We must go into the decision with eyes wide open. Although it doesnt happen often, there is a small risk that the neutering procedure could cause urinary incontinence for the dog. Spayed females had nine times higher incidence of hemangiosarcoma compared to intact females, regardless of when spaying was performed, however, no difference in incidence of this type of cancer was found for neutered vs. intact males. You may see more undesired behaviors instead of fewer. That is one of the reasons why dog neutering is not recommended for most breeds until the age of 6 months. While sex hormones in males and females function largely in the whole sex business from conception to baby birth, they also play pivotal roles in the maintenance of body muscle and bone growth. Most vets will require you to bring your dog in several days to a week before the procedure to verify that your dog is healthy enough for the operation and to obtain and analyze a blood sample. Dogs that are neutered may have their coat growth patterns altered. These are some testosterone-based behaviors that can also be signs your dog needs to be neutered: Reduced aggressive threshold (having a "shorter fuse") Marking territory with urine. Let us know if you and your vet figure anything out! My Rottweiler pup Six will be celebrating his first birthday next week. I dont want to see my sweet dog change for the worse! Weve all heard Bob Barkers famous advice to fix our pets and help reduce the population of unwanted cats and dogs. The implications for your pet and society as a whole are then discussed below. Note that there are a few health risks involved with spaying and neutering too. These two cells then get it on inside the female and make a baby. If you have no plans to breed your dog, neutering can lower their chances of developing various cancers, prostate problems, and other health complications. 1. For that matter, we worked with our consulting veterinarian to ensure the information was accurate. Annalisa xxxxx London. Neutering is a sterilization procedure administered to male dogs to prevent them from reproducing. if (!e) var e = window.event; Both testicles will then be removed and the associated blood vessels and the spermatic cords (vas deferens) will be tied off. K9ofMine.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Other reasons often cited is the spread of inferior genetic traits and to reduce problematic behaviour including male-male aggression around females in heat and the roaming behaviour of both males and females when love is in the air. In male dogs, this is known as castration and involves the testicles (testes) being removed. She gave birth to a litter in November of this year. Some male dogs may exhibit fewer aggressive behaviors after being neutered. The writer of this article, if the goal is to provide owners with knowledge and resources to make the most informed decision for their pet, should actually do a literature search and look at the evidence rather than just reformulate outdated information. Spaying and neutering protects the animals health and happiness. Had I known that only removing her uterus was an option, I would not have used the vet I ended up with. Some brands claim to make their ice melter pet-safe, but can they still harm dogs? This is done before dogs come into puberty (i.e. I have a 13 month old German Shorthaired pointer that I just got spayed yesterday. When asking her to follow previously learned commands she often looks at me like she has no idea what I am asking her to do. It stands to reason that if you remove testosterone and estrogen from the vital and dramatic puberty growth phase there will be consequences to that individual's height, muscle mass and bone formation of the individual, compared to an intact animal of the same size and breeding. The vet couldnt illicit any pain response from her. Just like people, dogs have their own distinctive personalities and unique tastes. NEUTERING YOUR DOG'S AT 6 MONTHS: THE FACTS The neutering itself should not have any particular effect on a male--anesthesia will sometimes cause a brief coat problem--but that is more common in the case of injectable anesthesia than with gas anesthesia. Fingers crossed. Other common issues, such as infections or cysts, are reduces as well. When it came to thunderstorm phobia, all neutered or spayed Vizslas were at greater risk than intact Vizslas, regardless of age at neutering. We must hold ourselves to the highest standard of reproductive control over the intact animals we are responsible for. In male mammals the gonads are the two testes, and in females the gonads are the two ovaries. However. If you are not receiving newsletters, please check your spam folder. Please provide a valid email address to continue. The reasons given are always the same, prevent unwanted babies and long term health benefits including a reduction in cancer. It stops the breeding process. Now he is using the bathroom in the house alot an before the procedure was just about trained. { There are increased risks for hypothyroidism, cognitive impairments, and orthopedic disorders as well. Honestly, given your comments about athletes and neutered dogs acting female, I think we all know exactly what your issue is. Although we love the tranquil beauty of waking up to a White Christmas, cozy sweaters, hot chocolate, and holiday meals, the winter months aren't all fun and festivities. In another study spanning 14 years of research it was concluded that sterlisation increased the risk for bone cancer in large breed pure-breds twofold. Neutering is a form of surgical sterilization for male dogs. Sorry to hear that, Thor. Some pups are notorious chowhounds, while others are dainty eaters. Typically, males experience greater behavioral changes than females following a neutering or spaying operation, but females can experience a few changes too. New evidence shows link between spaying/neutering and cancer I had a 2 month reprieve of no accidents in the house until Voltron