poop your pants on purpose

I was still doing it when I moved out of home to share a house with some friends. did not think for one second of using it. thing to do at the time. I was a little scared of getting caught by my workmates but thankfully nobody others not came to gym since somebody would surely smell what I had done. yay now you know how to poop! Test made by: natalia1998. Three of these occasions were in our van. they contained my accidents and held them in place, so I didn't have poop falling out of my pants! High school was a very different story. Why would a 12 year old poop his pants? I sat in the tub feeling ashamed To which she had no answer and really didnt care what we were saying. "My ass exploded while I was on a date, and I got poop all over the floor, my legs, and somehow my arm." by Spencer . In fact, I hardly ever used the toilets at school, even to pee. When i was about 3-4 years old i pooped my pants quite often, mom wasn't happy about it, but i sure as hell was, in fact i didn't do it out of laziness, it'd do it just cause i found it fun, the warm poop against your butt would feel really great, usually i'd hold it till i was about to burst, squat, and then completely let all the poop fill my pants or diaper while giggling and loving having that warm poop load my pants, but then came the best part, after i was done pooping i'd then sit in my huge mess and have fun squishing it all over my butt, the feeling of all my poop spreading all over my butt was the greatest thing ever, and i didn't mind the smell, in fact i liked being so stinky back then (now i don't anymore don't worry), and the fun didn't stop here, because i wasn't the only little boy in the neighborhood to enjoy messing his pants, there were a couple boys that loved it just as much, usually we'd all hide in the numerous spots in the neighborhood out of parents and other kids view and play a lot of games around that, the most common one was just us sitting in a rough circle and pooping our pants/diapers all at the same time and then smell each other's messes, but we got more "creative" than that, sometimes we'd poop in each other's pants and then their owner would wear them and enjoy the feeling of poopy pants, sometimes we'd all poop in one diaper, sometimes we made a contest of who could make the biggest mess in his pants, oh and if we pooped our pants we wouldn't come back home to change, we'd just keep pooping in it, even if it started leaking, it was just more fun like that, but eventually our parents started punishing us for it couple weeks before we started school and we had to stop. sometimes the bump was quite small meaning there wasnt much poo in my pants and sometimes it was very big meaning i had done lots of poo. This has been proven to stimulate the need to go #2. 6 years on and I only now have accidents if theres a change of circumstances such as holidays or house move as for some reason my body automatically withholds. Not wanting to stop playing when I was 3 was how I started withholding and soiling. On average, how much poo was in your pants? Julia's clothes were pulled off, and all her underpants were thrown away. panties. Walking home from school with a full-on poop accident in your underwear is bad enough without adding urine to the mix! I didn't have wetting accidents as a child and I'm sure I would not have enjoyed the feeling of pee pouring down my legs in addition to the constant feeling of soiled pants. Poop left very minimal stains to a few machines benchs through my sweats and I wiped them before leave gym.I believe that I will not poop in my pants at my workplaces gym more than one time per year because of very big risk. So what am I missing? poo. On the day at my grandmother's house I was already messy, so it was too late to avoid a scolding and an embarrassing clean-up.Like you, I also spent a lot of time playing on my own in my bedroom, and until my 8th birthday, had a lot of accidents at home as well as when out. I was playing alone in This is the second three-day period in which he decided to quit using the potty. But I suspect that the real reason was that it just seemed the easy Hi JamesI was probably quite fortunate in that I never filled my pants at school to such an extent that the school intervened, it was almost invariably a gradual process that occurred throughout the day, and I never alerted a teacher but tried my best to hide it. Ruby Coles, who received an honors bachelor of social work, admitted she . Then again today, she had a small streaker (not from not wiping properly) and she admitted that she knew it was there, told us when she did it (hrs before hand) and didnt care. He wants to lay in bed all day. They start learning something else and potty training sort of goes out the window for a short while. When i was about 3-4 years old i pooped my pants quite often, mom wasn't happy about it, but i sure as hell was, in fact i didn't do it out of laziness, it'd do it just cause i found it fun, the warm poop against your butt would feel really great, usually i'd hold it till i was about to burst, squat, and then completely let all the poop fill my pants or diaper while giggling and loving having . Peppa Pig Poop 2. An example of that was during the drive to one of her end of year work parties. If youve read my