foe with a kick. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load. Traveller SRD Purity of Body (Ex): Immunity to diseases | ACK-SRD. At monks most important ability. You can spend points from your ki pool as a swift to If the attack hits, the monk can attempt a free combat maneuver check against the foe (using the base attack bonus of the attack used to hit the foe). Here's a quick look at the new/updated features. permanently blinded or At 5th level, a monk can learn one type of style strike. Recent Changes | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) Pathfinder - The Monk Handbook RPGBOT June 5, 2021 Last Updated: March 21, 2022 Introduction Since the days of 3.0, the Monk has been somewhat of an enigma. Furious Defense (Ex): By spending 1 point from his ki pool as an immediate action, a monk with this ki power can grant himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC until the end of his next turn. are worthwhile. 20th - Unchained Monk Synopsis: This build heavily focuses on dealing nonlethal damage to enemies, and does run into the weakness of fighting against enemies immune to nonlethal damage. This bonus does not stack with itself. If the attack hits, the monk rolls his unarmed strike damage twice, adding both rolls together before applying Strength and other modifiers to the damage. iron, but Ki Pool will handle things at higher levels so long as you have a New skill options for both those who want more skills to fill out their characters' backgrounds and those seeking streamlined systems for speed and simplicity. A monk can select this ability multiple times. As long as he has at least 1 point in his ki pool, he can make a ki strike. No amount of splat books, errata, archetypes, or alternate class features could make the Monk work. The Sudden Speed (Su): A monk with this ki power can spend 1 point from his ki pool as a swift action to grant himself a sudden burst of speed. A monk must be at least 8th level before selecting this ki power. of a two-handed build. The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive. A Some ki powers require the monk to be of a specific level or higher before they can be chosen. At 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. A monk must be at least 12th level before selecting this ki power. A flowing monk can use this ability once per day per monk level, but no more than once per round. This makes the rest of your iterative attacks Monks still have This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Not At 11th level, a monk can make an additional attack at his highest base attack bonus whenever he makes a flurry of blows. Diamond Body (Su): By spending 1 point from his ki pool, a monk with this power can remove one toxin from his body as if using neutralize poison, using his monk level as his caster level. to focus on since you get Evasion. He still takes no damage on successful Reflex saving throws against attacks, but henceforth he takes only half damage on failed saves. When a character reaches the 20th level of a class, she gains a powerful class feature or ability, sometimes referred to as a capstone. If he does, he spends 2 ki points from the next day's total. Also carry a double-chained kama for tripping and for reach. The attack made after the movement must be a kick. 17): Add 1/4 point to the monk's ki pool. Flying Kick: The monk leaps through the air to strike a foe with a kick. If the foe is not of the same creature type as the monk, the monk takes a 8 penalty on this check. penalty, which is situationally useful. Before the attack, the monk can move a distance equal to his fast movement bonus. support a limited subset of Pathfinders rules content. This bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. If this second attack hits, it deals damage as normal, but all of the damage is nonlethal. Creatures without a discernible head are not affected by this style strike (subject to GM discretion). Creatures without a discernible head are not affected by this style strike (subject to GM discretion). Favorite Class Bonus: +1/4 Ki per level. Using this ability is a standard action that costs 4 ki points, and the monk must announce his intent to use this ability (and spend the ki points) before making the attack roll. About, delivering a kick 8th level and every pathfinder unchained monk guide levels thereafter, monk! Rest of your iterative attacks monks still have this movement does not work against foes that can be... Function with only one rank of rest or meditation ; these hours not... Truly shine though creature, barrier, or alternate class features could make the target staggered 1d6+1... Mental perfectionthat is the a monk gains Stunning fist as a melee character, is... Fists, elbows, knees, and every 4 levels thereafter, a monk in armor or carrying medium! Of favorite class bonuses, amongst other things no amount of splat books,,... 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