my husband left me when i needed him most

Opinions? It's a simple fact that you love you husband and most likely, you want to keep your marriage together. It sounds like you were ready to leave your husband and were looking for ways out. Let go of the past and move on with your life! This is especially true when we are faced with difficult decisions in life. I found the will to embrace my feminine power and I made the decision for myself. If this is what's happening to you, then it's time to dig deep and start looking at yourself. You can follow those seven steps to win your husband's heart and solidify your marriage once more. I'm not even much older than you but looking back to when I was 24, things changed so much. Here are 14 tips for women who still love their husbands, even though they left them: Life without your husband is a blessing. This tends to lead us humans to give what we think or assumeis value to that other person, based on our own subjective unconfirmed idea of what the other person is going through. This whole time, my husband didn't believe I was really even sick, he said I just needed to try harder to eat. The sudden realization sets in: my husband left me. Those four years haven't always been a fairy tale, granted, but our problems seemed relatively minor compared to the problems my other married friends talk about. If you want to get over the pain and suffering, the best thing you can do is forgive your husband and move on with your life. You can get a new cat or dog, or you can even get a new boyfriend or girlfriend. You will find both the betrayed spouse and the ones who cheated commenting here. It is the little daily things that make life worth living and I know how to put you in the right perspective. } Stop coming here and evangelizing and projecting your own situation off on to others. Your partner wasn't in love with you anymore. If you would like to consult with a mental health professional, please feel free to return to our homepage,, and enter your zip code into the search field to find therapists in your area. Stay single for a while. In order to do this, you'll both have to keep your emotions in check (or move through them to get to a clearer, more rational place) so that you're able to uncover the root of all the unhappiness. You're going to be okay, you're going to make it through. We were together for 6 years, married for 2 1/2. Its true all of those things can cause people to act in hurtful, or uncharacteristic ways, but when your partner devastates you on a grand scale, then you have to quit giving them a leave pass and look after yourself. We wont know the duration upon meeting and loving them. Is he depressed and hating life? That's on them, not you. My opinion is that you convinced yourself unhappiness surrounded your life and created justifications to explain why, blaming your marriage! any advise. When my husband left, I gradually discovered that self again. "@type": "Question", I prayed for my husband to cease his words to them at that moment. By following my heart, my ex-husband suddenly became free to discover hisown true love. He said that over the years we relied too much on each other and have nothing to show for it. Additionally, if this was truly a great decision for her life, few life-altering lessons would have been learned in the process. My OPINION (so I could be wrong), based on my 30 years of counseling, is that your friend is justifying & glorifying her ability to wake up and admit to herself she was not happy. Emboldened by this realization, she told herself there is so much more to life! and there is! It made him go crazy for you. He is a best-selling author and shares valuable marriage advice on his extremely popular YouTube channel. "@type": "Question", What will I do after I leave an unhappy marriage? No matter how much you say you love them, love isnt enough. I have tigers claws on this situation right now a real grip. Unfortunately, when your partner goes, their family goes too. Just because this article was written by a woman and I quoted scripture, does not mean that I hold woman to a different standard than men or take every piece of scripture literally. But Im not saying that you should give up on your marriage and move on with your life. Does she want to help others leave similar unhappy marriages? I suffer from clinical depression and some days are rough, other days I push myself to be a productive person. He started yelling at me, and wouldn't take me to the ER. Great article. We need to go to marriage therapy which he does not want to go to. You are free. The people that I had outgrown inevitably fell away. If you need to cry, then cry. But then he agreed that it was the right choice. Lean on family and friends who will be relieved that you're out of that situation. so we both had our problems, but I thought we both loved each other, even with our flaws. Trying to force him to love you again is a waste of time because thats not how love works. my husband ran out on me when i was ill,so much for sickness and health,i suffer mental illness,and my life is a constant struggle!!!! However, it is equally important to live with as few regrets as possible. If a person is unhappy within their relationship but they choose not to share their emotions and how they feel with their partner until the prospect of divorce becomes inevitable, the problem is the role of ones mind and ones ability to think for themselves. Truth is the foundation of a relationship and the virtues which comprise Love! Few had even asked for my version of the story.. I am 24. At face value, it absolutely appears that way. "@type": "Answer", He has a tendency to try and get up and walk around and has had 3 falls so far due to being left unattended (2 at . They both had their own issues and they have fixed most of them with the support of each other. My favorite is this one its not too strong but helps a lot. Im not saying the relationship was never right, sometimes it was very right. The ability to do what they want and when they want. I am sure she was in love with him for part of their relationship! You were the only person giving 100% in that "marriage". Based on the information you provided, the way your husband handled the situation absolutely seems unfair to you. I know he hurt you really badly and broke your heart, but that doesnt mean that he cant fix it. You are wrong if you believe this NOT catastrophic. This after four years of marriage. Your life isn't defined by having a husband or a boyfriend. They both worked on themselves. All these things and more, including all of the virtues which comprise Love, are forged with wisdom & truth. I know he made some mistakes, but that doesnt mean that you have to live with them. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. Over time, our sex life slowed down, as I think all sex lives do as time goes on, but I realize now that there were many factors, my anxiety, his back, and the fact that I wasn't as attracted to him as I was before, because of his selfishness and unwillingness to stop doing unattractive things. Over time my panic attacks got worse, but it was never so bad that I couldn't work, etc. I spoke to him yesterday, he is not the same person. Just because it seems like they dont love you doesnt mean that theyre done with you. I always say God and the past know us all better than we know ourselves! My daughter said that daddy left her and that he does not love her anymore. Brad is the real deal when it comes to saving marriages. Why not??? Think of all the good things in life which create happiness & butterflies! Reasons Partners Leave 1. I feel helpless and alone right now. I recommend that you connect with a local counselor who can provide support and perspective as you grapple with the emotions that naturally will arise for you. },{ Your words uplifted my heart and give me faith that I can do this. Sometimes when a person leaves, they are unhappy not because they dont love you, but because they are hiding something. Please fill out all required fields to submit your message. This year was a re-start for many people. Im not saying to use self-help books as a magic pill that will solve all your problems. However, it begs the questionwhat is it that all these things have in common that gave your husband exactly what he needs out of a relationship? It wasnt just the fact you used to treat each other differently, its because you were both getting what you needed from your relationship at the time. Interned hugs. The entire point of such guidance is that, at times, especially vulnerable times, it is difficult to understand ourselves. How do you know she didnt do all this before leaving? Abandonment is a huge issue for many people, and I think it must be a terribly big issue for you. It is January 01, 2018. The couples that do rekindle the flame and work through their issues have one thing in common: They identified the issues they were having and came to a compromise. I know its hard and you might want your husband or another person to be there for you, but thats just not going to happen right away. Why did you leave ? Alternatively, you are welcome to call us for assistance finding a therapist. Samantha is 30 years old, looks 3 years younger. Instead of focusing on yourself, try to understand what is behind his decision. Feeling confused, abandoned, and hopeless is very normal. My wife talked to him about everything he was doing wrong. You already know you shouldnt be contacting your ex. Allow yourself to grieve. I am so confused, anxious, and angry. "acceptedAnswer": { One important part of healing will be reclaiming your power. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. If you spend too much time up in your head youll start to feel crazy. Experience is the toughest teacher because she gives the test first, then the lesson. Anonymous. She thought she had tried everything to make her marriage work. If youre feeling like you want to get over this pain and suffering, the last step you have to take is very important. Some will comfort you emotionally, many will judge, and some will help you out financially. Essentially, you both have the opportunity to cool off and get your emotions under control. The 'me' that loves to learn went back to college to study what I wanted to, not what my husband and community thought I should study. So take the time to accept your new life and move on with things the best way you can. I'm so sorry about your baby. I thought our relationship was good. I thought I was happy. She may not regret leaving, but it appears to me anyways, that she regrets not trying harder before leaving and perhaps, also how she handled her divorce (which is a guess as this is somewhat implied in her writing). And the same is true of your new companion. I learned that honesty isultimately the best policy for everyoneinvolved. I am glad she has learned a lot from her experiences. Here are 14 tips for women who still love their husbands, even though they left them: 1) See the positives in living alone and do things that make you happy Think about this for a moment: Life without your husband is a blessing. . Trying to figure out your partners motivations for leaving you is a minefield, so tiptoe carefully. You can keep your self-esteem high by working on yourself and becoming more confident. Think about it this way: Your man wants to be your knight in shining armor. Heres what one woman says about her experience: I drove back into the deep waters of the person that I had primarily lost, myself. Amazing how you twisted your divorce into being some sort of litmus test concerning the character and commitment of others. For me, I think my husband is just as happy not being here and he feels he does not have to answer to me, (which he doesnt), and he doesnt have to listen to me complain about his bad behavior. I have no doubt your friend felt unhappy, but this is not the question. No one is going to sit around in anguish or sulk forever. If your partner doesnt want to be with you, then they are not right for you now. So just like you want to be loved and cared for, he wants the same thing. Would you argue that nothing would have been different within this marriage if both partners enjoyed daily open & truthful communication? When you are faced with overwhelming marital challenges, taking time apart will reduce the tension between you and give you an opportunity to organize your thoughts and emotions. I agree that with a little time and maybe even a LOT of counseling both together and on your own you will have a better shot at determining both what is best for you and for the two of you as a couple. Once you enter your information, youll be directed to a list of therapists and counselors who meet your criteria. I'm kind of jealous, your best times/love/marriage is still in your future. And now the most important step you can take in your journey to get over your husband: I know its hard, but you have to realize that it might be over between the two of you. Through counseling, you can determine how you want to grieve and move forward. Thank you for reaching out. Denial, bargaining, anger, and sadness are to be expected. A person who does not listen and does not feel what others feel, or understand how others are affected by his behaviors. All rights reserved. Just hard to purchase, because always sold out. You could argue that all long-term relationships lose. You may have no kids, but you have all the time in the world for yourself. So, if you want to give your marriage another chance,watch his simple and genuine video here. No one is going to be happy all the time within a marriage because there are more important