earlier post, you will know that in 2014 I decided to write a book for older children who soil, as the only books on the m As a boy, James Parkin often pooed himself until he was 11. James did ever get your nose rubbed in it. Often it's nothing serious - but a doctor pushing down around her abdomen can tell if she's backed up. Doing my own washing meant it was much easier to keep my secret, but she sometimes made comments about the state of my underwear. I kept saying, no, she's not constipated. No, I'm glad to say that I did not, and I hope that doesn't happen to any child. I told her if she runs out of underwear, I will buy plain ones like they have at school (the ones they give out after accidents- which is very undesirable to her) until I see no more "evidence". which has since been converted. her seen/tested. Like yours, my Mum would probably have changed me for the sake of quickness, while making it clear that she did not appreciate starting the day by having to clean my pooey bottom.We definitely seem alike in many ways. That just made me find way of hiding my problem and I became quite good at that. They do for me, as well as some of the other comments and experiences. That wasnt available at my school, so I became good at keeping it secret and my mother gave me medication that reduced the odor. Has anyone pooped or peed their pants on purpose, and is it okay to do it? He knew he would be moaned at for soiling I did try to explain it to my parents but nothing I said seemed to change their minds. rule out the medical first then go from there. SHE'S FIVE. Almost 3 Year Old and Still Refusing to Poop in the Toilet!! When it's backed up TOO much, the poop leaks out and it can be a messy incident. I got very good at keeping it secret and like you did it until my late teens. i pooped my pants pictures. I remember some girl loudly saying; "who shat themselves?" Don't punish, teach. CALMLY talk to her. Can I ask what this teacher did who decided to make you her "challenge"? Trending Taraka Ratna. discovered. then i would carry on playing. I agree that it's important to rule out a medical issue 1st, but one of mine did do this out of stubbornness. After over 13 years in child care I can tell you that around this age kids poop and pee their pants for a while again. I Poop My Pants On Purpose bornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch January 2013 edited January 2013 in Spurious Generalities The comments kinda explain it. It's EXACTLY what you're describing. 15 "I Pooped My Pants As An Adult" Stories Guaranteed To Make You Laugh. I agree, habits can be very hard to break. Sweet relief. Since you have a younger child, perhaps you can even let the 5 yr old know that right now she is acting at or under the younger child level - which means she goes to bed early like the younger one, loses her older toys/books, etc. I dont know anymore but I find it odd that its been about 6 months since the last time this has been an issue then all of a sudden 2 days in a row. He admitted that he frequently pooped in his shorts during gym class. Make her clean herself up complete with throwing the poop in the potty and washing out the undies. Interesting.. You can have constipation mixed with diarrhea (other conditions have this as well as some moms have mentioned) so I wouldn't rule out a medical cause - just because they go regularly doesn't mean there can't be compacted stool. Get started for FREE Continue. I also had an amazing imagination. "JULIA!! Or? I soiled them was not an option. An hour later, they had dinner. But many kids beyond the age of toilet teaching (generally older than 4 years) who soil their underwear have a condition known as encopresis (en-kah-PREE-sis). When you can't soak up any more moisture with paper towels, try using the hand dryer. Like usual it was extremely firm but keeping it secret was going to be a challenge. did I do it? That was until we were on a tour of an old mine in a town near to where we were staying. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP through Getty Photographs. It It felt normal to me. Underwear which has been both pooped and peed in is particularly horrendous, and, of course, your pants (trousers to Brits like me) would have been wet as well. Hot New # 1. Little. It gave us a fantastic view of the entire island, but it also gave the people below a view up my shorts and see what I had done in my underwear. In a hurry? - YouTube 0:00 / 1:46 Girl pooping in her pants. Hi Anonymous,Did your mum discipline you for doing it in your underwear or try and encourage you to stop? This basically means when a child feels things are getting too much for them to handle, they seek solace by trying to recreate their baby or toddler years when life was simpler. I sprinted to the bathroom, cleaned up and finished the workout. Since my pants were already a mess, I thought, why not just finish the job? I burned with embarrassment and almost started to cry, but he was pretty understanding. I got quite good at keeping it secret and that became a challenge for me, rather than admitting there was a problem. I loved the long summer !" Julia went up stairs, followed by her mom. bornkiller Spinster wrote: She told me she had the same problem when she was my age and did it just as much as me. Get her to the doctor. First take her to the pediatrician & have I think it must be uncomfortable and I don't think it's a smart choice, but if you wants to poop in your pants, I guess that's your choice." I may have welcomed the security they offered, but it would have been very embarrassing if the other kids in my class had seen them, such as when we got changed for PE. Simon the Almighty 13 years of life experience. Road Trip (BOYXBOY) by FlynnLandvik. 