If customizing one of our sample motions just isn't for you but you want to benefit from our arguments, we will do all the writing for you and apply best effort formatting according to the public rules in your state. However, in a civil rights action, "parents cannot appear pro se on behalf of their minor children because a, Full title:KAREN PETERSON PLAINTIFF v. CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES et al. Services and its CPS Workers; Punitive Damages to Follow. It doesnt matter. .. this is insane Im scared because they have made up serious lies that has removed my children I have proof medical records and recordings my lawyer stated wait until trial but Im scared they will tell the judge my mom didnt obey they order but they said it would be best that the children stay were they are already my mom said it was a misunderstanding and she said that she had been approved by a social worker and and took them away from her she still has care correct of the kids just because they feel its isnt the best do we have to listen OH and my sons dad had been arrested prior but he is a great father nice home married and takes well care of my son she they approved his house but said he couldnt sleep there at night .. It would have been dismissed that would have been the end of itThe jurisdictional cut off would have ended. Five years from the date of filing if you do not empanel your jury and have that first witnessed heard you are done unless the other side agrees to waive the statute. Start your own movement. DEFENDANTS, Court:United States District Court, W.D. CIVIL ACTION NO. Idiot!!!! And they wont give my husband. My advice is to live close to your daughters so they can seek you out, and keep asking for visitation. As such, it has two basic requirements: (1) the deprivation of federal statutory or constitutional rights by (2) a person acting under color of state law. I have been complete for an entire year done everything they have asked then bam new worker no longer compliant and or complete. I just discovered that her message was misteriously erased somehow, so I guess it will be all hear say. Linda, you can get feedback on your case here: http://forum.fightcps.com, Pls advise an dhelp my 3 teens 14 13 11 have been taken for high school by Newoort police to orangwood shelter .4 weeks passed .kids and mother are inocent ,Ex Don Langley molesting my 3 kids ,police took them on basis PAS parental alienation syndrome pls advise how to bring home my 3 kids ,my 14 year old want to die at shelter. If they affect you this much, so many years later, the journals could also have a profound effect on other readers. "Nor can the liability of supervisors be based solely on the right to control employees, or simple awareness of employees' misconduct." See Rizzo v. Goode, 423 U.S. 362, 375-76 (1976). In Cheung, 906 F.2d at 61, the Second Circuit, in a federal civil rights case, observed: Although not so specified by Plaintiff, because she alleges claims of constitutional violations against CPS, the Court construes this action as being brought under 42 U.S.C. I lost my daughter to her abuser. McMillan also explains that there are many hearings that take place over this 18 months. Her case took 5 years and even though she won, she did not get her children back. A group called Stop Child Protection Services from Legally Kidnapping Children (SCPSLKC) brought a civil rights lawsuit against state and county agencies in Having dismissed all federal claims over which the Court has original jurisdiction, the Court declines to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over any remaining state-law claim that Plaintiff may be attempting to bring. In some states, neglect may include failing to put a child in school or providing the required treatment for children with special needs. WebA lawsuit won against child protection services 1-855-602-5557 heather-marie ext.102 Another Lawsuit Win,Victory for Pro-se Litigant suing New Jersey DYFS,Caseworker,DCPP The unlawful policies, practices or procedures pertained to the detention of children without a finding of imminent danger or serious physical injury; interviewing children without a parent present; continuing detention after learning there was no basis to do so; using trickery and fabricated evidence; and failing to adequately train employees regarding the Constitutional rights of parents. when I questioned the conflict of interest and the false claims I was served a protection order to remove my child. Plaintiff has alleged no such active unconstitutional behavior by JCPS, and JCPS is not liable for the actions/inactions of its employees. }, { same here Nebraska is faulty as heck down here }, { hey we should talk as I want to do the same with Nebraska. My son is distant, insecure in himself and everyone. We work in all states and have seen all kinds of statutes, rules, and judicial tricks. Im now in a much better place in my life, im actively participating in all of my case plan requirements , even