Axons from neurons of the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis descend along the ventral and ventrolateral funiculi and connect with inhibitory interneurons in the spinal cord (55,56). 46. Hodes R, Dement WC. Such patterns mimic oniric eye movements, which may occur in functional coincidence or not with the visual scenes that are dreamed of. Recently a more acceptable evidence in favor of the consolidation hypothesis arises from the study of a gene involved in neuronal activation This gene protein, zif-268 (98), binds to a specific DNA molecule present in the promoters of a variety of genes expressed in the nervous system (99) and its up-regulation is thought to initiate a program of gene regulation leading to neuronal plasticity (100). Exploring the neural correlates of dream phenomenology and altered states of consciousness during sleep. Dream recall and eye movement during sleep and their relation to eye movements, bodily motility and dreaming. Steriade M, McCarley RW. Mol Brain Sci 1995;32:211-20. Unfortunately, despite the opinion of great scientists of the past, most researchers that deal with sleep and dreaming, probably moved by philosophical, religious prejudice and a faulty reasoning, do not accept the idea that non-human animals do dream. Kubin L, Davies RO, Pack AI. In the past, most civilizations boasted having wise people who could tell the meaning of dreams if conveniently paid for that, a fancy profession that still has its counterparts in modern nations. Penile erection, that also occurs in monkeys, is present during desynchronized (paradoxical or REMsleep) but it is not necessarily linked to erotic dreams. Valle AC, Timo-Iaria C, Sameshima K, yamashita R. Theta waves and behavioral manifestations of alertness and dreaming activity in the rat. The preferential eye movements direction may be related to the dream content and, perhaps, as such also to hemispheric dominance but it should always be taken into consideration that any movement originated by a dream is always faulty, otherwise we would perform normal behaviors during a dream, what does not happen due to the inhibition of motoneurons. The gamma-alpha loop has been shown to play no role in producing the movements that characterize dreaming. Electroencerph Clin Neurophysiol 1964;17:617-29. Buchsbaum MS, Gillin JC, Wu J, Hazlett E, Sicotte N, Dupont RM, Bunney WE. WebEssentially, during sleep the mind integrates new information acquired during the previous day into memory and processes it by making necessary connections. Heiss W-D, Pawlik G, Herholz K, Wagner R, Weinhard K. Regional cerebral glucose metabolism in man during wakefulness, sleep, and dreaming. At the age between 7 and 9 years Foulkes' subjects produced much more consistent narrations of the dream content, as should be expected (24). (57). NeuroReport 1997;8:3-7. The Psychology of Dreaming. 41. Desynchronization is the rule, during this phase, in all cortical electro-oscillograms in humans and other primates. Although it may happen in any sleep phase, it prevails during the desynchronized phase. Figure 9 illustrates an episode of olfactory and vibrissal movements. Ergebn. Exptl Neurol 1963;8:93-111. Mancia M. One possible function of sleep: to produce dreams. Metabolism during desynchronized sleep tends, in fact, to be equal to or even larger than that of waking (131,132). The postynaptic inhibitory control of lumbar motoneurons during the atonia of active sleep: effect of strychnine on motoneuron properties. They include facilitation of memory storage, Sakai K, Sastre JP, Salvert D, Touret M, Toyama M, Jouvet M. Tegmentoreticular projections with special reference to the muscular distonia during paradoxical sleep in the cat. 132. During oniric activity, however, phasic increases in heart rate, blood pressure and ventilation do occur that are closely related to the dream that is going on. Rapid increase of an immediate early gene messenger RNA in hippocampal neurons by synaptic NMDA receptor activation. 67. 91. Further developments in neurobiological research, including lesion and brain imaging studies, have established a clearer view of the functional neuroanatomy of REM sleep and dreaming. Vision is our predominant sensory channel, so much so that if we hear a sound we immediately convey the eyes to the source of the sound, trying to identify its origin, even if vision is absent. Fos-like immunoreactivity was also found in association with cholinergically induced REM sleep (107,108). Since evoking visual reminiscences during wakefulness and the building up of dreams with visual information are dependent on the visual cortex, both facts can be correlated. J Neurophysiol 1946;9:165-71. 107. J Cerebr Blood Flow Metab 1991;11:502-7. 2017 May 31;2017(1):nix009. This hyperpolarization is due to an increased motoneuronal membrane permeability to chloride ions, which suggests that glycine or -GABA are released on the motoneuronal membrane during desynchronized sleep (44). This may well reflect auditory dreams, as has been found in humans (36,37). In fact, all the phases of wakefulness and sleep, including desynchronized sleep, occur in the cerebellar cortex. The heart rate and breathing quickens, and blood pressure rises. His personal oracle, however, disagreed and convinced him that his dreams were warnings from the gods. Magoun HW, Rhines R. An inhibitory mechanism in the bulbar reticular formation. Such high values of r may mean that theta waves arrive in such areas almost synchronously, coming from some other sites in the central nervous system. 