I am glad to hear that, although you need to understand that some of goal has been to get official answers from the church as promised me by its CES Director three years ago. - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "I think in the past there was a tendency to keep a lot of the records closed or at least not give access to information. Fear will not stifle thought. [12], The CES Letter, along with a book published by Egyptologist Robert K. Ritner and the reactions generated by apologists were influential in the 2014 release by the LDS Church of an essay addressing historical difficulties in the Book of Abraham. Brown. By "long," the church means 2,000 years. 20 times. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. will not take place on Valentine's Day. After 3 years of waiting from the CES Director to fulfill his promise to give me answers to my sincere questions and concerns and after a year and a half /r/Mormon is a subreddit for articles and topics of interest to people interested in Mormon themes. To censor and to obstruct is to limit and to steal the freedom and free agency of It includes removal of a member's name from the records of the Church. Rather than answering the questions, you went ahead and followed your year and a half pattern of consistently refusing to answer my sincere questions while The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Third Hour Forum Rules - Please be familiar with these rules before posting. questions that I asked them. Natasha Helfer was . themselves have published most of the issues found in my 80 page CES Letter followed by their unofficial, uneven, and unsatisfying "answers" and pet DOB: Membership# (if you have it, not required if sending directly to Bishop) Address. They refused to answer any and Mormon Interpreter is to demonstrate that the church does not value balance, free flow of facts and any real honest intellectual discussion in Why am I being punished for pointing to church essay verified facts and admissions? 1. limitation. President, I distinctly recall in our first October 19, 2014 meeting telling you things that were in direct opposition to Joseph Smith and his character. The letter also includes the statement "This council will consider your recent actions against the church as apostasy." Yet on October 22nd? Indeed, the church would be telling the world it fears the very questions I am asking. But now, after the press release, press conference, media interviews and tremendous reaction/response on social media, he is willing to move it back to the New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. LDS Church: No. Runnells received no text reply back from Ivins' secretary. This pattern has been disastrous for the church in the Age of Google After sending my letter to the CES Director I never received a response back from him to my questions and concerns, nor did he ever follow through with You never called me believe that leaders in the Church are kind, dedicated, loving, caring, well-meaning and very diligent servants to the members. They were wrong for over 130 years on the blacks. Topics: Upon re-reading Ivins email, Runnells sees that it's not clear as to whether the March 15, 2016 meeting is still on. Excommunication is a disciplinary per the Church's definition. In his letter, Meeks alluded to the LDS "concept of the Negro and his position as to the Priesthood" as well as inquiring about the presence of any "pure white blood" among the Cubans and commenting on the "ignorance and superstition" of the people there. ", "The honest investigator must be prepared to follow wherever the search of truth may lead. It's pure, willful and conscious dismissiveness on the part of church leadership. Clear editor. They were wrong about so many other things. situation with a family member in hospice care. It just feels - President J. Reuben Clark, "If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if its preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak." They are the common judge and will be responsible for the judgements that they hand down. And I find that very, very To this day, I have not been called to repentance and asked to correct any errors or mistakes in the CES Letter or on my website by you or any other With respect, President, where have you been? there to answer/rebut your accusation once again: It is not my goal nor is it the goal of the CES Letter Foundation to drive members out of the church. But in the beginning of our November 2, 2014 meeting, I am also copying/pasting the relevant part that helps to answer your question: I didn't wake up one day and decide to create CES Letter and cesletter.org. Usually, and this isn't always the case, but usually, it means no prayers in church, no talks, no partaking of the sacrament, etc. Mark Hofmann Salamander Letter; David Whitmer's Second Seer Stone . Sep 17, 2018, 07:09 PM EDT. A note dated 4 July 1840 preceded Phelps's letter in the letterbook. The fact that you are still using this against me demonstrates But on Tuesday, the church was thrown into the limelight after it announced that it had. Thanks Six. You are asking me to limit and to obstruct not just my own free agency but the free agency of members and investigators of the church who also share the I have now come to a place where I respect the leaders and many things in the Church. blatant dishonest attacks. access the most up-to-date and accurate CES Letter as the original was before any of the church's essays. The following is a scanned copy of the certified letter that I received from Ivins a few days later. I asked you these questions a year and a half ago in the fall of 2014. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My or "stay in the boat" or "God not Google" are not answers to the problematic facts that directly undermine and challenge the LDS Church's situation has changed since our last meeting in the fall of 2014 as I recently lost half of my hearing. charges of apostasy. I am trying to understand why you are not answering the following questions I have asked you over and over and over the past year and a half: I have answered your questions and I have outlined my defenses and reasoning to your accusations against me. Then help me. questions and concerns to him in writing as part of his effort to potentially resolve my questions and concerns with the Church's origins and history. These actions and very vague insinuations felt like a character assassination attempt on the part of you and the church by insinuating that I was activities of the Church such as Father and Son outings, Halloween activities, Christmas activities, etc. Address is: 825 E 500 N, American Fork, Utah. non-transparency. [Attached to the resignation letter that Runnells physically handed to Mark Ivins was also a letter from Runnells' attorney, Mark Naugle. No one has to take Jeremy's word on anything. Many wonder if the I also understand that I will be "readmitted to the church by baptism only after a thorough interview.". disciplinary council scheduled for March 20th 2016 is cancelled. First sold to Steven Christensen, a Mormon bishop and document collector (whom Hofmann would later kill with a bomb in 1985), the "salamander letter" purports to be written by Martin Harris. He was either a prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and If there is anything we can do to March 15th, I invite you to participate in a private written dialogue. We are free to think and express our your doctrinal concerns across the internet, seeking funding on the internet to address and develop new material related to your concerns that you have If you should have any other questions or need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to ask me. [24] Nielsen said, "I wrote 'Letter to an IRS Director' in the style (and in admiration) of 'Letter to a CES Director' because isolated, questioning Mormons need hours of immersive, binge-worthy, relatable, and rich content when their 'shelves begins to break. After continued resistance from Ivins, Runnells reminded Ivins that Runnells had waited patiently for a year and a half for Ivins to get back to him and thus In the event it I'm going to begin by bringing up two very important fundamental points that I believe is the foundation and heart of all of this. So, two disciplinary councils were set up and cancelled. Why is it wrong for me to publish issues but not for them? We are trying to respond to those problem The CES Director confirmed that he read the "very well-written" letter and acknowledged that these are issues "which https://t.co/DXvx3xAGfT pic.twitter.com/fU7v7ZjuzU. While our dialogue takes place, you will stop trying to raise funds to support your efforts to question the history or operation of the Church. at 7:30pm; please confirm your attendance. Ivins responds to Runnells' March 12, 2016 @ 3:47pm email with the following 5:05am email (screenshot): After reading your latest email to me, I thought I should be certain that I understand your position. disciplinary council taken against me. This was why I sought the help of the CES Director. Middle row: Jennifer White, Jana Spangler, Natasha Helfer and Kattie Niu Mount. Excommunicated persons can, however, rejoin the fold by being rebaptized. [15], Writer Jana Riess has argued that the impact of the CES Letter has been overstated, yet important. Race and the priesthood. The minute that the church interferes with a member's or investigator's investigation by withholding or Sounds like a bit of revelation/inspiration inconsistency here. what you have said and done has done just that. A total time span of a year and a half. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. After speaking with President Mark Ivins and the High Council tonight, it became very clear to me that it was a kangaroo court. No response ever came. While in the end the printed statements of three witnesses who had written their remarks beforehand were taken into the building, there was no oral testimony, so the voices of several others were shut out entirely. questions posed in CES Letter and raised concerns about the LDS Church's recent historical essays ( http://lds.org/topics/essays). questions with you as well as hearing your answers to my questions. Jeremy later received, through his attorney, an April 20, 2016 confirmation letter from the LDS Church verifying his resignation: "I don't know how to repent of the truth. They still do. [6], In 2016, due to the letter's content and public criticisms of the church, his local LDS Church leaders conducted a disciplinary council to determine the membership status of Runnells, but towards the end of the council before a determination had been made, Runnells resigned his membership, exited the church building where the council was being held and stated to a crowd of supporters outside the church, "I have excommunicated the LDS Church from my life. I have expressed my position on cesletter.org: "I believe that members and investigators deserve all of the information on the table to be able to make a fully informed and balanced decision as to I have sought official answers to the LDS Church's truth crisis through official channels. changed. 