I think the US should restrict the Aeroflot planes as well! So, before we look at the airline's future, let's take a look at the planes Aeroflot currently operates as of late March 2022. What about rich Russians with luxury condos in Sunnyside FL? If he gets away with this crap, whats next? Right out of the Russian playbook. It's unlikely that Putin would nuke his own country but his own country can remove him (however they choose) but he can nuke any other country that gets involved which is what a cowardly bully would do. The biggest Oil reserve in the world in the US backyard. I am very disappointed that the US has not blocked its airspace. Except for a few countries, this is becoming the world against Putin, who do you think is gonna win? On the evening of March 9, Aeroflot flight SU159, an Airbus A350-900, tail number VQ-BFY departed Cancun, Mexico for Moscow. Now in war times for sure there will abuse AMERICA'S kindness and take advantage of their entry. Why not the US? Six minutes . On a related note, are there any flights to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad? Others have been maligned on social media for filming inside the plane. But Passenger flights are putting, to my mind passengers at risk. Take the long way home. Give the Russian soldiers a way out and when they flee thier tanks, use them against the ones that stay. As Ukraine is not a NATO member, direct U.S.-NATO military conflict with Russia is off the table (for better or worse). How many years have it been since? Editorial Disclosure: The editorial content on this page is not provided by any entity mentioned herein. On 23 March 1994, the aircraft operating the route, an Airbus A310-304 flown by Aeroflot, crashed into the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range in Kemerovo Oblast, killing all 63 passengers and 12 crew members . As the cabin filled with smoke, crew can be heard screaming at people to leave their bags and jump and slide. The people of Ruissa , put Puton up for war crimes he is the Hilter and should be put down . Saddam had the 4th largest military in the world and the US crushed them in three weeks with hardly a dent. Putin al should top patting himself in the backs as the rest of the world and even certain segments of the Russian populace are not going to put up with his folly and watch him wreck the Ukraine. Nice way to start a domestic attack, idiot. Like or not Russia its part of the world and plays an important roll in many issue. Daphne, What its needed its diplomacy, and to listen to the concern of the other side. (2,022 flying hours). You need to open up the pipelines in the United States so we can become fuel independent once again and when you have enough technology to change that then we can make the change but now is not the time we're currently at war with Russia who brings in 40% of our fuel resources that needs to end, no sense in paying Russia so they can continue fighting a war when we're capable of making our own fuel in the United states. Despite safety instructions clearly asking people not to stop for their belongings in an emergency evacuation situation, many of the survivors exiting the burning plane clearly did just that. If the aircraft are not used in accordance with the lease agreements, they will have the right to terminate the leases and reposses the leases aircraft. His support of Mango Mussolini was not in our best interests, and Mango's support of Putin put money in the Rump Crime Family pockets per Eric's recorded admission. Aeroflot flight SU124 . It's time to put these people in jail until this conflict is over pretty don't know what they'll do all these billionaires in the United States from Russia could cause problems over here. Not Rocket Science. Have a heart. The first stanza of the poem explores the idea of fire as a destructive force. Take that loophole away and suddenly Aeroflot will be a lot smaller. The world is slowly closing to Russian airlines, with Aeroflot being the most global of those airlines. I found the delusional nut job, everybody. Another idea would be to allow airlines and / or aviation authorities to fine passengers who break the rules. Essex Coroners Court heard on February 22, 2019, how Greta Dyrmishi collapsed after arriving from Tirana, the capital of Albania. However, this is probably more challenging to implement, as it would require the passengers to be identified and for their actions to be proven. Now it is better red than democrat! The Aircraft be confiscated and sold, funds from sale given to the Ukrainian Government to repair damage to the country . I believe 1/3 of the U.S. use to be under water..So if we go back to that.Goodbye Californiauour only here because of climate change. I don't know what the hell is wrong with our government letting it go this long we should have been in full force weeks ago. They are barely surviving now. Nukes, Artemis, nukes. Two of the victims are thought to be children, and one US citizen was said to be on board also. Brooks, of Santa Fe, N.M., graduated from the . But now its gone all quiet. Only supported aircraft types that are active with this airline are included in the calculations. For years US took advantage of it until Chavez got to power. See more about our ethics policies here. Aeroflot confirms engine fire on flight SU1492 Moscow-Murmansk 5 May 2019; Although I hear the Artic is beautiful this time of year.. Its best to burn down and never support anything Russian. You see the lines at their banks and ATMs? I just wish Ukrainians would send a small force to Sochi to some sniper rifles and javelin launchers to was this war by destroying Putin where he sleeps. Puti will never get away with this. After WWII Japan went heavily into nuclear power because they wanted independence from oil producers. Tony you also see right through this person trying to make it about the Republican party. Also, EU wasn't playing this one too smart. Putting is living in a fantasy world if he thinks he can bring it back. Makes no sense. The corrupt Russian Oligarchs that wine, dine and play in the West are now being exposed. Effective March 2, 2022, BIS imposed similar controls on Belarus, including this new license requirement. I have said this very thing Put a warrant out for Putin's arrest and charge him as a war criminal but I've got a funny feeling his own inner circle will execute him should this happen. The plane caught fire after it made an emergency landing moments after take-off at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport. We don't need politicians to "make us great". 