126. Jouvet and colleagues (1959) soon identified the same phase in cats, naming it paradoxical sleep, inasmuch as the electrophysiological main pattern of this phase in humans resembles that of attentive wakefulness (15). Spreng LF, Johnson LC, Lubin A. Autonomic correlates of eye movement bursts during state REM sleep. 44. Neuroscience 1997;78:13-38. Several physiologists, psychologists and psychatrists have theorized about that but all the explanations seem to be devoid of a logical or an experimentally demonstrable reason. Hansotia P, Broste S, Ruggles K, Wall R, Friske M. Eye movement patterns in REM sleep. Plato, despite his logical view of dreams, antecipated by 24 centuries one of the dogmas of psychoanalysis, stating that the dreams with a sexual background, mainly those with an incestuous content, and those in which the dreamer attacked or even killed someone, did, in fact, represent occult wishes that only could be fulfilled without punishment as an oniric experience. 8600 Rockville Pike Epub 2010 Nov 12. 10. Oka T, Iwakiri H, Mori S. Pontine-induced generalized suppression of postural muscle tone in a reflexively standing acute decerebrate cat. Head jerky movements may reflect vestibular dreams. In Greece dreams were called oneiros, a word that originated the adjective oniric but that meant not exactly what was dreamed about neither the dreaming process, which was not rated as something important, but the phantasmata, i.e. 32. Green JD, Arduini A. Hippocampal activity in arousal. Behav Brain Res 1995;69:203-6. In 1963 we found that cholinergic stimulation of a descending pathway (within Nauta's limbic-mesencephalic system) causes sleep (33). Nature 1996;383:163-6. However, during desynchronized sleep it was drastically reduced, being entirely inhibited for most of the time. Front Neurol. Vertes & Eastman (88) argue against memory consolidation during sleep, what is in opposition to Wilson & McNaughton's hypothesis (87). According to Revonsuo (2000), memories of such events are probably over-represented in the brain. Roberts LA, Higgins MJ, O'Shaughnessy CT, Stone TW, Morris BJ. This seems to be a highly improbably conception, among other reasons because, as dreaming is concerned, threatening events are as dangerous to the organism as bad news we hear and as crossing a street or watching a movie-film full of violence are as well. 61. Their data do not depart from modern studies of the same kind. The previous station of these nuclei is the interpeduncular nucleus, whose stimulation with carbachol caused sleep within nearly 30 seconds. Our data with rats are quite consistent as to the variation of blood pressure and heart rate during oniric activity. Animal experimentation, by making it possible to implant electrodes in any part of the nervous system and to lesion and stimulate (electrically or chemically) also any nucleus or pathway, has been of the utmost relevance for the understanding of the mechanisms causing not only sleep but also the manifestations of dreaming. We hypothetize that theta waves are commanding signals that recruit in due sequence the circuits that generate wakefulness and desynchronized sleep and their components; their frequency and voltage generally increase in parallel with heart rate and intensity of movements (Valle & Timo-Iaria, unpublished results). From the spinal cord Marini (1997) recorded slow (delta) regularly oscillating waves during desynchronized sleep (81), which may be related to activation of spinal neurons during dreaming. 102. In sleep pathology there is a well-known syndrome, expressed as powerful movements during desynchronized sleep. Candia O, Favale E, Guissani A, Rossi G. Blood pressure during natural sleep and during sleep induced by electrical stimulation of the brain stem reticular formation. Whereas Freud was convinced that dream forgetting was an active function of repression, Hobson, Pace-Schott & Stickgold (2000) attribute the failure to recall a dream to a state-dependent amnesia caused by aminergic demodulation of the sleeping brain (120). Such activation of zif-268, which is likely to be correlated with the effect of learning on desynchronized sleep, was larger in the frontal and hippocampal cortices, where memorization is well known to occur. Regional cerebral blood flow throughout the sleep-cyle an (H2O)-O-15 PET study. The number of PGO potentials undergoes a high increase after the frontal ablation, which is suggestive of a tonic inhibition of these potentials by the frontal cortex. It has, however, been utilized with a great success in sleep studies. Cien Cult 1995;47:221-34. 125. Brain Res 1985;327:362-6. 11. Chase MH, Morales FR. 87. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1997;102:125-31. Proc Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis. Maquet et al. 2011 Dec;20(4):998-1008. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2010.10.005. 76. 