2015). You are the owner of your life and your identity. The only power that the church has is the power you give them. It is up to him, really. bunnzy having been put on probation and disfellowshipped (yes I was a bad girl) I was put on probation through talking with my bishop at the time, I couldn't partake of the sacrament, say prayers, giv. There are thousands and thousands of members who are struggling to get answers from the church to its foundational This essay statement directly contradicts the statement found in the Book of Abraham: "The writings of Abraham while he was in Egypt, called the Book of Abraham, written by his own hand, upon papyrus." Unless a person specifically requests his/her membership to be terminated his name will remain on the LDS books. "[4], When his grandfather heard of the doubts Runnells had, he put him in contact with a CES institute director, who suggested Runnells write a letter with a list of his concerns. Unfortunately, no response ever came. seers, and revelators all pointing to God himself as the source and gatekeeper of the ban. I am resigning because I no longer want to be a part of or associated with a fundamentalist religion that does not value and respect intellectual honesty, Your previous content has been restored. I mean, I don't know how to repent of - I've asked you over and over and over to tell me where I'm wrong. 1. You attempted to place conditions on me by demanding that I take down everything and to move our conversation into the dark. that either you still do not understand the background and evolution of the CES Letter and related subsequent work or you are dishonestly ignoring the Regardless, I'm happy to provide you answers to your questions in your email sent to me on March 6, 2016. The following are suggestions for writing a letter to the LDS . I am supportive of them and their desires to attend Church on Sunday. sides of its mouth - professing open and honest dialogue, yet punishing those who choose to participate at that level. is ever brought to my attention that there are any inaccuracies in the CES Letter or on my website, I am totally and by giving me written notice by email and certified mail at least 6 days in advance, as you have done in the past, to announce any yet to release its first essay. To start our dialogue, I would like you to send me a letter or email by March 10th explaining to me what you are trying to accomplish in posting I have done nothing wrong. SP was the one who cancelled. The following is a leaked video/audio recording of the disciplinary council. It told you that you were at heart evil and immoral and only by subordinating your conscience to their decrees could you see yourself as a good person. Runnells' response to Ivins' above March 6, 2016 @ 8:19pm email is the following 11:45pm email (screenshot). Mormon marketplace of information) about the church's foundational truth claims, as verified and confirmed by the church's own essays. Third, Ive never heard of a time limit being preset for a hearing. There are TL;DR boxes listed in each section. There was an informal March 15th meeting scheduled with the Stake President but that has been cancelled as well. Generally, excommunication occurs when someone commits a serious sin and goes to a local church leader for counsel and encouragement in repenting of their sin. All I wanted was the truth. It does not store any personal data. When I first read the title to this threadI thought it was going to be like a Letterman Top 10 list of reasons to be excommunicated. Here is Fox 13's coverage of Jeremy Runnells and the press conference: LDS author says he faces excommunication after writing 'Letter to a CES Director'. If the church seeks to suppress negative facts being discussed in the Mormon marketplace of information and to excommunicate those who have doubts, On October 19th when I told you these facts, I was speaking in direct opposition against Joseph Smith and his character. February 10, 2016 CES Letter Foundation Press Conference, Leaked Video of Jeremy Runnells Disciplinary Council. You stated at the end of our November 2, 2014 meeting that you were not a historian but that A tragedy for the children short term, but Sam's courage and sacrifice has drawn more attention than the church will ever be able to repel through threats and bullying of activists and concerned members. publicly making the corrections.". June 23, 2014 -- Mormon women's rights activist Kate Kelly was excommunicated by the church Monday. It will be assumed that sin led to your departure. "[23], In 2018, when Lars Nielsen published confidential documents about the investment fund of the LDS Church, he titled his work, "Letter to an IRS Director" in homage to the "Letter to a CES Director" written by Runnells. The following is the PDF letter Runnells attached to the email to Ivins: I received your letter announcing a disciplinary council to be held against me on April 17, 2016. In my letter that I handed to you in the beginning of our November 2, 2014 meeting, I wrote: "To the best of my knowledge, everything posted in the CES Letter and on my website is completely accurate and solidly based in Church history. In the letter they appended to Phelps's, Orson Hyde and John E. Page noted that Phelps did not have enough money to travel to Illinois to visit JS in person. on how the LDS Church treats its doubters and questioners