Barack Obama has been alluded to as Barry Soetoro at this point since his understudy ID card from his time at Columbia University was delivered via online media. Barrack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro and Michael Lavaughn Robinson aka Michelle Obama. We have no more information about his spouse. Now, Watch Big Mike Transgender Into Michelle in Seamless Transformation (Video) . OSB = pawn; OSB + family = safe . Evolve or die: Can we shed our moral primitivism before its too late? Also Id like to apologize for some of my hot-headed comments Ive submitted in the past that didnt make the cut with Rondeaus moderating standards. Little punk barry does that to me. Your email address will not be published. Here's a map of Europe from the year 1000 and then one from the year 2000. Its interesting that Barry Soetoro was how Barack Obama was known in high school and portrayed himself as a foreigner, according to a classmate. This second video is said to have been leaked to the dark web, I dont recommend you to go looking for it.. Obama in his Aleister Crowley T-shirt. While the most outrageous tales about the presidents supposed homosexuality have been bound to the little hiding spots of the web-based media as indicated by the, Obama is, on the off chance that not gay, to a lesser degree a man. Jessie Czebotar says that Obama took over after George Soros as the Phoenix who is in charge of the blue gates that is located over Sweden and Norway and are going to be opened to let Satan and his minions in. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began. The truth is coming out about the Pfizer jabs .. unfortunately a bit too late as more than half of the global population have taken these shots .. many were warned yet chose to ignore the many warnings they had. Both Pfizer & Moderna admitted in their submitted papers seeking approval, that what they have isnt a VACCINE for COVID but infact they are GENE THERAPY. (LogOut/ The forgery of the Selective Service registration form of the then-Democratic presidential nominee in September 2008 also needs to be probed and exposed for the federal crime that it is and which no other American could commit without facing a criminal charge. interview with Judge Joe Brown, I now know, His stepfather LouLou Soutoro, who adopted Barry Soutoro, was in bed with George Bush Sr, who founded Halliburton. being to protect his life as well as the lives of his family. THE 'BET' (BLACK ENTERTAINMENT) AWARDS ARE HELD AT THE HISTORIC 'APOLLO THEATER' IN HARLEM, NEW YORK CITY. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Next, click on the above photo to greatly enlarge it. During Law School, she pursued a number of externship positions within the corporate and The Phoenex, Obama, sits at the top of the Satanic council. Michelle wrote of her husband and their wedding day on Instagram, "You can't tell it from this photo, but Barack . and it contains content that details what HILLARY had to say TODAY What did he have on them? For example, there is this vintage photo: Martin comments: To reiterate, we exercise caution, any image can be craftily and convincingly altered these days. March 17, 2017, 11:00 AM. We have no more Information about his Father; we will try to collect information and update soon. . For any new visitors to this newspaper site, and after reading Sharon Rondeaus excellent article; they would like more information about Obamas lifetime of identity fraud and usurpation of office, see this online list of collections of historical, legal writings, lawsuits, newspaper ads, and other articles about the conman, grifter, and fraud Obama, for more information: First Lady Michelle Obama was named Michael Lavaughn Robinson after her birth. Notwithstanding, Mr. Obama is regularly being tended to as Barry Soetoro by people in general. AMERICANS.. have to clean out every illegal without current and active green cards,,,, I said AMERICANS NOT THE CORRUPT MILITARY OF THE PAST 5O YEARS. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It took Obama a few years to produce his and that fact alone suggests that either he was playing politics or he never had one and the fact a forgery was proffered in place of a legitimate one suggests he wasnt simply playing politics. This extended from the White House to Capitol Hill. Both the previous US president and the previous first woman of the US have their Wikipedia profile. Bottom line the no back bone US Congress let Race trump US Constitutional law in 2008 and 2012 . He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the . Michelle Obama ADMITS in a speech to Democrats that Barack was born in Kenya (his \"home country\"). Thank you for partnering with us to maintain fruitful conversation. Halliburton founder = Lolo Soetoro Lolo = Barry Soetoro Father (Hussein) Lolo = best friends with Bush/Bin Laden Lolo + Dunham = CIA ops GWB + B.O. = Friends since childhood B.O. Barry went on to meet Frank Marshall Davis, a very close friend of his Grandparents. ! I read someplace that Barry is like 11th cousin to Bush Sr. Its all in the family. Its well known by forensic criminal investigators that the teeth frequently provide the conclusive proof for identifying a murder victim. This was all done with a little digging, it really didnt take much at all. However, its the teeth that present the irrefutable evidence that Michelle Obama is reallyBig Mike. 4w. INVESTOR TIMES is always open to the incorporation of talent in its team of journalists and editors. + Michael LaVaughn Robinson (Michelle) = CIA ops How do you globalize the world . That as well as impacted by a transsexual caretaker while living as a kid in Indonesia. "Barry" and "Barry Soetoro", no.) In the tunnels troops also discovered labs designed to torture, extract adrenochrome and organs from caged babies, children, teens and adults. Why did they ignore it? You must be born to TWO (2) U.S. CITIZEN parentS at the time of your birth on U.S. soil. It's From Michelle Obama's Memoir 'Franks & Beans'. His parents (Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama, a Kenyan) married in February 1961 and he was born in August 1961. Our article can be too short to even consider including all of his rundown of accomplishments and respects. Big Mikestraps are much more developed than the muscular male model above! HE HAS LONG BEEN GONE WITH MANY OTHERS, HILLARY INCLUDED. http://SNN.BZ Barack Obama speaking at the Cambridge Public Library. That was a dead giveaway right there. If he and his cabal, that includes many republicans covering up for him, arent charged for that and these other even more treasonous acts against Flynn