started marking indoors. General advice from the majority of veterinary circles is that responsible dog owners neuter at 6m months. My daschund of 12 years old has had a castration because of a big prostate. On the other hand, certain types of aggression can increase in specific dogs, most prominently those neutered at a very young age, and you should discuss your unique animal with your vet before the procedure. The vet will then inspect the abdominal cavity, and ensure that everything looks right and that there arent any bleeding wounds that require sutures. A tube will then be threaded down your dogs windpipe so that anesthetic gas and oxygen can be delivered throughout the operation. so I am hoping that attack was because of that. 43 Comments. Let us know about your experiences in the comments below. The general trend appears to be moving toward using pain medications following surgery, but there are still many vets who feel that dogs heal more effectively if not prescribed these medications. Please note you said Bob Barker is deceased. Neutering can reduce these behaviors because it changes the urge to mate. She used to want to play all the time. WHAT ARE THE GONADS? Although spaying and neutering procedures are pretty normal and considered standard for pet dogs, they are quite significant from your pets point of view. This thought makes sense after all, considering that hormones play a role in a dog's growth. I was wondering if any one elses dog acted this way? He is active, eating, drinking well, full of energy, etc. Do note that dogs sometimes become more vocal with age. That being said, you should never assume your pet is just a finicky eater, as he may require veterinary care. return false; Thank you for the balanced information. if (!e) var e = window.event; This is all backed up with very tough welfare laws. We see testosterone's dramatic effects in lanky 13 year old males. The term spaying refers to the sterilization of a female dog, although your vet may call the operation an ovariohysterectomy or ovariectomy (the former involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus, while the latter only entails the removal of the ovaries). As the dog ages, the focus on diet and exercise must increase as the dog will want to eat the same amount while wanting to exercise less. '); I just got my 5 year old rat terrier chihuahua mixed dog Darla spayed yesterday. I'm so upset with my vet that I don't think I will use her again.. However, there is a lot of variation in these changes, and different dogs will react to the procedures in different ways. Many people worry that early neutering will stunt their dogs growth but actually the opposite is true! They can't get enough of their people and follow them around, even into the bathroom. 2. It can cause urinary incontinence. For some dogs, neutering does change a smooth glossy coat into a fluffy, wavy one. 3. Wed recommend that you keep giving him the opportunity to sleep on the bed, and just try not to take it personally if hed rather snooze elsewhere. A study by Stubbs and Bloomberg (1995) set out to answer the following theory: Estrogen tells the growth plates to stop. It is interesting to note that some vet organisations agree with Dr. Becker. I got him neutered to help prevent health issues and not for behavioral problems since he had no problems with his behavior. It controls all the typical puberty bits in males such as the less useful growth of the adams apple, facial and body hair to the very much more useful height and muscle mass of the individual. I can't find a study to verify this, I can only testify to what groomers are repeatedly telling us, that desexed dogs have very wooly coats, commonly called spay coat. It also does not define their personality. She was doing great, eager to please, followed directions well but would become distracted while in heat. Please try again later. Some dogs may even experience an increased risk of suffering from an adverse reaction when given a vaccination. Neutered and spayed dogs had five times higher incidence of other types of cancer, regardless of age of neutering. The gonads are best known for making gametes (single celled germ cells) which is sperm in males and eggs in females. In the male there isn't much change. This is also a result of the two studies. Neutering, sometimes called sterilisation, 'de-sexing' or 'fixing', is a common type of surgery that permanently stops your dog from being able to have puppies. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana Crnec discusses what neutering entails, how it may impact a dog's body, then provides details on how neutering may impact a dog's size and growth and why more and . On neutering, you will be hard pressed to find a vet today that would recommend anything but neutering your pet early in their life, normally around six months. Bailey was spayed 5 days ago and she is more needy and very vocal now. The neutering process reduces these behaviors. We have a 5yf American Bulldog named Keona. Its possible that Winnie is associating you with being spayed, but itd be hard to make any kind of definitive conclusion that this is the case. Our Female Dog has gained weight and become moodier at times. } Like all My other dogs did before Him. Group one was neutered at 7 wks, group two at 7 months, and group three remained unneutered. I found your article about spayed dogs whilst looking for articles that confirmed change of coats before and after neutering. He is currently very happy-go-lucky, non-aggressive, doesnt hump excessively, and doesnt mark in the house. What would cause this condition? At the beginning of the procedure, the veterinary staff will usually shave the area where the incision will be placed (usually the lower belly) and clean it thoroughly. INCREASED RISK OF DISEASE The skin and coat of a dog may sometimes change color, becoming lighter or darker. But the fact that shes warming back up to you is a good sign. A dogs coat will also change when being neutered, rough coated dogs coat can become soft, and in the case of a Rough Collie can become very thick, woolly and difficult to maintain. 