2 Future records only include new-built aircraft close to delivery and expected second-hand deliveries. Meanwhile Aeroflots eastbound transatlantic flights on Sunday also had quite a journey the flight from Miami still used Canadian airspace, apparently by lying and claiming it was a humanitarian flight. We may have to do more drastic things. An Aeroflot flight from Miami to Moscow on Sunday violated Canada's ban on Russian overflights. Identifying target markets and consumers: The report will provide information on the demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns of the target market. So many of you are experts. The entire Russian population will feel measures like this and frankly they should. The Russian people need to have a revolution in overthrow Putin before he kills them all. Come on Puton During the Gulf War "Saddam Hussein" had reportedly considered CFB 5 Wing base as a strategic target because of it's importance to North America and NATO allies. Your feedback is important in helping us keep our community safe. It's been over for a long time now, we are talking decades. My comment is regarding the flight pattern. Do not let them leave. Or now you just give those people cause to seek asylum. His people will rise up against him. Aeroflot Group announces operating results for March 2022, slightly down year-on-year. Airlines have been using two pilots for a long time and are not ready to spend money on a flight mechanic. We are the worst. My family moved here from Europe and had to go through legal channels to become Americans. Mr Putin should remember history. They harm the EU airlines more than the Russians. Canada literally sent Americans back to Putins Russia. Otherwise they would be stuck here without the means to support themselves. It is currently over the North Atlantic after taking a circuitous route that took it east over Cuba, then a sharp northward turn before it would have entered US airspace over Puerto Rico. We don't need politicians to "make us great". On carefully observing the video, we noticed that the plane on fire had the word 'Aeroflot' on its body, which is Russia's largest airline. American among those killed in Russia plane fire. Where are you from and what is your country doing to help. American divisiveness is so strange to the rest of the world. Another useless "countermeasure" by the West that does nothing to address what's actually going on. In case you are wondering why these flights cross Canada instead of flying directly across the Atlantic ocean, it is because the routes are "Great Circle" routes that are actually shorter than what one would think from looking at a map. It looks like it got turned around at the Danish airspace boundary for Greenland. He would be seen as a weak and defeated leader. A video of an aircraft crash landing at an airport, while going up in flames, is doing rounds on social media, with the claim that it is the Boeing 737-800 which crashed in a forested hillside in southern China on Monday, 21 March. Delta Boeing 767 Engine Fire During Mid-Flight. If Putin sets off nuclear weapons, none of this armchair quarterbacking will matter. Now WE buy oil from Russia at $140 barrel and give him cash to buy tanks and rockets. BUT Biden is caving to the green idiots. Not a wise move by Canada! Why all decisions are so weak? The lying, however was a very silly and inexcusable action taken by the pilots of the Aeroflot aircraft headed to it's home port of Moscow. Punished by Western sanctions, Russian airlines are struggling to keep their fleet flying. He's lost his mind. Our resources are still here. As a growing number of countries move to ban Russian flights from their airspace, officials in Canada say they are planning to launch an investigation into an Aeroflot flight from Miami to Moscow . On Sunday, the European Union and Canada officially banned Russian airlines from using their airspace. Ok, so Aeroflot will soon be needing to lay off a bunch of employees and incur major losses by paying carrying costs on jets they really wont be able to efficiently use. Aeroflot's passengers planes are parked at Sheremetyevo airport, outside Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, March 1, 2022. Where ever we can hit them with these type of situations, will ultimately frustrate the Russian citizens to keep protesting against their leader who is doing this. Unlike you, I was born in the US. Remarks Russia should be shut down. You ever talk to Russians? Trump among others with him. Long ago when I worked in Government Policy Coordination at a major oil company, it was federal policy to encourage depletion of foreign First point, we have better oil and gas technology than Russia and they have to hire western companies to extract some of their oil and gas. If the US were serious about fighting the aggressive Russian imperialism it would have immediately quit buying Russian oil. However, my feeling is that it would have been done much earlier if there were no sanctions or better yet if they were targeted in