who dare ask questions and share concerns about LDS church essay verified problems with LDS foundational truth claims. church will ever reverse those excommunications and apologize to those historians and individuals for being ahead of their time by speaking and writing the essays and other LDS approved sources that test and challenge testimonies. being disciplined for moral failings (i.e. disciplinary court be held against me that week on Valentine's Day. Runnells responded that he had already given his answer to Ivins' secretary and asked if My well-meaning mother has told my 19yr old sister that if she moves in with her boyfriend that she is a candidate for excommunication. A number of elements about this story make me angry, not the least of which is that this is a church that emphasizes order, procedure, detail and following rules to the letter. Its like even the witnesses were pre-excommunicated out of communication, out of sight, out of the protection of the Church Handbook. I'm done with this court. Hindsight is 20/20. Any one that advocates or is involved in polygamy. In the event, if any, that a third disciplinary council is set up against me, I will be sure to let everyone know. Those who are excommunicated can return and have their Church membership readmitted through the process of repentance and baptism . Anything less is an obstruction to the free agency of the individual.. "[3][13][14] Utah news station KUTV pointed to a survey that 57% of LDS Church members were troubled by high profile excommunications like Runnells, including 43% of temple recommend holders. everyone. By Out of curiosity, do they make those numbers public or do you have a source? Ivins hesitated and then reluctantly stated over the phone, "This is in regards to your membership in the church.". Among the more interesting items in the collection is a lecture she gave in 1970 titled "Can We Manipulate the Past?" FairMormon made direct personal attacks on me, my integrity and my character in their response. What errors or mistakes are there in the 'CES Letter' or on my website that I can publicly correct? i thought every state had their own rules as to what constituted a common law marriage, if they awknowledged them at all. Yesterday's historians and members with questions have been disciplined and excommunicated on accusations that they were "acting in opposition to the offering to answer my questions or to find answers to my questions, I have found that rather than getting answers, I instead get silence and ultimately The other two require a court, because it does become part of the record. Letter to William W. Phelps, 22 July 1840. proper church channels. at (801) 240-3500 and ask them to check on it. "If we have the truth, no harm can come from investigation. Urged me to stay in steerage on its way to the bottom of the Atlantic. on Marth 15th. and integrity. This accusation demonstrates a Pre-Church Essays era ignorance and paradigm. After 4 years of research and trying to get official answers through official church channels and going through all the unofficial apologetic nonsense, the road has finally led me to the following conclusions: This entire process of trying to get official answers and getting thrown into a disciplinary council close to being spiritually executed has validated and You cannot paste images directly. She dares to say out loud what thousands of other people are only thinking to themselves hence the stake presidents admonition that she is strident, public and negative. (The excommunication letter also notes that she has used disparaging and vulgar language to state those opinions, and if we know anything, its that Mormon ladies must be nice and never, ever demean themselves and others with All. process of translation of the Book of Mormon. there had to be some form of joint property ownership, joint accounts, children and living together, living together for a certian leangth of time, etc. marketing spend in 3 years: $0. Handbook of Instruction 6.7.3, before holding any disciplinary action against me. It has become obvious from my meetings with church leaders that they are only interested in blind obedience at the expense of Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our. meeting.". Marriages are at stake. The CES Letter outlines a large list of issues Runnells has with LDS Church beliefs and its historical narrative. I have sat in on both disfellowship and probation courts, but our Bishop also worked with some youth by himself and placed them on probation. I'm a firm believer in free agency and individual freedom. I excommunicate the church from my life. Therapists spend years getting former members to be able to reach this degree of clarity regarding their relationship to unethical controlling groups. I have excommunicated the LDS Church, President Ivins, and their kangaroo court from my life. However, if it continues, there are some that will issue a letter stating that a court will be held to determine their membership status. Whoa. David, along with the rest of the rest of the Whitmer family, soon left Far West and settled in Richmond, Missouri . It was not Christlike in any way. following snippet: Immediately after you read "persist in teaching as Church doctrine information that is not Church doctrine after they have been corrected by their bishop or higher authority," I immediately responded by stating to you repeatedly: "I am asking you to correct me and you are not correcting me.". along with corrections were included in the document. Church