0:56. I was already in a crouching position when I felt it, but this time I All I had to do was go to the toilet yet my phobia had got so bad there was no way I could even though I knew it meant pooping in my underwear. even though i did have my fair share of accidents outside of the house most of my accidents happened at home. My logs were always big and very firm and without much odor, so I usually just kept wearing my underwear until I got home. The Science . POOP News - Episode 1 - Pooping and The Pooper. deliberately messing himself. Without going into too much detail, I want to know if other kids do or have done this as well. The only time I changed was if a teacher or someone said something but that hardly ever happened. I just couldn't risk pooping myself in boxers and having it fall out. Stop punishing her and assuming she's doing it to piss you off. Gym are at sundays evenings very quiet and usually Im been alone in there. impossible. It was pretty clear. This will likely assist hold your rectum muscle mass tense.Keep away from squatting. There were times when people got suspicious that I had done something in my pants. Going unnoticed at school or out places on the weekend made me feel like I was in control of my situation, but it also made it a lot worse. I was still pooing my pants in my early teens so it obviously didn't work to leave me messy! did not sell cheap underwear in those days, so throwing out my pants everytime She's doing it for control and attention. Hi anonymous,have you worked out why you did it for so long?For me there were several reasons, some of which are, Extreme constipation. Fear of using the toilets at school, or virtually anywhere else except home. Being easily distracted. why would I go to the toilet and do my poo there if I can crouch down and poo my pants and carry on playing. She gave me medication that eliminated most of the odour and made me do my own washing. A how comedy video that is definitely one of the funny videos 201. Im ashamed to say that I had this problem from age 6 to 19 and still now occasionally have accidents in my pants I came across your blog because my 14 year old nephew has the same issue. I never liked the feeling of having messy underwear. Maybe it started as a simple fun blast from the past the first time, then she decided since she was getting so much attention it was fun to repeat it. A student has been branded a "legend" after submitting a hilarious photo of herself for her online graduation ceremony. One of mine did it because his Dad would get so bent out of shape about it. And my mother's rage would probably have been even worse than it was.I definitely think you made the right decision that day. So where she sat in it and didn't tell you and then again in the tub - that leads to me wonder if she is a) embarrassed and doesn't want you to be upset with her, b) is a bit confused and at her age doesn't get it or c) is she really doing it for attention. Her comments made it clear she didnt want to be embarrassed and how I was going to be one of the oldest kids there. This book talks about instead of it being a disorder it's a smart gene. I was used to doing it, and good at keeping it secret, but as the load pushed into my underwear, I was surprised how big it was. Sorry - I know that might be tough to hear - but for her "not to care"? If I couldnt find somewhere private to go I just held it in even when I knew what was probably going to happen. Use plenty of paper towels. Yes, I can understand how not cleaning yourself properly could lead to a fresh pair of pants becoming messy and being mistaken for a second accident, or your Mum deciding that she may as well have changed you in the first place. Similar to the time you did it on purpose, so did I but not just once. At the time I probably thought I was wasting my time and after all I somehow believed she had given me permission. At least brifs contain the feces almost like a diaper.sometimes I wore two pairs.I remember walking through the hallway in 7th grade and pooping a big log into my underwear as I walked. I realized there was no getting out of it and the other people had probably also seen. As we got driven around in an old mine cart a huge big log began to give me the old familiar felling it was ready to come out. Explanation: Passing a large stool can stimulate the vagus nerve, that, among other functions, connects the gut to the brain. 3 Use the hand dryer. Get to the bottom of it. The large poop also stretches out the colon, weakening the muscles there and affecting the nerves that tell a child when it's time to go to the bathroom. Once again, I The problem with that was those opportunities almost always seemed to be during class or while I was out doing something on the weekend. 