According to 1 John 2:15-17, can someone love the world and the things of the world and still have the love of the Father in him? The first week Pastor Tim so adequately, and literally, unpacked for us the story of Elmo, I mean Thomas, the imperfect disciple and how Jesus accepts us and knows us for who we really are our good and bad. And we should strongly discourage the practice of acquiring knowledge in the absence of obedience. This may seem like a subtlety; however, it can prove significant in how we minister to folks. It is turning your life around. The vehicle always has something that needs sanctification. Sound like anyone you know? The religious folks try to trap Jesus and ask Him what to do: stone her (the justly deserved punishment) or let her go? Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness? This is your kairos moment. It is reported that 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity every day, and 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity in Africa alone every year. Feel like they are not a good example ( Repent and confess sin), Do not want to offend others- ( Be wise and gentle) -. 6 Sufficient for such a one is this punishment which was inflicted by the majority, 7 so that on the contrary you should rather forgive and comfort him, otherwise such a one might be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. I personally believe that the early church had an advantage by not having the canon. For the outcome of those things is death. He says that if you are born again, you will not continue to sin. We must tap into His power. The anger is simply an emotional response that is quite natural. Yet Jesus focused His teaching on the Kingdom (there are over 100 references to the Kingdom in the Gospels), with far less emphasis on His redemptive work, and even less on how we gather. The big picture is this: we are in the center of a custody battle. He says it is the churchs responsibility to deal with sinners who are so-called brothers. But let me shed light as to why this must be done. Its quite simple, once internalized, and will become very natural once applied. In Acts 11:15 and 16, what did Peter call this experience? Where is our passion? Then we see some being filled with the Holy Spirit after the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Peter was filled three times after Pentecost). What about your very life? They need a loving older brother, not a nagging mother. Teach them to intercede for the saints. . We are indeed saved by grace. . For starters, I recommend a simple reading plan: one chapter in Psalms, one in Proverbs, one Gospel, one Acts, one Epistle, and one Revelation, daily. I urge you to consider: does your faith walk demonstrate a radical departure from the worlda full commitment to the Kingdom life? Read Luke 13:1-9. Recall the illustration of the epic custody battle between God and Satan for the hearts of men, which was presented in the first chapter. Jesus taught plainly that a tree will be known by its fruit. By two weeks, they should start praying for their own disciple. However, the discourse does not stop there. Salvation is beyond our reach, and so is righteous and holy living. The truths behind why a war is waged and the horrors of both fighting a war and the aftermath of war are insufficient to get a population to voluntarily engage. How can a disciple begin discipling their own disciple so quickly? How soon after surrendering to the Lord should a disciple seek a disciple of their own? Therefore, it is by grace that we get a second chance, and likewise by that same grace we receive freedom and empowerment to walk in holiness and righteousness. He must be leading the way. Remember, God draws straight lines with a crooked stick. When those who have signed up with selfish motivations are deployed to the front lines of battle, do you suppose they really want to be there? Leaven is what actually changes the character of the bread. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. make a Commitment. When the foothold was established by Satan, did David repent? If day by day, we too easily justify our sin by saying, Ill quit when this pack is gone. Glory goes to Satan rather than God. Passage: Acts 11:1-18. Homeschool? As you seek to share your faith in a kind way, you may be surprised that people are more willing to listen. The apostle Peter preached that the resurrected Son of God is, (17:14 and 19:16). I apologize for the length of this chapter. This concept is no different with spiritual warfare as compared to carnal worldly warfare. There is a war raging on between God and His foe, Satan, for the hearts and allegiance of men. Its the picture of Johnny sitting in his room, practicing on his guitar. In some ways it sets the mood for the city. For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died is freed from sin. 5. They were tempted and sinned, and that resulted in death. They are handed over to Satan for him to have his way with them. Interesting, huh? They must be shown the vision by our leadership. Does not the Spirit within you leap with these words? All this even though Jesus and the Apostles warned us that we would be deceived in this way (read 2 Peter 3:14-18, Matthew 7:15-20, 1 John 3:7, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and Jude 4). Have them (and help them) put together a prayer team to support their growth and discipleship efforts. They didnt share the root or the life of the plant. Are you reading the Scriptures regularly and journaling what the Lord speaks to you? Why is it best to avoid engaging in discipleship in a church setting at first? However, Satans worst nightmare is about to unfold. They must surrender all to Goddemonstrated by the signing of the blank piece of paper. Failure on any of these is immediate disqualification. Build a solid foundation using the patterns presented in this guide. Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS. Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. When you hit the fourth generation, you have started a disciple-making movementand not until then. Now sign on the bottom. Read 1 John 2:27 and John 16:13-15. Who is actually our teacher? I read a survey that 95% of believers never lead another person to Christ (BAMA survey 2021). Ok, if youre still with me, you can rest assured that God does not want you to sacrifice everything on this list right now. In fact, it is a one way ticket to Hell. Disciples dont need buildings, seminary training, or funding. Early followers of Christ relied on the spirit and learned through the. Through Christ, we have been set free. John wrote this letter for the very purpose of providing insight to believers so that they could know they have eternal life. Pick any one of the commands of Christ or Apostolic commands. The only possible solution to this apparently insurmountable scenario is to call in reinforcements. I rebuke the enemy and command him by the authority of Jesus Christ to stay away from your people. Am I asking you to tell your disciple not to attend church for a while? 19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, 21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. I know that many believe that these manifestations of the power of God have ceased. Certainly Pauls teachings are God-breathed; however, they are best contextualized with an understanding of his way of lifethe Kingdom life. Trust God. The fact that Jesus suffered and died on the cross is evidence enough that there is something wrong with the world. You see, many repeat a prayer saying they will make Christ Lord of their life, but fail to understand what that means. Lord God Almighty, I pray that you will open minds and hearts, and remove anything that hinders your Spirit from reaching the heart, and allow your truth to sink in deep into the soul. . If the defenders come around, they will repent of their treason and seek the aid of the reinforcements. However, radically transformed people labor for the Kingdom, not for good works alone. Then the unity of the allies is reestablished and loyalty to the King reaffirmed. United Methodist. And not only that, but He has a whole lot of enemies, and these enemies are the most influential and powerful religious leaders in Israel! We repent of sin, renounce strongholds, and release victimizations. A short time of running into the glass trains the pike to never try again. Back to top. We are freed from sin and enslaved to God. The written Word simply serves to open our ears to His voice. One thing that is a possibility, is that even if they meet with your church, they could form a sub-culture within the body if there is a severe disparity between the Kingdom and institutional DNA. But where was the palace? 6 No one who abides in Him sins; no one who sins has seen Him or knows Him. They had never seen a kingdom like this, nor seen a king like Jesus. God is mocked by the devil and men. There is no way to determine if we are worthy of being in Gods presence unless we demonstrate our obedience, holiness, and righteousness by being victorious through temptation. The teacher compared our transformation to restoring a car. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. There are some other challenges of addition models such as using worldly drivers for attracting folks to church. You know that He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin. Don't worry. This pattern of behavior is rampant in modern Christendom, and a tough habit to break. The enemy has not let up. A clear understanding of the spiritual dynamic at work can empower us to achieve victory over sins power in our life by stopping the progression from temptation, to sin, to death. Prophetically, this is the time to star, Expand Your Destiny God bless you in your journey from bondage to freedom from sin, lies to truth, darkness to light, and from the world to the Kingdom! Most of the Articles found here were written by Brian Anderson from 1990 2000 when he served as Pastor at Milpitas Bible Fellowship. God had granted them the blessing of knowing the mysteries of the kingdom. THE EVER RISING KINGDOM OF GOD Home / Sermons / Kingdom Expansion. in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there . One failed church planter in Rwanda retooled his methods upon catching the vision and resulted in changing the nation forevereffectively ending prostitution in his area. If someone asked you that question, what would you say? But also discuss sin struggles and thought life. However, the defenses can thwart the landing with consistent perseverance. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 3 Give us each day our The Gate is narrow; however, the path is narrower still. He said that our righteousness had to exceed that of the Pharisees. by Brian Anderson | Come on those days and be healed, and not on the Sabbath day. 15 Then the Lord answered him, You hypocrites! Street evangelism and public preaching are good, but arent for everyone; the loving touch of service also has the benefit of reaching the heart of the recipient. Maybe the last chapter caused you some heartburn; after all, most of us have come to believe that struggling with sin is the normal Christian experience. We are very near to the end, and the mission is at hand. Read Luke 11:13. Sinners God is working on are eerily attracted to the counter-cultural lifestyle of Kingdom saints. Sharing your faith is a reminder of how good God has been to you. Well, lets read the parable of the wedding feast (a parable of the Kingdom) in light of this Scripture: But when the king came in to look over the dinner guests, he saw a man there who was not dressed in wedding clothes, and he said to him, Friend, how did you come in here without wedding clothes? And the man was speechless. Pauline doctrine was never meant to be learned simply by reading a series of letters. I know all of us strive to do the best we can and many have captured the vision and possess the Pearl. 11 And behold, there was a woman who had had a disabling spirit for eighteen years. I chase the King with reckless abandon. Read and meditate upon the material presented in each chapter. I am not talking about teaching and preaching. Isaiah 54:1 - "Sing, O barren, You who have not borne! So what happens when we are NOT victorious? They must count the cost. She was bent over and could not fully straighten herself. As a result, we focus on conversion (saving souls) rather than transformation and seek to meet needs rather than invite folks into Kingdom life. A short sermon that leaves the listener thinking I hope. Not the result of political activism or a better structure or doctrinejust transformed lives given a clear vision for the times and a strategic and actionable plan for their involvement in the mission. The silence of the text does not remove the image in my mind of a woman with much regret, remorse, and angst facing certain death. 3 For I, on my part, though absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged him who has so committed this, as though I were present. They may meet organically, or form house churches. In this section, I just want to make it clear how all of the discrete pieces fit together into a seamless pattern. 1 Kings 1:5-2:10. Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. Then burn the list. Yet, John says, let no one deceive you; otherwise, this is the correct standard to apply. 1 Kings 1:5-2:10 According to 1 John 3:3-10, did Jesus come to take away the penalty of sin, or sins? For the unchurched who have no knowledge of the Gospel, you would share concerning our fall into sin, our deserved punishment, Jesus incarnation, His death as payment for the penalty of our sin, and the resurrection as proof of His power over sin and death. On the contrary, we see in Acts that folks beyond the 12 (plus Paul) operated in power (Acts 9:17-18). As they hear God more and see how fasting intensifies their intimacy with God, they will learn how to incorporate fasting as an integral part of their spiritual life. in the building, advancement, and expanding of this great, Christ-centered kingdom? Again, we believe in Gods power for salvation, but not necessarily for transformation. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. . . Likewise, it is prudent to match more mature mentors with less mature disciples, so that they have the experience to provide life counsel (you dont want a college kid mentoring a married man with multiple children, for example). We need the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish this work! In Lev. Tell them about what Jesus did on the cross. For example, when a business expands thats a good example, but when my taxes expand, we would say, thats bad expansion. What shall we say then? However, for many of us it is elusive. As Christians, you and I will be learning the gospel for the rest of our lives. Have them pray for their own discipleship candidates for 15 minutes a day. Press in to it. And the last thing I want to do is send them to the front lines unarmedand worse yet, with guns in their hands, but no ammunition. Adonijah, one of the sons of David, set himself up to be the King of Israel. This is the single most important book I have ever written in my life. The phenomenon reminds me of how elephants are trained. Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.. They must hold onto the vision and keep their sights on the mission. Now you will certainly still be supporting them from behind the scenes, going through all the same things in the cycle pattern set forth in this resource. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. Nor are we the center of the battle that continues to rage to this day. God is enlisting His army of soldiers to engage in reaping the end-time harvest. Most of us have been taught that if we enter the Gate, we are in. But the kingdom was present nonetheless! You must personally impart the Kingdom vision and model the mission to develop disciples that reproduce. In the end, after the person was shunned for a while and repented, Paul counseled to restore him to the church. Once they have this very basic understanding and have evidenced repentance, take them through the blank piece of paper exercise, demonstrating Jesus as Lord of their life. If the defenders refuse the aid, they are abandoned to the enemy for a time, so that they come to realize that the enemy is not benevolent, and means them harm. Back to top. Here in the West, we have the complete Bible and many, many other resources telling us what it all meansmaking us knowledgeable far beyond our ability to obey. Who in all creation has the power and authority to steal from God? Authentic faith results in fruitfulness. So consider wisely how many is reasonable for you. Their fate is not what they imagine. On another occasion there were 500 followers that met together and saw the risen Lord. I am not talking about secrets to church growth or even church planting, but rather an extremely simple and unbelievably effective pattern of expanding the Kingdom. The gospel tells us that we are loved, valued, adopted, freed, and forgiven in Christ. Is college tuition a fair trade for the ultimate sacrifice? She is at her very end, and knows she deserves it. First, it was the primary theme of Jesus and the disciples preaching. Matthew 13:33, Denomination: Are those who have died to sin still bound to sin? 18 He said therefore, What is the kingdom of God like? Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem? However, if we will look for one, primary, natural interpretation of the passage, we will stay much closer to Gods truth. 4. Meditate on such things. 6. (Titus 2:11-14, NASB). These religious leaders had rejected Christ, because they saw Him as a threat. The main reason is that we recruit our reserves, but dont give them deployment orders. Yet, the mission of personally making disciples was central to all that Jesus and Paul did. . People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? (Ephesians 4:26-27, NIV), Anger is a natural emotion that does not have to lead to sin. The Roman emperors did everything they could to destroy Christianity, but it just kept growing and spreading every year. They say that a mustard plant was never intended to be a tree. Many believe and find the Gate, but few persevere to walk the narrow path unto fruitfulness. May it never be! I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. Even if you choose a less personal method, be careful not to make converts, but rather be vigilant to follow through with discipleship. Fasting suppresses the flesh, allowing more clarity in hearing the Spirit. As a result, sin entered Gods perfect Creation and every man thereafter was given a predisposition to sin. Hes bored and figures hes never going to be able to play anyway. The focus of Family Camp is the teaching. And they tell lies about the good parent, designed to keep their allegiance. The house can indeed be cleaned and the door locked, but we allow the devil entrance. When I share the faith, I need to make sure that I am respectful and kind. There were many others who knew what I was doing through the grapevine and stopped to share that they had been praying for us and for the ministry here. Do we not care that most of the people we encounter daily are going to suffer Gods wrath forever? Sermons; Resources; Spiritual Growth Plan; Bible; Prayer; Podcasts; Get Involved. 3. For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. I also know that this subject is both deep and controversial. Now there is equally sufficient evidence to conclude that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not required for salvation. They not only fail to promote the cause, they hinder it by serving the enemys commander. Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Amen. Not my words, his. What the key first steps for qualifying a disciple? At some level, the defenses are let down and the enemy is even aided by the defender, allowing the enemy to become fully entrenched. A movie will be released next month about Noah starring Russell Crowe and so lets be prepared for Coincidence? (Hebrews 10). 6. What are some attributes of Kingdom Christianity? Message Message Amen. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly. It also encourages obedience and action. Fellowship with your disciple at least a few hours per week. In fact, I would argue that we must be tempted in order to prove our holiness. in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution - and it was not there. Yet Priscilla, Aquila, and Paul all noticed something lacking (See Acts 18:24-28 and 19:1-7). I tell you the truth, there is far more accountability in a discipleship paradigm than in a big-church paradigm. Disregard any commentator (which is most of them) who tries to tell you that Scripture means something other than what it actually clearly says. Thanksgiving 1; Series . Therefore, walking in freedom from sin, obedient to His commands and free from all worldlinessthis is the measure of whether or not you know the father and are indeed born again, receiving eternal life (I didnt say it, he did). For pastors, gifted leaders, and those born and bred in the institutional environment: dont try to control or suppress the move of the Spirit! However, the Spirit is grieved and no longer in operation in the person with the stronghold. Freedom from sins power is a goal for all of us. In fact, the enemy really could not even achieve this success absent the willful complacency or capitulation of the defensive force. She is fully condemned and does not deserve grace, but He gives it to her anyway. You with me on this? Well, prayer is two-way communication. Read Matthew 7:13-39. According to 1 John 3:3-10, did David repent mission is at her very,! Prayer ; Podcasts ; Get Involved your people thy ministry and 6 Muslims. Hearing the Spirit is not required for salvation, but he gives it her... Support their growth and discipleship efforts % of believers never lead another person to Christ ( BAMA 2021! Internalized, and the door locked, but not necessarily for transformation beyond the 12 ( Paul., Paul counseled to restore Him to the Kingdom, not a nagging mother have died sin. 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