134. McNiss, in his book Philosophy of Sleep, published in 1854, agreed with Aristotle, regarding eye movements as a consequence of visual dreams, and Pinkerton, in Sleep and its Phenomena, also took the facial movements of dogs and cats during sleep as a manifestation of dreams (4,5). The hyperventilation that results from hypoxia is diminished during desynchronized sleep (65) but there are no reports regarding changes in blood oxygenation while dreaming activity is occurring. On the functional role of consciousness. The .gov means its official. Web5 Theories on dreaming . Such periods were overlooked in the classic studies of Loomis and co-workets (13), in which they identified the phases of synchronized (another term coined by Adrian but now to label slow waves, i.e., potentials with a low frequency and a high voltage) sleep. By visually examining the amplitude of theta waves in these examples it seems they vary at random but when the instant variation of voltage is plotted as a function of time, a regular variation appears during the phasic movements (figure 10). Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Apparently, the main cause of such a reduction of blood pressure and heart rate is the active inhibition of the baroreceptor reflexes during this phase of sleep. C R S Soc Biol 1978;172:9-21. Muscle atonia during desynchronized sleep is, as stated above, generated in the alpha-coeruleus nucleus and involves both direct and indirect pathways that inhibit the motoneurons. These interneurons inhibit motoneurons by means of glycinergic synapses (glycine is a powerful inhibitory neurotransmitter), as shown by Soja et al. World Fed Sleep Res Soc Newsletter 1997;5:22-3. Neurosc Res 1993;17:181-202. Neurosci Res 1993;17:127-140. The site is secure. Longitudinal studies. As stated above, any behavior is expressed as a combination of motor components and vegetative components. Wiley-Interscience, New york 1990:535-583. Desynchronized sleep can be provoked by carbachol infusion in the pontine reticular formation (94). 112. University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1963. Brain Mechanism and Perceptual Awareness. Desynchronized sleep has been identified in many mammals and birds (16) but below the birds only in crocodiles brief periods of an equivalent phase (eye movements, low voltage electro-oscillograms and cervical hypotonia) seem to occur (17). 37. Chaudhuri A. Neural activity mapping with inducible transcription factors. Sleep Res 1973;4:65. Later, school and work dominate the mental field and the main features in dreams also change accordingly, supporting this hypothesis. A dream is a conscious experience that occurs during sleep. However, they ignored that the dreams were produced by the brain. Jung R, Kornmller AE. At 36C, for instance, desynchronized sleep spans to about 10% of time, at 23C it occupies nearly 80% of the time, what has not been explained so far. 86. For example, it could refer to a goal that you want to reach within your lifetime or zoning out and daydreaming during the day. Studi Psicologici e Clinici di un Alienista. Jouvet M. The role of monoamines and acetylcholine-containing neurons in the regulation of the sleep-waking cycle. In cats and monkeys eye movements are accompanied by monophasic spiky potentials in the occipital cortex, in the lateral geniculate body and in the pontine tegmentum (66-69). The Neuropsychology of Sleep and Dreaming. 13. Despite such discrepancies, however, during synchronized sleep PRT studies reveal a decrease in global cerebral energy metabolism relative to both waking and desynchronized sleep. In such a condition, the brain produces a behavior that immobilizes the animal, in order to simulate it is dead and may thus become uninteresting to a predator that is in search of fresh flesh. Some of his statements, hereby reproduced in a simplified form from his book on sleep and dreams, briefly illustrate his contribution to the study of this subject: "All creatures that have four limbs and are sanguine (mammals) display signs that they dream while asleep. The value of r is as high as 0.9618 when theta waves in the hippocampal CA1 field of one side are matched with those in the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis, what points to a close temporal relationship between theta waves in hippocampus and in the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis. In fact, it does frequently occur when movements are expressed as high frequency potentials. During wakefulness theta waves consistently exhibit a lesser voltage and are less regular than during desynchronized sleep, what makes it easy to tell wakefulness from desynchronized sleep from the shear inspection of the electro-oscillograms (21,30,31,125). Dreaming 1996;6:121-30. 95. According to Hobson, Pace-Schotter & Stickgold (2000), since image studies show activation of "limbic" and "paralimbic" structures of the forebrain during desynchronized sleep, as compared to wakefulness (120,126-128), emotion may be a primary shaper of dream plots, rather than playing a secondary role plot instigation. Although it has not been shown that the alpha-coeruleus nuclei are lesioned in these patients, it is tempting to consider that their lesion underlies such sleep disturbance. On Sleep and Dreams. Changes in neuronal activity in association cortex of the cat in relation to sleep and wakefulness. 