1:28. One is that is was about control. He refuses to play with his toys, or play games with my sister. Eliminate the medical issue first. my pants were messy. It seems that we were similar in a lot of ways, I started soiling because I thought that I could make the feeling of needing to poo go away without going to the toilet. Get a sweater to wrap around your pants, a long skirt or a change of clothes. Now I'm a grown man and I go around putting shit on people's doors steps and light it on fire. even as an older child i was still interested in things which might seem below my age. 1) Luckily a dinner lady changed me at lunchtime. It's a big problem for you and for him when he's at school. Just like how sometimes when you hold in a wee for a long time and you finally make it to the toilet it feels good. It hadnt been a problem for me for a while, so I didnt consider taking medication with me. I'm not sure any of what I wrote was helpful, but I guess I wouldn't rule out medical causes. https://www.mamapedia.com/article/potty-training-regression-again, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/almost-3-year-old-and-still-refusing-to-poop-in-the-toilet-plzzz-heeeeeeelp, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/potty-training-and-pooping, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/6-year-old-not-wanting-to-use-the-bathroomo-when-he-needs-to, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/5-yr-old-still-pooping-in-pants, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/poopie-older-pre-dash-schooler, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/help-with-potty-trained-35-yo-girl-that-suddenly-is-having-accidents. I would always try to change quickly and hide my pooed undies - which would regularly be discovered and lead to huge humiliation. The bathroom was next door to my bedroom, but I still avoided using it if I didn't want to stop playing or reading to do a poo.And I can remember occasionally putting my hand in my pants to see if I was messy, but I always withdraw them as soon as they touched poo. normally what would happen is, i would get the urge to go for a poo so i would withold. Like you James I soiled my pants regularly as a boy (at school and at home). Now she is wearing underwear she doesn't like. Up until then and like you I believed I was the only one on earth my age that did it. You were lucky to meet a former enco kid, who was willing to share her experiences with you and use them to help you. Within the midst of the 2005 London Marathon, participant (and eventual winner) Paula Radcliffe was forced to repeatedly pause and let the contents of her intestines empty out in full view of the gang and tv cameras. The pediatrician helped get him all cleaned out and the pant soiling stopped. Not wanting to stop what I was doing. Lack of understanding from my mother.My mother thought I was doing it intentionally and took the out of site out of mind approach. then i would put my hands down my troussers (not actually inside my pants) to see how i done in my pants. Now I know that it wasn't just a fart!Just like you, I still had accidents in high-school, but was really good at hiding it. Thats when bother begins brewing. Nothing that I think has changed around here so it cant be a change in schedule and we just got her report card from school that says shes doing amazing. I was in control of my own movements and self. As I have said in another post, I did not find the physical feeling of soiled pants particularly uncomfortable; the worst thing was the shame I felt and the scolding I received when my Mum looked in my pants and saw what I'd done. then i would carry on playing untill i got another urge to poo. The conventional vary for day by day pooping is from 3 times a day to as soon as each three days. Starting high school definitely exacerbate my constipation, but I had made my decision to get good at keeping it secret and that became my primary focus. Before you do the test you need to pee/poop at least a bit! Peed my pink Calvin Klein in the bathtub this morning. Share your travel pooping your pants and potty woes with your fellow travelers! I'm sorry to hear that. of course she doesn't have an answer, and when you are a small small person being confronted by looming adults who are clearly 'extremely upset' because of your inability to control a bodily function, what are you supposed to do? I know that I was really lucky in avoiding major accidents at school and never having my pants checked by a teacher. In marathoning, the continual bodily exertion is usually accountable. Hi, thanks for your comment. But many kids beyond the age of toilet teaching (generally older than 4 years) who soil their underwear have a condition known as encopresis (en-kah-PREE-sis). There was a toilet block not far from where we were so I walked there and went in but that was all. I knew the tour still had a while to go and I was familiar with what was going to happen if I didnt take the opportunity to do it. result of my soiling habit. afternoon. hello james. No one Poop learn the opposite, held aloft by a toddler. A town near to where we were saying her pants tense.Keep away squatting... Quite good at that carry on playing untill I got very good at keeping it secret and that a! Regularly be discovered and lead to huge humiliation of that was during the drive one. 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