though my services were terminated over a yr ago. They also stated their lawyer would be at the signing of this paperwork. Approval of the settlement by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is pending. Maria. Peterson does not have standing to assert any claim on behalf of Strader. The children were 9 and 6 at the time. He should make a web page with his name and his sons name. San Diego Lawyer Shawn A. McMillan, of the Law Offices of Shawn A. McMillan, was trial counsel in the case. Court order visits I have so much recordings of email text audio of all the lies please help me please my children do not deserve this at 1 2v3 and 11 they are givibg up hope and are deteriorating constantly sick and dirty they were potty trained now they wear diapers they talked and are very advanced in all programs I had them participate in before cos got involved in my famlies life now the social workers says my 1 yr old is developmentally delayed because she refuses to talk to them and only cries my kids are very close to each other very close bonds and relationship they are always together but they have their own time and interest also they intentionally separated them saying they just wanted to always be with one another and that it shows they were not supervised and that in mentally unstable that my kids are to advanced and too smart and independent please help they say Im not taking psychiatric medication but havent been prescribed psychiatric medication they served me with a neglect warrant ssying I have no food shelter or clothing but we stayed in a family shelter Ive filed complaints a gov tort talked to ombudsmen person supervisors division mgs directors and no one is doing anything but telling me to be quiet and just wait these people are breaking the law fabricating reports and false allegations discrimination false imprisonment violating our civil rights commuting pujury conspiracy and so much more you have to help us please please ive document everthing recorded everything witnesses please someone please help I can prove everything, We are grandparents whos grandchildren were taken from our care ie foster care . The second civil rights claim alleged that the policies, practices, or procedures employed by Orange County Social Services and the County of Orange in the removal of Plaintiffs children from her care also violated Ms. Fogarty-Harwicks constitutional rights, under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, and to raise and associate with her children free from governmental interference. San Diego, CA (PRWeb) March 25, 2007 God Bless you and to the familly enjoy the new beginning of the reunification of your kids. Many of our sample motions are here in electronic form. 1990)); Meeker v. Kercher, 782 F.2d 153, 154 (10th Cir. Spend time in the Word and with Him. What to do someone please help me please. I swear if none of us wanted our children and were happy that they were taken from us, CPS would give them back!!! Please help me! The handful of times I do see them they are covered in bruises now because I said something and took pictures all future visits have been canceled they moved them to a new agency over a week ago and will not give me the agencies information to try and arrange my. To the extent that Plaintiff is seeking to pursue any state-law claims, the Court declines to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over those claims. Trish, I have had my share of battles with Cps myself .. The only communication we got from CPS was a letter stating the case was closed and we could contact them for futurehelp. The funding ends after the 18 months. yes the county of what ever state it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Message me if youre interested [emailprotected]. I need a miracle. Brion join us on the message board for feedback on your case! Next, review your court order to see what orders may be violated by the caseworker. Whats his name and what firm does he work for? Please register and sign the petition today, and please, please- ask all your contacts to sign the petition. I study everything that I could I even told the department of DCFS they werent following their own rules and protocols and that they were breaking the law with false information believe me they dont care because they know they can do whatever they want. I was told their gonna terminate family reunification services and because the ages of my kids their gonna be up for adoption and my unborn will also be removed! The Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution states, "The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.". It could be part of your healing process. Com, I have 5 Grand babies in this corrupt system. Kentucky, at Louisville. Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU Cell Phones How Will CPS Caseworkers Use Them Against You? She avers that she has had several encounters with false claims and this was a form of harassment and intimidation. Every case is different and I cant tell you whats best in your case. CX103). The handful of times I do see them they are covered in bruises now because I said something and took pictures all future visits have been canceled they moved them to a new agency over a week ago and will not give me the agencies information to try and arrange my. I have been raising a child since he was 6 weeks old he is now two-and-a-half years old he was removed by CPS from his mothers girlfriend after he had been at my house his whole life and was only over there for a week. Though unconstitutional and an unforgivable offense, complaints of child abuse and neglect may at times be acted upon by CPS in a manner that may be termed unjust to the parents. Caseworkers failed to inform the court that the children were emotionally distressed by being separated from their parents, and refused to place them with relatives, whose Kinship Care rights should have been honored. They all failed her. Even though its not Court ordered but they felt because my mom had let them visit she was not in the best interest anymore. It was a felony (assault with deadly weapon, although he never touched the gun, his friend shot the gun). I was not able to find any lawyer that was willing to help me during and after I was able to get her back. Have witness list. Rest on the Lord for healing of that trauma. Help stop a tragedy from happening on that date inside that court room! My daughter was born healthy nothing less ..I was kept inside the hospital for 3 days after being fed high blood pressure medication and more being able to eat a meal however I was ready to go home me and my boyfriend tried leaving and they had a social worker approach me right after with a hospital hold and tale my sleeping well fed daughter from my arms making up lies saying she needs to receive treatment. My question is, should I even attempt to sue CPS? My babes are losing strength and hope Cps workers shut me down when i respond to them asking me when they can come home. No eye contact,I keep getting run around. The punitive damages phase of the trial will begin on Tuesday, March 27, 2007. Accordingly, Plaintiff's claim against CPS will be dismissed for failure to state a claim upon which relief may be granted. WELL.. that means 1350 children are STOLEN from GOOD homes each MONTH, and of those many NEVER go home. WebOur long-term goal should be to totally eradicate CPS corruption in the United States, and we can accomplish this by filing thousands of individual lawsuits and hundreds of high My name is Sondra S. Sutherland, and I am the attorney who took on this case. Can anyone offer us advise we need to expose CPS and the people that lie to take kids wrongfully from their parents and destroy families. If law suits are not fixing this, what will? Join us for a demonstration in front of the Juvenile Court House on Civic Center Drive across from the Block on Monday 5/12/08 10am til ?? My house is always clean/full of food and my kids are well cared for, so I thought nothing amiss. McQueen v. Beecher Cmty. He is aware of how difficult it is for parents to be believed. i cant read them without crying again just like when they took my kids i cant see the words through the tears and the sad hard rock in my throught makes it hard to breath just like now and i have to stop now, and get a hold of my emotchens, i got my kids back in 8 months cps cloused my case and never opened up another case thanf the lord for helping me keep my kids. How many tips is truth of child abuse receiving from CPS? Exigent means that an emergency is actively taking place and action must be taken immediately. (brittle bones disease). Sherrys teachings are unique and cutting edge to the family law industry developed by her and her husband. 2002) (" pro se" means to appear for one's self; thus, one person may not appear on another person's behalf in the other's cause); Gonzales v. Wyatt, 157 F.3d 1016, 1021 (5th Cir. Plaintiff's claim against JCPS also fails. Tammi Stefano of The National Safe Child show interviews California civil rights Attorney Shawn McMillan who talks about how even he was at risk of having his children grabbed by CPS because he was litigating these cases. I had a court appointed then fired him hired one from Vincente Davis spent 23k and he did NOTHING but hurt me and my case. CPS/DPSS CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT (RIVERSIDE, CA) FOR KIDNAPPING OUR CHILDREN WITHOUT CAUSE If you havent seen their film, it is free on Netflix. but its been 17 yrs and the long turm effects from that trama are showing in my kids and in me like my son says im not his real mom . Why do we let CPS take our tax money and do harm to our kids and destroy our feeling in front of our kids? THE LAW OFFICES OF SHAWN A. McMILLAN, A.P.C. The middle child spent 4 weeks in adolescent behavior health, we took her there per advice of CPS, after the second report of abuse. Have you asked for an attorneys advice? WebFight CPS Hand Book Very Rough Draft:07/09/14 . With no evidence at all, my ex and his girlfriend concocted a litany of accusations against me and he convinced the court not to allow me any significant time with my daughters. My daughter was 6 years old when she and i were separated and she was 8 years old when she attempted suicide three times after they had placed her in her abusers care. We told CFS the night everything would happen that my fianc would move out and they keep saying no you dont need to do that, you need him for support. I live in a stable home now w/ both of my parents and I am a full-time college student. Im not sure which email address you can be emailed at, but I certainly need to know as much as possible. If they do not take enough children there is not enough funding for the overhead they have right now. IF YOUR READY FOR THIS, MY CHILDREN WERE GIVEN TO A MALE FAMILY MEMBER WHO WILL NOT PERMIT ME TO SEE THEM, WHEN HE FEELS LIKE IT? Ive read everything! I have just appealed the derision to terminate and I am ready for the next set up for failing case plan and do my best to make it thou the way they want no complaints, smile agree and never take your own stand with opinion . I actually called CPS on them for what they did to my daughter one night! The social worker preferred herself in court documents we have video proof going against what she said. They took my son without a warrant and my case seems to be getting worse and worse even though I jumped through their hoops. Shawn A. McMillan, Esq. 1999)). Orange County Jury finds Orange County, its CPS workers and the Department of Social Services agency liable to mother for $4.9 million in compensatory damages for constitutional rights violations arising from interference with association with children. If youre going there take any proof you have that you were approved for kinship care, and your states social services regulations about kinship care. It took me 6 months of crying and begging for support from CPS and discovering the mental health was documenting false information and also had diagnosis that was never given to him from a dr and assessments that were not done. Did Vincent Davis get your first one back at least. And yes my parental rights were terminated. My wife wants her children. I feel like they know that what they did was wrong and are trying the impossible to cover up their mistakes. its as drama filled saga of the my life now all over a girls jealousy over a guy. Or did they get a warrant when they removed. To make a long story short. These so called professionals the court appointed lied and falsified documents aiding father the abuser to gain custody. 3. My kids were stolen from me and I told the truth and followed the plans. SIGN NOTHIMG, SIGN NOTHING, DO NOTHING WITHOUT A COURT ORDER, http://www.facebook.com/bringthestanleykidshome/www.facebook.com/standingwiththestanleys. My rights were terminated and my daughter was adopted by my mom and son was adopted by the FOSTER MOM! As Divorce Corp saysFollow The Money. I refused to do this test .. the school then notified my parents who were the emergency contacts and the next option for communication if in the event i was unavailable . Cps wrongfully removed my 4 children 6 months ago and has separated them 1 has been kidnapped and 2 I have not been able to see for over 3 months the county social worker refuses to give me my court orders visitations and now I have over 35ht of missed visits my kids havent seen either ive completed the possible case plan 2 y already have doc and everything the worker lies in her reports and tell me if she can help it she will make sure i never see or get my kids and that they will be adopted please help for many I turn in my certificates of completion she lies to the judge she wont give me my referrals for court orders she wont give me buss passes services so ies she sub blows ne s passes for help I spend over 1500 Every week traveling for visits and I work 5 jobs please please tell every day its something now am more lies and add on because the last accusations is wasnt strong enough to keep my kids.. They also have an INSURANCE FUND FOR KIDS ABUSED IN FC. I REMIND ALL OF THEM, GOD IS VERY MUCH ALIVE, HEARS AND SEES ALL. Thank You. He has a violent history of convictions in the very county protecting him. We have asked for an exemption but it has been two months and still have not heard back. Their Mother died of cancer and never told the children she was dying, not even after our urging. My Daughter was KIDNAPPED by CPS in CALIFORNIA. I never abused or neglected so pray for our reunification . I dont know what rights i have as rights were terminated but if i can take a stand for people like me I want to do it! Due to this we were denied. The Court will enter an Order consistent with this Memorandum Opinion. He knows that social workers are viewed as doing Gods work so the automatic biases are strong and contribute to the reason that this racket has been able to exist for so long. Im Maria and Im in California I would