66. Interestingly enough, if body temperature in cats subjected to pontomesencephalic transection is lowered, the amount of desynchronized sleep increases. In cats, Guazzi, Baccelli & Zanchetti (1966) demonstrated that due to such a cardiovascular hypoactivity the sensory afferents from glomus carotideus and glomus aorticus, that carry information from chemoreceptors sensitive to a decrease in oxygen blood concentration, attain an overwhelming relevance, inasmuch as following the transection of such afferents blood pressure goes continuously down during desynchronized sleep, leading to death (63). 49. Doneshka & Kehaiyov (1978) reported dreams with striking vestibular sensations. Takakusaki K, Ohta y, Mori S. Single medullary reticulospinal neurons exert postsynaptic inhibitory effects via inhibitory interneurons upon alpha-motoneurons innervating cat hindlimb muscles. According to this author, in children at the age of two, when the hippocampus, which is still in the process of development at birth, becomes functional, REM sleep takes on its interpretive memory function (134). Carcione A, Santonastaso M, Sferruzza F, Riccardi I. Res Psychother. Physiology and Psychology. With Darwin (1965), we are fully convinced that "at least birds and mammals do dream" (6). J Abnorm Psychol 1982;91:433-6. 119. In the sixties, Evarts (1964) had also recorded from monkeys high frequency bursts of impulses in the pyramidal tract axons, which may be related to activation of muscles intervening in oniric behaviors expressed as movements (82). There are two kinds of vegetative components: 1. Jouvet M, Michel F, Courjon J. Sur un stade d'activit elctrique crebrale rapide aucours du sommeil physiologique. However, considering the high prevalence of dreams during this phase it should be more appropriately named oniric phase of sleep. Psychoanalysis also considers dreams as the expression of repressed wishes; this is undoubtly true as to only a few dreams, whereas several studies reveal, instead, that most dreams are closely related to the events of the previous day, as Aristotle had already demonstrated. Hobson JA. 124. The other is that dreams are caused by forebrain activation by dopamine. Aserinsky E, Kleitman N. Regularly occurring periods of eye motility and concomitant phenomena during sleep. In 1986 Vertes advanced the hypothesis that random endogenous activation of the brain stem (dreaming?) Reactivation of hippocampal ensemble memories during sleep. Les Belles Lettres, Paris 1978. Science 1994;265:676-9. Pompeiano O. Oniric behaviors, as any other behavior during wakefulness, comprise two types of identifiable manifestations: motor and vegetative. This organ receives information from the entire body, including the baroreceptors, as shown by Moruzzi (80). 9. Sci Am 1990;263:86-8,90-2,94-6. Foulkes D. Children's dreams. 65. Several authors also quantified the kinds of dreams as related to their sensory content. Generally, in humans oniric activity is expressed as eye movements, what is obviously linked to vision as the main human sensory channel. Further studies have shown that the pathways from the alphacoeruleus nuclei to inhibit the motoneurons are rather complex. However, human oniric behaviors are also expressed as lips, tongue and facial movements, as well as fingers, toes and whole limbs jerks, as described above. 80. There are many hypotheses to account for the existence of dreams but it is still a matter of debate why and what for we dream. Therefore, the wider is the eye rotation, the higher is the recorded potential, which occurs when the eyes are scanning the environment. J Neurophysiol 1977;40:284-95. Peyrethon J, Dusan-Peyrethon D. tude polygraphique du cycle veille-sommeil chez trois genres de rptiles. Brainstem control of the events of REM sleep. 43. Maquet P, Pters J, Aerts J, Delfiore G, Degueldre C, Luxen A, Franck G. Nature. We spend a lot of time sleeping. WebPsychoanalytic theory of dream: Advanced by Freud, the psychoanalytic theory of dream stands as the most valid and fundamental among all the theories of dream. The vegetative components, that are phasic increases of heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, pupillary diameter, and most probably metabolic adjustments as well, are expressed more consistently during a dream, as they are during attentive wakefulness. Cesar Timo-Iaria (in memorian); Angela Cristina do Valle. Bookshelf Wilson MA, McNaughton BL. Vanni-Mercier and co-workers (1994) believe, however, that in cats eye movements during desynchronized sleep are in general asymmetric, that is, the eyes tend to move preferentially to one side of the visual field, what, according to these authors, disprove the hypothesis of the scanning character of eye movements during dreams (29). In rats we found similar potentials in the amygdala as related to olfactory dreams, expressed as rostrum movements (32). 47. Calkins thus discovered that most dreams occur during the second half of the night and that around 89% of them are closely related to the events occurring the day before, confirming Aristotle. The PGO potentials are correlates of dreams. Trois genres de rptiles of waking ( 131,132 ) cortex of the cat relation... ( 80 ) body, including desynchronized sleep, including desynchronized sleep can be provoked by infusion. Are temporarily unavailable with the visual scenes that are dreamed of olfactory and movements... 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