With the situation in the Balkans quickly moving towards all-out warfare, Hungary has decided to ask for mediation of the Transylvanian dispute. A guide for getting to the Reintegrate the Empire decision without mods using the Monarchist Hungary focus tree. If they cave anyways, well, cool I guess lol. Press J to jump to the feed. Despite initial successes, it seems that the government of [From.GetLeader] has changed their mind regarding the proposed treaty at the last minute. [From.GetNameDef] Refuses to give up Danzig, Communist uprisings in [CHI_communist_state.GetName], [From.GetName] Requests [Root.GetAdjective] Participation in the [From.GetFactionName]. "Some folks look at me and see a certain swagger, which in. Romania's weakness comes from Consumer Goods debuffs related to King Carol II. Our fighters are severely behind developments in other countries. Without consulting us, the [From.GetAdjective] government has signed a treaty with Hungary, altering or removing the restrictions of the Treaty of Trianon. Even the intervention of [From.From.GetLeader] achieved nothing.There is considerable frustration inside the diplomatic service. ~5.6% chance if Germany is working on one of the focuses and world tension is over 20. Soviet forces are concentrating on the other side of our border, and their diplomats have demanded that we cede all of Bessarabia to them! We are now allowed to reinstate conscription and can openly earmark money for the construction of military factories in the budget. The negotiations in Bled have been stalled for several days now. Hungary has demanded Romania turn over the contested territories of Transylvania to them. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Many in the government favor a strong reply. As they c. Would any choice give me more territory? Our own intelligence service reports large troop movements towards the borders and air raid sirens howling in Budapest. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Despite our strongly worded statements about the Treaty of Trianon, [From.GetNameDef] has not made any moves to stop us. They claim that the unification with Serbia at the end of the Great War was "invalid on account of outside pressure", and that the territory therefore still is legally Hungarian. Romania is currently at war against Italy with France and Britain, if that matters. Valve Corporation. the delegations have traveled back to their home countries, leaving the matter unresolved. The government of [From.GetNameDef] has informed us that they consider the question of revising the Treaty of Trianon to be a purely internal matter of the countries concerned, and have refused to get involved in the matter. I was inefficient and didn't take Romania until mid 1940 but no problems on historical mode. Question in the title. Particularly the oil wells of Ploesti are very important to [From.GetNameDef]. [CAN.GetNameDef] and [MEX.GetNameDef] Unite! On hearing our proposal to split [CZE.GetNameDef], [From.GetLeader] reportedly flew into a rage, calling us "have-beens who have not the slightest clue about the realities of the world. The below description is one of several available for this event.After a meeting with our delegation, [SOV.GetLeader] has offered us a compromise of sorts. Despite a well-orchestrated campaign by pro-Hungarian groups and monarchists, preliminary results show a small majority for maintaining the status quo. In a development surprising even experienced diplomats, the Swedish government has announced that they consider our survival to be a core national interest of Sweden. Several thousand Hungarian volunteers have also made their way to us. Interactive corporate website. Rumors in diplomatic circles point towards a possible deal with Germany. The [ROM.GetAdjective] government has refused to negotiate the contested territories. We would get the western parts of the country, while Hungary would get most of Slovakia, with the demarcation line between our countries roughly bisecting the country.They have assured us that as long as they get their share in the end, they are willing to let us make the first move. Since domestic development would take an unacceptable amount of time, it has been decided to purchase a license from abroad. Like to be able to annex Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, South Tyrol and Veneto as well. The Romanian ambassador has asked for his passport. [GER.GetNameDef] Drives [TUR.GetNameDef] to Join the [ENG.GetFactionName], [ENG.GetAdjective] Parliament Debates Intervention in Scandinavia, [ENG.GetAdjective] Parliament Debates Intervention in the Benelux, [ENG.GetNameDef] Pressures [Spain.GetNameDef], [ENG.GetNameDef] Exerts Influence in [TUR.GetNameDef], [ENG.GetNameDef] Exerts Influence in [GRE.GetNameDef], [ENG.GetNameDef] Announces Balkan Diplomatic Initiative, [GRE.GetNameDef] Resists [GER.GetAdjective] Pressure, [JAP.GetAdjective] Build-up On [CHI.GetAdjective] Border, [GER.GetNameDef] Seeks Scandinavian Support, [GER.GetAdjective] Interest in Scandinavia, [GER.GetAdjective] Pressure Towards the Benelux, [AST.GetNameDef] Assumes Responsibility for Colonial Holdings, [AST.GetNameDef] Joins the [SOV.GetFactionName], [NZL.GetNameDef] Submits to [AST.GetAdjective] Influence, [AST.GetNameDef] Assumes Control of Southeast Asian Colonies, [AST.GetNameDef] and [JAP.GetNameDef] Announce Alliance, [AST.GetNameDef] Establishes Sphere of Influence, [USA.GetNameDef] Joins [AST.GetAdjective] Defense Initiative, [USA.GetNameDef] and [CAN.GetNameDef] Formalize Alliance. [HUN.GetLeader] will be declared King of Bohemia and Moravia, but the [CZE.GetAdjective] constitution will limit his powers to only act with the advice and consent of parliament. The Romanians are now fully prepared for war with the Austrians and their puppets. On his recent trip to Moscow, [HUN.GetLeader] had to endure several gruelling hours of meetings with [SOV.GetLeader], who repeatedly called him an idiot for trying to suggest such an obviously misguided scheme. Here I list out the first few techs that should be researched with each, because a strong end-game is built on a well-executed beginning. With negotiations in Bled in complete deadlock, we must regain the diplomatic initiative by introducing an outside actor. They have approached us to sound out our willingness to sit on that commission. In a gesture of reconciliation, however, he has publicly noted that the Austrian people should be permitted to make that choice for themselves. The government of [HUN.GetLeader] has scored a major political victory, as [From.GetNameDef] has just ratified the Revision to the Treaty of Trianon. Our offer of a guarantee has not been met with much enthusiasm by the [CZE.GetAdjective]s. The political concessions we asked for have caused an uproar in [CZE.GetNameDef], with several prominent Generals and political figures threatening to resign if the government accepted.Citing grave concerns that support could reach them in time, the [CZE.GetAdjective] government has official declined our offer. [ENG.GetNameDef] Gives Up Northeastern Territories. The Hungarian government has indicated that they are quite willing to fight for it, if it came to that.We can ill afford a war breaking out in that region over something so small, and should push for a diplomatic solution. Like previous games in the series, Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy wargame that focuses on World War II. [JAP.GetNameDef] Demands French Indochina, [SOV.GetNameDef] Annexes [TAN.GetNameDef], [From.From.GetName] Intervenes in [From.GetAdjective] war, [From.GetName] Pursues Nuclear Technology, [France.GetName] and [From.GetName] Unite. This clearly shows what everyone already suspected: [From.GetNameDef] is nothing but a paper tiger. Transylvania was long a part of Hungary, before its people freely decided to join us after the Great War. The Soviets have accepted our offer to put the Communists in charge. Our Plenipotentiary has taken residence in Bratislava, ensuring that the Slovakian government will closely align their policies with our own. A compromise solution would perhaps be more agreeable to both sides. Treading a careful balance between the republican and the monarchist factions in his government, [CZE.GetLeader] has opted for a compromise solution. n private discussion, our delegations could not come up with a reason why they would make such an offer, but it seems genuine. Hungarian recon planes have penetrated our airspace dozens of times in the last few hours. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. A formal request from the [From.GetAdjective] government is expected shortly.Representatives of the manufacturer are strongly in favor of the sale, but there are national security concerns about selling our most modern equipment to a foreign country. If you're playing multi w/Hungary, then all of Transylvania. Should we accept this decision? The below description is one of several available for this event.Instead of defusing the situation, our strong response to the latest Hungarian demands concerning the Vojvodina have apparently led to a pact between Hungary and Germany. Our Hungarian comrades suggest we put pressure on Romania to return those territories to their rightful owners. Hungary would further be permitted to spend a greater portion of its budget on expanding and modernizing its military industries.With a democratic government firmly in charge of the country, there is considerable support for the scheme in our diplomatic service. Romania will always refuse your demands at first, but will contact you about mediation for control of Transylvania. Our strong response to Soviet-Hungarian aggression seems to have born fruit. The Hungarian and the German ambassador have both handed over a note to the effect that the Vojvodina and Slovenia are to be transferred to their control at once. Privacy Policy. The Hungarian government has approach us with an offer to divide [CZE.GetNameDef]. I've done this three times now. An example of the plane has already arrived to train mechanics on its maintenance, and a full set of drawings and blueprints is expected shortly. should I choose Germany, Britain or France to mediate if Romania refuse to give up Transylvania? Information, Frequently Asked This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. We might be going to war. Our Chief Diplomat strongly suggests the latter. on Paradox technology, Legal Both sides have now mobilized their forces, and war in the region seems inevitable.The Foreign Office believes it to be imperative that we prepare an intervention to defend our interests in the region. We could also opt to solve the issue with force, while the Yugoslavian military is still unprepared. i have not touched yugo yet, just the new three. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Creating Transylvania in the Peace Conference worked. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Loses claims on each of the following states: Owns Sudetenland (69) and Eastern Sudetenland (74), Becomes the owner and controller of Southern Slovakia (664), Becomes the owner and controller of Vojvodina (45), Hungary becomes the owner and controller of Vojvodina (45). It appears that [From.GetLeader] never intended to keep his word. It appears that our warning to Hungary has fallen on deaf ears. The Romanian Air Force has occupied its war stations, and their fighters have engaged ours in mock dogfights. A study by the Air Ministry has revealed that our air forces are ill-equipped to support the army. Naturally, we would be getting the western parts of Bohemia and Moravia, while they would get Slovakia. I finally got this after about 7 hours worth of attempts. For years, we were too weak to push back.Not anymore. Archived post. I'll have to look into it further, @silent, Are you leaving the axis or are Germany kicking you out of the faction? Contents 1Soviet Union Demands Bessarabia 2Second Vienna Award 3Second Vienna Award 4Germany Mediates Dispute 5Treaty of Craiova 6A Hard Choice id Soviet Union Demands Bessarabia This is a community maintained wiki. The Romanian government under [ROM.GetLeader] has sent a delegation to Moscow to negotiate the issue of the contested territories. If we show the Hungarians that we are not afraid of them, they will surely fold. The [YUG.GetAdjective] government has so far refused Hungarian requests to return territories annexed by [YUG.GetNameDef] at the end of the Great War. Please see the. This week I'll be looking at Romania. Until Carol abdicates, around every 120 days you will have a choice between losing 90 PP and having Consumer Goods being increased by 3%, or having your Consumer Goods factories being increased by 20%. Italian-German Technology Treaty - Rejected! A compromise solution, unpopular but acceptable to both sides, should be preferred to avoid insulting one side to the point of refusing the settlement.". It appears that the Hungarians are serious this time. Questions, Paradox At the same time, members of a terrorist group called the "Ragged Guard" have been arrested trying to cross the border from Hungary. With Bulgarian Hegemony no longer a threat to the Alliance, the Romanians begin to plot their invasion of Hungary to take back their rightful land. Thankfully, there are ways and means to solve the issue. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. As far as the [YUG.GetAdjective] government is concerned, that is the end of the matter. Either party of the proposed treaty would have full control over their part of the territory. id 111 - 120 edit edit source id Communist Ultimatum This is a community maintained wiki. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Between conquering Yugoslavia and actually entering the war, this is the time to build and prep your armies to beat The Third Reich at their own game and blitz the Axis. [CAN.GetNameDef] Seeks Immediate Patriation. The [From.GetAdjective] Air Force is currently holding trials for a new light bomber. https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Romanian_events&oldid=44307, Play Slovakia has returned to our control. [France.GetName] Joins the [From.GetFactionName]! Hungary has also tied their commitment to a return of southern Slovakia to their control. -The events are also Save-Game Compatible (not the french guarantees) and it is highly compatible with other mods! The Hungarian government has approached us with the offer to renegotiate the Treaty of Trianon. If you want war, and want the benefit of the buff Hungary gets (faster justification times) following Romania's refusal, then demand everything. [From.GetName] Seeks Extensive Military Pact, [ITA.GetName] Seeks Reconciliation With [TUR.GetName], Balearic Islands ceded to [Italy.GetName], Italy Announces Claims On Yugoslavian Territory, The [From.GetName] Encourages Revolutionaries, [From.GetName] Gives in to [Soviet.GetAdjective] Ultimatum, [From.GetName] Resists [Soviet.GetAdjective] Ultimatum, [ROM.GetNameDef] Cedes Bessarabia to [From.GetNameDef], German Diplomatic Influence in [CZE.GetNameDef], [GER.GetNameDef] Forces [TUR.GetNameDef] to Submit, [GER.GetName] Formalises Anti-Soviet Pact. The Foreign Office warns that not accepting the proposal would isolate us diplomatically. Following the outbreak of war in Hungary, the question of supporting them has come up repeatedly. Without mentioning any territorial claims, [HUN.GetLeader] discussed only the restrictions on the Hungarian military.A delegation from Hungary has arrived in our capital to secure our formal agreement to Hungarian rearmament. The other side has approached us through back channels, suggesting that they would not necessarily be against a commission of uninvolved nations to decide the issue. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. For more information, please see our And yes - when the Demand Sudetenland event come , i click on "Germany can have war if they dare!" The [From.GetAdjective] Air Force is currently holding trials for a new heavy fighter. More posts from the hoi4 community. I would just go for northern Transylvania. As they continue to expand their army, the begin to stir up a revolt in Transylvania, which will hopefully aid them in the war._________________________________________________________Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy video game developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. [From.GetName] has given up southern Slovakia and retreated its forces past the demarcation line. The contribution of Romania was significant as it provided oil for Germany and over a million men for Operation Barbarossa. The Hungarian Military has been placed at high alert and is expected to enter the war as soon as mobilization is complete. @crusader It's probably just being unlucky. If you're playing . When our ambassador arrived at the foreign office to discuss the official note he had delivered earlier, he was told that there was nothing to talk about, and quickly shown out the door. After long hours spent negotiating, some kind of resolution seems to be close. Talks have broken down almost immediately, with the [From.GetAdjective] delegation stalling at every opportunity and turning minor issues such as the seating order into hour-long debates. The international arms inspectors have left the country, and the war ministry has drawn up initial plans for a modest expansion of our armed forces. We must decide if it is worth the added security. No doubt they believe that we will defend their claims to the area. [YUG.GetNameDef] has agreed to cede the Vojvodina to us. With its old supporters gone, the Treaty of Trianon is no longer worth the paper it was printed on. If we wish to solve this by force, we must strike quickly. If they cave anyways, well, cool I guess lol. Please see the. According to our Air Attach, our newest model is poised to win. Depending on your strengh comparing to Romania and if they are likely to join any faction with a mayor nation, if you got superior numbers and being facist, improve relation with germany and then ask them to back your demands. We have managed to secure [From.GetAdjective] support for a partial revision of the Treaty of Trianon. Any statements in the sensationalist press should not be taken as coming from the Hungarian government, which has never wanted a war. A recent study of modern air combat has shown a critical weakness in our air force. At various times, they have publicly claimed Transylvania as an integral part of Hungary. How did you go about it if I may ask? Hearts of Iron IV. HOI4 Event ID List | HOI4 Cheats HOI4 Console Commands Hearts of Iron IV Event IDs Below is a searchable list of all event names and event codes from Hearts of Iron 4 on Steam (PC / Mac). Cookie Notice Questions, Paradox The [From.GetAdjective] delegation has stated their position as essentially being the status quo, with no major changes proposed. Still, there are opportunities to recover some of the lost land, with interest. - Complete claim transylvania. They strongly believe that they should have full control over the fate of Slovakia, seeing how Slovakia used to be part of Hungary during the days of the Empire.While the Hungarian delegation shied away from issuing any explicit threats, our intelligence service reports an unsettling amount of activity inside the Hungarian military. The [From.GetAdjective] government has declined our request to back us up in the face of blatant Hungarian aggression. Under these terms, we would get Northern Transylvania, while the southern parts of the area will remain with Romania. Any attempt at a compromise solution has been derailed by mutually unacceptable demands. The AI has a base weight of 20 towards picking this option multiplied by the following factors: In the standard historical conditions with Austria not being within a faction, this results in the following chances for the AI to select this option: The AI has a base weight of 50 towards picking this option, multiplied by 0 if Hungary is an AI. Do not know what's wrong . The below description is one of several available for this event.The Air Ministry is looking to procure a new medium bomber for long range interdiction and tactical air strikes, but the Foreign Office has suggested that political and diplomatic concerns should also play a role in deciding which country to buy from. Million men for Operation Barbarossa deaf ears a guide for getting to Reintegrate. Currently holding trials for a new light bomber with negotiations in Bled have been stalled for several days now about... The Monarchist Hungary focus tree quickly moving towards all-out warfare, Hungary has tied! 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