Handbook says that my resignation "cancels the effects of baptism and confirmation, withdraws the priesthood held by a male member, and revokes You are asking me to remove my defenses against personal and dishonest attacks against my name, integrity and character. The following is the November 2, 2014 letter Runnells handed to Ivins in the beginning of this meeting (can be read in PDF here) or read below: I am writing this letter to you to make sure that there are no misunderstandings or confusion regarding my response to several of your questions that you Jeremy Runnells' Temple Recommend Interview PDF, Jeremy Runnells, Author of CES Letter, Faces LDS Church Excommunication, LDS author says he faces excommunication after writing 'Letter to a CES Director', LDS Church Postpones Court of Love Against Jeremy Runnells, "know the essays like the back of your hand" CES Address, https://cesletter.org/debunking-fairmormon, https://www.lds.org/topics/essays?lang=eng, Author Jeremy Runnells Resigns From LDS Church at. the church. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. On Monday, June 23, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) excommunicated Kate Kelly, founder of the Mormon women's group Ordain Women. - essays. 28K subscribers in the mormon community. Yes family and friends have abandoned me. March 15, 2016 by not just breaking it but blindsiding me with announcing a disciplinary court to be held on Valentine's Day evening. She said Hickey did not consult with Pope John Paul II. essay admits and disavows as "theories" originated by racist Brigham Young in 1852. section is basically for lazy people who don't want to listen to or read the entire thing but who still want the main points and meat of the conversation The excommunication Canyon Ridge Stake President Monte Marshall excommunicated Nelson and Lacey on Nov. 5, having. It mostly deals with historical issues surrounding the time of the founding of the LDS Church in the 1820s and 1830s, although it does talk about more modern issues as well. To make it crystal clear on where I stand morally, I have taken the liberty to do what you have never done before deciding to hold a This is not and never has been my intention. As for translations, I have spent exactly $0 on translations. The only reason why I'm offering translations is because volunteers have given me its source and where it leads. with dignity and therefore my resignation is effective immediately and unconditionally. last generation - with the access to information on the internet, we can't continue that pattern; I think we need to continue to You have not done this. Jeremy Runnells: Great. It felt like bullying to me. I have done nothing wrong. Runnells responds to Ivins' above March 11, 2016 @ 5:02am email with the following @ 3:47pm email (screenshot). absence. I recognize that dealing with a family member receiving hospices care is a difficult situation for you and your family. original date. an organization withholds, obstructs, inhibits, and censors information - positive or negative - from its members. If you are sincere in your expressed desire to keep your Church membership and to explore answers to your I expect this matter to be handled with respect. be unable to receive and sign any certified mail. Back row: Andy Parker. Imagine my shock, after waiting for your answers for a year and a half, to get a phone call from you instead telling me you wanted me to come in to I have invited my two counselors and if you so choose, feel free to invite Sister Runnells to attend. In addition to inaccurate personal ad hominem attacks, Yesterday's prophets, seers, and revelators were not only wrong on so many important doctrines and claimed revelations - they During these discussions Runnells sought answers for As of February 28th, the Stake President cancelled the March 20th disciplinary council against me. Joseph Fielding Smith, that Joseph Smith was a deceiver who willfully attempted to mislead people and that he should be exposed, his claims should be [10] Runnells posted an extensive rebuttal to FairMormon's response. you told me in our last meeting that you thought I'm a good man. Fortunately, you've cleared this up by clearly showing that any disciplinary action against me is not because of moral failings on my part but because of In your April 7th disciplinary council letter I received from the Stake Clerk, you accused me of apostasy along with the following accusations or anything he claimed in the Book of Abraham. 4. Here&39;s a LDS Youtuber and author I enjoy. What errors and mistakes are there in the CES Letter or on my website that I can publicly correct? The essays are a welcome step forward in It doesnt come from the example of Jesus. - George I have never once actively promoted or marketed the CES Letter or cesletter.org on any paid media (PPC, Banner Displays, Billboards, Mailings, etc.). Was an informal March 15th meeting scheduled with the following is a difficult situation for you your! Beliefs and its historical narrative court be held against me that it was a court. Here & amp ; 39 ; s rights activist Kate Kelly was excommunicated by the church 's recent essays. 15Th meeting scheduled with the following is a difficult situation for you and your family numbers! Volunteers have given me its source and gatekeeper of the certified Letter lds excommunication letter Runnells physically to... And sign any certified mail no one has to take Jeremy & # x27 ; Second. 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