pieces to a marriage than Love, yet Love is why we focus on these other pieceschildren, foundations, financial freedom etc! The day you never thought would come has become reality. Well, self-esteem is highly important in any relationship. The feeling that if you just change yourself then he will be happy, hell never leave you, and life will be wonderful. I own my choices without regret. Thus, when we are told to follow our hearts, this advice means to follow the guidance of God! I have anxiety and panic disorder, which has always effected my life, and socializing with others, but it didn't bother him at first. Thank you! People can change! On top of the verbal I have now been dealt a blow of infidelity for two years with the same women. I could really use some advice, opinions, kind words Well, thank god that's over. However, it is important to understand that your husband is feeling the same way you are. You see, self-help books offer a different kind of advice because they often offer exercises and other activities you can do to help make your life easier. Ive been single for almost two years now and I will be for a while longer. I happily rediscovered my old interests like dancing, travel, and bubble baths.I rejoiced once again in the many gifts that set my soul on fire., { I write about the intersection of life and love: how spirituality has changed my relationships, what I do to cultivate love in my life, and why I believe that all relationships are spiritual. Your friend can say she has no regrets, yet people who have no regrets dont dwell on the past nor take the time to write articles like this one! Join my email list here for hot tips, psychology tools and a free gift: Seeing Someone: a brief guide to psychology, therapy and coaching. To not have too many what ifs hanging over ones head. Read this one if he's just left, or maybe he's left and come back a time or two. He was upset when I told him I wanted the abortion, and I understand that completely. Thanks for reading! You can get support to handle the anger and confusion you are feeling. He may be going through something that compelled him to make a major life change with no clear plan of where he was going next. This means making a serious investment of energy and time in whatever it takes to get your head on straight: counseling, therapy, self-help books like the one I mentioned above, exercise, meditation, or whatever else helps you recognize and change old patterns. And to make things worse I think Im getting addicted to them. You sound happy and at peace. There's an overwhelming number of thoughts and emotions that you're undoubtedly feeling right now. Your husband will begin to question whether or not he's actually making the right decision by splitting up in the first place. We become accustomed to our relationships. I mean giving a relationship EVERYTHING before throwing in the towel to insure ones mind knows itself! A child who demands attention and has tantrums if he does not get it. On other occasions I might have run down and defended my children or removed them from the room, but in this case I cried out to God. If I had done this, things may have turned out a little bit differently for me. "The truth is that I would be more gentle, more forgiving, with just about anyone else." When we choose to make ourselves happy by prioritizing our own needs, everyone we love will eventually benefit. But people change (or dont change at all) and that may lead you to want different things or to be with different people. Copyright 2007 - 2023 GoodTherapy, LLC. "@type": "FAQPage", I know youre hurting right now, and I understand that you want another shot with your husband. 9. Just as you wish that they would respect your desires, you must learn to be the person who can also respect theirs. He said he would go to counseling if I turned his phone on and gave him money which I refuse to do. The surgery went well, and I was sent home, but then I started being constantly sick, and over the next two weeks, I couldn't eat, or even sip water, and landed in the hospital 4 more times. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. I cant cope with the pain of my break up. What you say doesnt make one iota of a difference to the women where. It's because he missed the way things used to be, when you would both would really go out of your way to show love, respect, admiration, and appreciation to each other. However, prepare yourself for a difficult journeythe one that would put you to test emotionally as well as financially." Many people learn valuable lessons from divorce and are much different in later relationships. I am a good hearted person and I have surrounded myself with a healthy support system, counselor, excercise, I journal to him every day (he doesnt see it) and i end the journal with something positive i did or made me smile. Leaving you at a time when you needed support, shows his real. The people that were meant to remain in my life had willingly endured the heartache alongsideme. This is one of the most common reasons people leave a relationship. Hi, Katelyn. What To Do When Your Husband Leaves You: Here Are 7 Things September 03, 2013 by Jenny Ball-Tufford Whoever you are, whatever you're dealing with, I want you to know that you are not alone. Too often, theyre checking to see they could still get you back if they wanted to. She says, when I was FINALLY honest with myself. She goes on to say, we both BEGAN to live a life of TRUTH & HAPPINESS. Your divorce story lacks substance and no facts as to WHAT really happened. I was working with a woman whose husband had left her, suddenly, cruelly, leaving her world in shreds. It is neither. They developed a new schedule with date nights, family nights & extracurricular activities such tennis & workout time. Clinical psychologist, writer. "text": "Women should give priority to their own needs in order to maintain their health and state of emotions. He probably misses the way things used to be. Few had even askedfor my versionof the story. I dove back into the deep waters of the person that I had primarily lost, myself. So even though you may feel like a nervous wreck because your husband left, you shouldn't feel like this is the end of the road in your marriage. You dont have to be with them forever and ever, but they can help you through this time of your life. . Now he won't even entertain the idea, and seems committed to dissolving our marriage. The situation absolutely seems unfair to you, and life will be for a longer... Very important words well, self-esteem is highly important in any relationship in future! Hisown true love of time because thats not how love works you in the towel to ones. Our marriage things that make life worth living and I think it must be a productive person the! 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