an entirely different way. When Emirates flight EK521 crash landed at Dubai in 2016, numerous people wasted precious time rummaging in the overhead compartments. Biden couldn't even fix Trump's China mess yet. And it's time to send troops on the ground in the Ukraine to help the ukrainians. Without being able to use Canadian airspace, odds are that the plane didnt have enough fuel to land in New York, and where can the plane even really refuel at that point? Maybe the brain..SORRY, I meant maybe the engine got switched off? The cabin crews . This is ALL on Putin. Russians lying to Canada about humanitarian flight what a surprise Russians lying!!!! Aeroflot was two years into an eight-year-long plan to reshape itself as a world-leading carrier. Seems irrational to want to be a Dick-tater, no matter how messy democracy is. I might be wrong. Our future is dark." You will either live miserably or perish with your great leader you love so much. All these political experts in the comments section, so tell me, what you would have done? I think we should all smoke a joint or take a Valium and stop thinking we know everything. This is why fracking sites close down, when barrel is below $50. I don't think Aeroflot even has a scheduled route that crosses the Pacific without having to fly through Canada Approx 50% of Russian commercial airplanes are leased. They own stock in a Canadian extraction business, not US uranium. If an Aeroflot plane did fly over Canada or EU or UK airspace, what would be done? . Not true. If you look over the centuries. Like a snowflake rolling down a hill, each sanction will snowball. I think putin has become a megalomaniac and has this personal thing about the Ukraine I would even go and fight for the Ukraine even at my age of 88 years I can still pull a trigger by God. sm*h. First I'd force the EU hand to issue the warrant for Putin's arrest for war crimes then wait for his own inner circle to assassinate him cause they don't want this war anymore than the citizens of Russia and Ukraine. For National security.. All flights that enter into the Free World Airspace, must be escorted back to their country, or forced to land and put in prison. Let the Russians suffer for their Leaders actions. 1 The average fleet age is based on our own calculations and may differ from other figures. That should have been a starter for sanctions! To 787. Freeze all Russian assets in Canada and confiscate the same giving them to humanitarian aid for Ukraine. ), (At The Quint, we are answerable only to our audience. Besides, Putin is still allowed to fly with the hope of talks. Review: EgyptAir Lounge Cairo Airport (CAI), Another Year On The Executive Platinum Hamster Wheel. Such as Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Greece, etc. This is a military airbase that was built during WW2 as a major refueling base and later became training grounds for NATO allies to practice low level flying in order to evade radars. NOW we have CORNPOP BIDEN. What they should have done is made a "wall" of countries that do not have intercontinental services from their countries. The poem is written in a simple yet effective manner, with each line comprising only one or two words. I say continue on comrads But dont you dare try to do business with the rest of the world. Huge long table with him at one end and everyone at the other end. The word 'Aeroflot' was seen on the plane. Clearly, despite all safety information explicitly instructing passengers not to stop and collect belongings, a worrying number of people believe the rule doesnt apply to them. Advertiser Disclosure: Some links to credit cards and other products on this website will earn an affiliate commission. Correct? Can they squeeze between Finland and Estonia to reach St. Petersburg? It seems some passengers just dont think, or dont care, and are prepared to endanger others rather than lose a few personal belongings. Firefighting Boeing 737 Air Tanker Crashes in Australia. . All of this could have been avoided if Ukraine had declared neutrality and form a commission with other European nations to address the problem. Viva Air and Avianca, a Colombia-based full-service carrier, announced their intentions to merge in April 2022. The consensus is that it is highly likely people stopping to collect baggage caused significant delays which contributed to the loss of life. Erratic autocrat and the Russian citizens and Russian politicians are too inept and cowardly to do what needs to be done. This has become a fight the Russian public cannot sustain . The flights from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad are taking a roundabout route to Moscow these days. It's the leaders who cause problems and then the rank and file people must suffer, especially the military personnel who are made to do their government's bidding. The West is taking various measures that, while of minimal effect individually, will hopefully combine to have some sting. Cry me a river but get them out of our airspace. The State Department was one of NINE departments that had to sign off on that stock purchase. A firetruck is seen in the same position in both the clips. Derailing Putin's czarist ambition's. This is because the Earth is actually a sphere (as opposed to being "flat" like a map). Aeroflot Flight 593 was a regular passenger flight from Sheremetyevo International Airport, Moscow, Russia, to Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong. Called "strategic" reserves. Objectives of Fire Planes Market Report: 1. Hypocrisy at its finest. I think that all space in the US should be banned for Aeroflot as well. Did you see that picture of a cabinet meeting? Most Russians don't want this war and when it starts effecting their quality of like it puts pressure on Russian Gov't. I might be wrong. Plus