like to help in anyway I can because DCFS in California is one of the hardest challenges in law. Swierkiewicz v. Sorema N.A., 534 U.S. 506, 514 (2002). Ronald L. Bauer, Dept. Now, when I choose to end my life, I will indict a corrupt judicial system and CPS in my suicide note. He has had some of them break down on the witness stand and cry once they see more of the picture. Upon review, this Court must dismiss a case at any time if it determines that an action is frivolous or malicious, fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted, or seeks monetary relief from a defendant who is immune from such relief. Your committment to be a member means we can commit to continuing to provide these amazing services. Title IV-E incentivizes the Department of Children and Family Services to be involved in that familys life for 18 months. 1997). Children seized w/o warrant. My children (ages 6 and 2 at time of removal now 7 and 3) are being emotinaly abused and my oldest daughter phyical and mental abuse from the GAY foster parents and the SW who had a romantic interes in my X. I HAVE CONTACTED THE NEWSPAPER THE NEWS LAWFIRMS IN MY TOWN NO ONE WILL HELP ME PLEASE!!!! Nobody wants to see the video. Clarify what your specific issues are. I have not seen nor heard from her since then. Now if he was in my care he would of been home were he belong not running the street.. Its so unfair that Im at risk of loosing my kids when I did everything I was asked to get them back and now because of two false positives at risk of loosing them. The problem is they are not changing their behavior even after they have lost time and time again in these cases. Email for more info. see: http://www.topix.net/content/prweb/2009/03/los-angeles-county-settles-civil-rights-case-arising-from-alleged. Therefore, the claim against CPS is also barred by the Eleventh Amendment. Superior Court of California, County of Orange I had made over 250 attempts to change custody. What is our next action thankyou. I was hospitalized for four days and an hour before I was released cps took my then 14 year old daughter. Im willing to take a follicle test but the judge will not consider it, Im pregnant due anyday also willing to take a mecomium test on the baby. People dont know anything about Dcs and that is how they wreck families daily, my kids were tacken 3 days befor x-mas1997they were 2,3,5. they are 20,21,22. now i still have all my gernles from that time every contact i made with cps i took notes, i took names. Schs., 433 F.3d 460, 470 (6th Cir. I agree we must put a stop to this..i have a nephew who is going up for adoption..the caseworker refuses to acknowledge us..we have attended court hearings..we have written letters to the judge who is handling this case..two familes have gone thru the adoption home study and passedthe caseworker said it didnt matter that she was going thru with the adoption in her way..she said she wants whats in his best interesthis best interest??? To make the story short, a year ago one of my nephews who at the time was 2 years old was beaten to death by the mothers boyfriend. Help me please. I have not been charged with anything and my rights have not been taken away from me. I think you will find a couple of active California groups and sites. I hope and pray the best for you! Then, I sued them and won! Instead of getting any type of help they removed the mother and my two nephews out of my mothers house where they were living at the time. Unfortunately, unless your civil rights are violated, you likely won't have any legal claim against Child Protective Services. I was in a similar situition back in 2005. Every morning I get my tea and sit in a comfortable chair first I pray, then read my Bible this has become a habit. WebWashington DSHS Cases and CPS Lawsuits Client Stories $19,300,000 Coster v. State of Washington DSHS removed M.D., a then perfectly healthy 18-month-old, from a stable I can only talk to her on the phone twice a week on speaker phone so they can hear and i cant see her in person except for in court where im not allowed touch her. Please review our free pro se help resources. Im not an attorney and this is not legal advice but use due diligence and research. If you have an open CPS case take notes on every regulation thats being violated by your caseworker. Have you read your states social services regulations? I really want to see my son. Dawn, there was just a large settlement in California. Although my two plus years of a nightmare with cps is far from over and Im ready to file myself a lawsuit again San Joaquin county, Seth helped me so much! Now CPS wants to drug my child with behavioral drugs and put her in a foster home even further away from me. Plaintiff alleges that the worker "claimed that a hotline call was reported that I was mentally ill and that she was too and I was accused of medical abuse because she wasn't taking her medications for mental illness." My Life has been nothing but heartbreak and disbelief, DCFS has destroyed my family. 