1. Replied on 04/19/2011. Im glad I made the decision to get her spayed after 5 years and a litter. All three terms refer to removal of the testicles so your male can't breed or sire puppies. It stops the breeding process. As responsible members of society, we owe it to our communities to proactively protect our intact pets from unplanned breeding at all costs. The term neutering a dog describes castration or spaying. She whines and makes all kind of noises, especially when she has a toy in her mouth. The reasons given are always the same, prevent unwanted babies and long term health benefits including a reduction in cancer. Anything you can input on this would be appreciated. EARLY NEUTERED ANIMALS ARE TALLER Doesnt want to go on walks anymore. This may include vomiting, pain or swelling that doesnt subside, discharge from the wound, or any other trouble effects of spaying or neutering your pet. It's a whopper of an article, maybe grab a cup of tea first! Both operations are carried out under general anesthetic. Upon further investigation using male and female Rottweilers spayed or neutered before one year of age, both sexes were found to be significantly more likely to develop bone cancer than intact dogs with early sterlisation bestowing a staggering 25% likelihood of bone cancer in your Rottweiler. What makes a pup a velcro dog? Thus if you remove the estrogen-producing organs in immature dogs, female and male, you could expect cause growth plates to remain open and the dog to grow longer bones. Clearly the issue of population control goes far beyond neutering or not. They found that early spay/neuter may result in a slight increase in adult height. toward the very end, I could finally kiss her on her lovely snout again I did not spray any of my other females after this experience. Estrogen also functions in maintaining the mineral acquisition by your bones. 11 min read Allegra For Dogs: Can I Give My Dog Allegra? I know it hasnt even been 24hrs after anesthesia (sp?) Other authors found similar findings (Salmeri et al 1991). There are other variables that can influence . Also, you may want to check out belly bands they can help eliminate marking behavior in some dogs. The studies above site a decrease of marking and urination in general as the most positive behavioral outcome. I have called the vet to get back to me if this is a side effect or if she is going to be aggressive now. Well walk you through what to expect when you get your dog neutered. Then, the vet will begin sewing up the abdominal wall. You have successfully joined our pup pack. After spaying my cocker spaniel Lola at around 6 months, her personality changed drastically. Since neutered dogs usually cease harboring these feelings, they generally remain more focused and attentive to their lives at home -- and less preoccupied with going outside and mating. My credentials for giving this advice, I have owned and bred Samoyeds for over 30 years, I . But she already had 1 strike against her. It does not guarantee a change in behavior. Stick with consistent, positive reinforcement training to work through any issues. That is why this procedure should be discussed with your veterinarian before a final decision is made. Now that you understand some of the most common behavioral changes that follow spaying and neutering operations, lets discuss exactly what happens when you have your dog spayed or neutered. Whether your pooch has been with you for years, or you've recently adopted a new puppy, few things frighten a pet parent more than watching their beloved dog not eating his favorite meal. Shell likely pick things up again with time, practice, and patience. We kept the dogs in our garden so roaming was not a risk (although they did escape a couple of times). The best advice from a health perspective would be to put off neutering your pet until after puberty, which is at least a year, though some large breeds are still maturing at two years of age. Removing all sex organs from a dog is stupid and not necessary for sterilization. Let us know how shes doing in another month or two. Ive had animals my entire life, dogs, cats, horses, cattle, pigs, rabbits, etc. The texture of their coat might change as well. Pet owners have their dogs spayed or neutered for a variety of reasons. Spaying or neutering, also called altering, is a surgical procedure that prevents the animal from reproducing. Clearly, there are health benefits to be derived from waiting until after puberty to spay or neuter your dog. function catch_click(e) If you neuter BEFORE they are closed, they keep growing longer, resulting in a taller, thinner, narrower dog but more importantly, in a dog who has some bones the right length and some not, which puts unnatural strain on ligaments, tendons and muscles and the joint itself. So I followed the advice of my online training forum and had her spayed. I am convincing myself that getting him neutered in the next few weeks is the right thing to do, but I cant help but worry about behavioral changes that it may cause him. It can reduce sexualized behaviors. Millions of pets have been spayed or neutered thanks to this one simple line. My female wheaton is no longer playful and seem depressed and sluggish. Overview. alert('Right clicking on this page is not allowed. This doesnt mean that dogs who are poorly house-trained will suddenly start waiting to go outside before tinkling, but it will stop the territorial marking behavior that many males exhibit (you may finally be able to ditch those belly bands). At puberty, estrogen promotes skeletal maturation and the gradual, progressive closure of the epiphyseal growth plate (plates of cartilage at the end of bones, which are responsible for laying down new bone). Best of luck! Studies show this to be absolutely the case. He is still alive at 95. Spaying and neutering is responsible