as my personal experience and facts they are there FREEDOMS restricted. Eventually Aeroflot will become grounded with no where to fly..Close Russia to the world and the Russian people will revolt from Putin. . The results led us to a video uploaded by news organisation The Telegraph from April 2020, that discussed a Russian Aeroflot that caught fire and made an emergency landing at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport "last year.". Difficult for Aeroflot to sort out getting their crews and equipment home. Aeroflot Fire: More Passengers Could Have Been Saved. What Canada did was horrible and put many American lives at risk. The U.S. is the #1 oil producer worldwide, and that has NOTHING to do with Traitor Trump! "It's just a real tragedy that this has happened, and it's been a problem industry has been looking at for some time, with passengers not obeying crew instructions to get off the airplane as quickly as possible.". Aeroflot's fleet features 59 Boeing planes, including 777s and 737s, and 119 Airbus models, including seven A350s and 64 A320s, according to figures on its website. Because the earth is a globe not a flat map and that is literally the shortest route. Yet most aircraft not built in Russia (Boeing-airbus) but owned buy Russians or Russian companies are registered in the Bahamas or the Cayman Islands. Who pays for these tickets? We need to construct. that Biden couldnt fix. Ukraine is fighting for its freedom and Russians soldiers are fighting because they are forced to. Corona dictator Trudeau's Canada is like a dog that can bark but not sing. This is America. I think that Putin has gone insane from his bout with covid. Also, by the time theyve broken the rule, the damage has already been done and lives potentially lost. Profits would be given to support the people in the Ukraine, North Korea and Trump's Florida neighbors. The Aeroflot Sukhoi Superjet 100-95, operating flight SU-1492 from Moscow Sheremetyevo to Murmansk (Russia) with 73 passengers and 5 crew, crashed at Sheremetyevo. Leslie Josephs @lesliejosephs. Chimney fire at SW Bend home causes $150,000 in damage, losses . Colombo's Commercial High Court has . Shoot them out of the sky that's what Russian would do. All he has to do is just stop. A statement issued by the Russian Investigative Committee and reported by Euronews said [] If anything, sanctions I was mentioning only prolonged the suffering of many. stars on their backs, create the benches only for Russians, then restaurants "only for non-russian" etc. the Airflytes. They haven't any solutions. We are praying for and stand with Ukraine!! WWIII? 2 years later barrel was above $100 bucks. Talking nuclear war will only destroy everybody how crazy is that. Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. Aeroflot and S7 Airlines have announced the suspension of all international flights in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. And no one seems to call it out. However, in most cases there is enough understanding for people to know what it means. Let the plane land in NY and then seize it. First point, we have better oil and gas technology than Russia and they have to hire western companies to extract some of their oil and gas. USA/CANADA & EU/Nato members all should cancel, revoke ALL TOURIST & VISITORS VISA'S for all Russian citizens. 41 people died in the fire. It's unlikely that Putin would nuke his own country but his own country can remove him (however they choose) but he can nuke any other country that gets involved which is what a cowardly bully would do. Two aircraft, registered as HK-5307 and HK-5327, both just over 3 years old, have already been sent to storage, Planespotters.net data shows. That's it! These clowns still have a following! You have successfully joined our subscriber list. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The flight from Miami to Moscow had redirected its flight path to conveniently fly directly over CFB 5 Wing airbase (the place I was born). The whole point is to make the whole country suffer, and Of course the sanctions are meant to hurt the Russian people, who can immediately turn against their government, as all these are an immediate result of their head of states actions. The tragic Aeroflot Flight 1492 accident in Moscow earlier this week claimed 41 lives. Why not?! Believes Beijing Is Considering Artillery and Drone Deliveries to . Many of our existing wells are retired because production cost was higher than market value and can be brought back online quickly for a price. In some cases, the language barrier could be blamed for people not following instructions. This will have the affect of further isolating the Putin Regime from the world community for their aggressive actions in Ukraine. Think before you speak! banned Russian airlines from using their airspace, Russias Aeroflot Suspending International Flights, Major: Sabre Cuts Off Aeroflots Technology, UK Bans Aeroflot, Russia Bans UK Airlines, Please view our advertising policy page for additional details about our partners. Our future is dark." Its better to have a bad deal than good fight. Saddam didn't have them. If Greenland is off-limits (as it should be, since it is part of Denmark), the only route to North America would be over North Africa, Turkey and then turning north over the Caspian sea. The incident occurred on 26th July. We've got enough problems already we don't need more coming into the United states. officials in Canada say they are planning to launch an investigation into an Aeroflot flight from Miami to Moscow that entered . Id rather not post that footage up as no normal person really wants to hear the sounds of people screaming and dying, but if you really want to see it its all over Twitter. 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