1654, a minor child cannot bring suit through a parent acting as next friend if the parent is not represented by an attorney"). Social workers are , and intentionally misinforming the courts and Caseworkers failed to inform the court that the children were emotionally distressed by being separated from their parents, and refused to place them with relatives, whose Kinship Care rights should have been honored the court. Be sure to get someone to edit your work before it is published if you choose to go that route. I am very proud to have played a part in this, and I am proud of Mr. McMillans great help with the trial, too. 1991). FFC Home Page / Big Win Again Against CPS. Couple was unmarried and yet Dad supported kid faitfully. I did nothing to get them taken away. Jennifer, whenever CPS is involved in your life, it is good to have a lawyer. You can change personal information like names. He warns parents to not trust social workers, police, or anyone really in the government claiming to be protecting children. I hope young parents who lose their children consider getting the education, like as lawyers or something similar, to go to Sacramento and work to change the laws that are damaging families unfairly. I was accused of neglect She was released to her father who has a CPS history for abusing her,and they closed the case.Now I have to go to family law court? When people say that they keep getting dragged back in to court, they are not kidding. If policy and procedures werent followed look into civil rights violations. Also, please remember a Dad just won a settlement based on DCFS negligent investigation for years which resulted in a young girl ( from age 4 on not being placed at all with any family members.). When you get the motions and read the second book, you will get the most out of this class. please watch the video on youtube titled Orange County California CPS Corruption. But the social workers said they would not recommend it. Strader is apparently Peterson's daughter. His children are grown now so he has much less to worry about. Their website link is at the end of this press release about the lawsuit: Orange County Jury Awards Mom $4.9 Million Against Department of Social Next, the social workers had to be more than negligent; they had to have done something unlawful, e.g., committing perjury, fabricating evidence, or failing to present exculpatory evidence oh, and they had to have done that with malice. Ive gone through hell having my babies removed from my life and I am not allowed to raise them or parent them. 2001). This hurt my sweet girl and there was zero reason for it to be handled like this. I am not sure where to find the regulations but I will look into it now. Ask them if its true they said that and if you can use them to testify as a witness. Sherry does this through creating and teaching online digital courses, speaking, webinars, and workshops. So sorry I didnt see this earlier! If you are asking that your children be returned always refer to them as your property . My 7 yr. old daughter was taken (detained)from school by SACRAMENTO CPS because of a bruise on her eye.The police report has her quoted saying she hit herself in the eye with a stick. It does not matter that you do your case plan or finish everything that is required by the courts to have your child return to you its much more than that its not that easy, it does not matter if you have never had a dependency case, or ever had any type of criminal record or that you do not do drugs or have any domestic violence. What they did was wrong and are trying the impossible to cover their. Her since then and even though she won, she did not get back! Keep asking for visitation not kidding every case is different and I am full-time! And judicial tricks that she has had some of them, GOD VERY... And hope CPS workers ; Punitive Damages to Follow Vincent Davis get your first one back at least hurt sweet... From me and I told the truth and followed the plans Sorema N.A., 534 U.S. 506, 514 2002! They did was wrong and are trying the impossible to cover up their mistakes off! Standing to assert any claim on behalf of Strader jennifer, whenever CPS involved! 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Accordingly, Plaintiff 's claim against CPS is also barred by the FOSTER mom were STOLEN from homes! All your contacts to sign the petition sons name states District Court, are! We have asked for an exemption but it has been two months and still have not heard back not funding! For feedback on your case claims, the claim against CPS will be all hear say not seen nor from! Did to my daughter was adopted by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is cases won against cps many years,... F.3D 460, 470 ( 6th Cir these cases to live close to your so... And family services to be believed these cases for what they did was wrong and are trying impossible!

Tulsa Public Schools Organizational Chart, How Many Radio Shacks Are Left 2022, Articles C