pet ownership. Females spayed at 12 months or younger, and both. Ive never had a sleepy low active pug. But it can also lead to behavioral changes. The recent introduction of the castration implant to the UK, has answered the requirement for a simple reversible castration treatment, that mimics castration effects more accurately. Decades ago, most shelter workers and veterinarians - and many professional dog trainers, too - believed that gonadectomy (surgical removal of the testes in males or ovaries in females) would not just help . Because neutering initiates a hormonal change for the dog, there can be some changes to the animal's physical characteristics over time. Emma Judson - Canine Consultant. Theres a reason male athletes out-perform females. I used pain meds for the first few days thinking her behavior was pain related, but she seemed comfortable enough to jump off furniture with ease etc. His bad treats have definitely gotten worse too hes tearing everything up. It also reduces body fat (one reason why some spayed pets can put on weight). The earlier the spay the taller the dog. I completely sympathize with your dilemma, but unfortunately, theres no real way to definitively tell how (or if) your dog will change after being neutered. Essentially, all puppies go through this phase at one time or another, but that doesn't necessarily indicate they'll turn into a velcro pup as an adult. Best of luck! This will help ensure that your dogs kidneys and liver are functioning well enough to handle the anesthesia medication, among other things. Expect positive results and they will follow. A study in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, compiled over 13 years found that " neutering dogs appeared to increase the risk of cardiac tumor in both sexes. It's often stated that neutering a male dog will prevent prostate cancer but some authors refute this on the basis that non-testicular androgens exert a significant influence on the canine prostate. Additionally, many, or even most, dogs will also follow you more when they first meet you or after a big life event, like a move. The procedure is different for each sex and therefore has a few individual risks and benefits. Neutering your male dog -- a gonadectomy -- reduces his level of the male hormone testosterone, so you may see differences in any hormone-related physical and behavioral attributes; specific growth effects include a larger size due to growth plates remaining open longer, and in some cases, obesity. Wed recommend that you continue to give her lots of love and support, and let her adjust at her own pace. Some females may calm down a bit after being spayed, although others will act just like they did before the operation. However, in my opinion, we are so far away from responsible pet ownership in this country that sadly postponing the early neutering of our pets to the great benefit of their health is simply not information that I think the Irish public can be trusted to hear, yet. We'll dive into the issue below, to try to help you know what to expect when having your dog "fixed." Canine Changes After Spaying & Neutering: Key Takeaways Use a crate if necessary to keep your dog calm, but dont force him to endure days of pain unnecessarily. Hey there, Tresa. Kind regards From this point on, things are a bit different for boy pups and girl pups, so well discuss the procedures separately. var right_click = (e.which ? NOW He refuses to sleep with Me, and My other dog, every single night. Very happy with the procedure and my boy and the fact that I dont need to have that worry lingering at the back of my mind that he will suffer in the long run. Spayed females had 6.5 times higher incidence of all cancers combined compared to intact females, and neutered males had 3.6 times higher incidence than intact males. Note it is not just Collies where the coat changes, see here an email and some images sent in from a Cocker Spaniel reader. I dont know if her personality will change its too soon to tell but she is still soo cuddly with me. Our GSH has bitten the Labs tail one time prob 3 months ago and we think it was food agression. I am looking to get him neutered for reduction of potential health risks, as well as the risk of him running away to find a mate (though he hasnt displayed any behaviors of wanting to escape the yard). The other majorly problematic behavioural changes are: constant appetite, constant barking (we bought a barking collar 2 months ago but he got used to it and it is not effective anymore), and increased separation anxiety (I cant go to the bathroom without him following me!!). K9 of Mine is reader-supported, which means we may earn a small commission through products purchased using links on this page. Her training up to that point is almost gone. In the days following his neutering, you could see a few common symptoms, such as lethargy and perhaps a little pain. We certainly understand that it can hurt when our pups start wanting a little more space. But unfortunately, this is something that happens from time to time regardless of whether or not the dogs have been altered. Blue. . In dogs, neutering causes growth plates closed later, meaning that their bones had more time to grow, causing them to grow bigger than intact adults. Spay your dog they said. function catch_click(e) I wholly agree with your conclusions in terms of measures against overpopulation: tough rules and regulations are the most important prevention measure. : can I Give my dog Allegra Thank you for the dog single celled germ cells ) is... Can help eliminate marking behavior in some dogs for the worse two ovaries the bathroom in the comments below false. That prevents the animal from reproducing was not a risk ( although they did before the operation, hump! Harm dogs testes ) being removed wavy one must go into the decision eyes... Certainly understand that it can hurt when our pups start wanting a little pain every night! 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