and Trump etc, that we have all strongly suspected for years and that senators had hard evidence of for years but are only being made public now, then the US is finished. With the level of corruption in the FBI & DOJ, the median & the democratic party, we can only expect divine intervention to save the free people of the USA. not mine and she understands that is the condition to live in my home. Obama was also the one who put the children in cages at the Mexican border and then gave Trump the blame. Obama, Michael Robinson. A pholder about Barry Soetoro . Its not much but I hope it helps out. I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. Obama was fascinated by his Muslim group of friends and their lifestyle. And especially when you die after sharing information.Joan Rivers Michelle is transgender. The parents could be naturalized citizens, but U.S. citizens when you are born here. Says Elizabeth Warren said, "Allowing Republicans to vote could threaten the integrity of an election.". "The whole green energy agenda . Little did the American people know that the White House occupants during the Obama era were not a heterosexual POTUS and First Lady, but rather a gay POTUS and trans First Lady! Hes a fraud. Another look at the preceding photograph reflects this difference in height which offers yet another piece of compelling evidence that Michelle is reallyBig Mike. None of the claims were proven, but it made the rounds of many gossip mills and conspiracy-themed shows. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and turned into the United States' first African . I chose my friends carefully. Fathers name is Not Available. This is why I love history. The Dark Past of Barry Soetoro (AKA Barrack Obama). Obama is also behind Bidan, telling him what to do and not to do. I have become very skeptical however, that this will ever be taken that far. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. They are involved in a crime, too big to prosecute. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Barry Soetoro Michael LaVaughn Robinson . Biographer David Maraniss 's explosive book on the life of Barack Obama reveals a young President when he was just known as 'Barry'. ! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Michelle Lavaughn Robinson is a very famous activist and during her time as the First Lady she did a lot of work to make children fitter and to improve the conditions of women in the United States. Years later, he met Barry Obama Jr(Barry Sotoero). Well, here it is. After a landslide re-election this coming November, President Trump will have an open road and nothing to stop him from opening the throttle and dragging these traitors and criminals to justice. Required fields are marked *. "National divorce is such a stupid, online concept.". Mr Obama filled in as the President of the US from 2009 to 2017. This has been obvious all the way back to 2009 and they are still digging in to reach their goal. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. As per the book, Mr. Obama was occupied with consensual, gay sex with Sinclair on November sixth and again on November seventh in November 1999. Let's investigate. But we are trying hard to collect all the information about him and will update you soon. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Michelle Obama/Instagram. Answer (1 of 8): President Obama's birth name is Barack Hussein Obama II. They are in relation from previous few years of a strong relationship. February 2, 2021. in News. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. SOETORO et al Filing 11 . Barry Soetoro & Michael Lavaughn Robinson . . What a wonderful, ironic, kick in the butt it would be for our man from CT, Mr. Durham, to be the one to crack the mystery of the CT SSN associated with Obama. The Post & Email is about the only source I have to keep me informed regarding lil boy barrys thorn in his side. The theory basically states that Michelle Obama was actually born Michael LaVaughn Robinson and was a linebacker at Oregon State "where he enjoyed "a respectable rookie season with 88 tackles and . For them nothing is too low or vile. All were malnourished and physically, physiologically and and of course sexually abused. Based on the rapid uncovering of documents in the Flynn case demonstrating breathtaking government misconduct, Attorney General William Barr is more than capable of getting to the truth about the birth-certificate forgery, another hoax perpetrated on the unsuspecting American people. Wiki, Biography, Age, Spouse, Net Worth, Fast Facts, Who is Ame Bibabi? It is the big reason why the 2020 election was stolen from We The People with the help of the CCP in China ! Notwithstanding, during Obamas administration, the United States standing abroad, just as the Nations economy, improved significantly. Cocaine, Sex, Lies and Murder is the book composed by Lawrence W. Sinclair which holds every one of the hypotheses about him being gay and some untold accounts of him. The main suspect is well known. Journalism, according to some (myself included), is virtually dead! In this cold case investigation, a body was apparently switched, but with the same body. If you look at the actions and inaction of the Republicans in Congress from 2009 on it is easy to see they are lying for and obfuscating for Obamas legitimacy and refusing to act on anything Obama impeachment and no investigation..because they fear the truth and the prison sentences or worse that would come with that truth..and, Congress already knows the truth. Ann Dunham & Barack Hussein Obama II. Why the farmers are revolting in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe. "Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was. Dismantling the Deepstate Operatives and Doubles!! that the greatest, most dangerous, and blatantly unconstitutional act ever committed against the United States of America be investigated. Well, here it is. Make no mistake about it when we take back AMERICA Some suspect he was going to college as an foreign national. His name was registered as Barry Soetoro and he was also registered as a Muslim, in Jakarta. Watch the video and enjoy your wake up people.o Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.By the time of their inauguration, the President and Vice President must be:natural born citizensat least thirty-five years oldinhabitants of the United States for at least fourteen years.Status as a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitution for election to the office of President or Vice President. Now take a closer look atBig Mikebelow posing as Michelle Obama, author of Becoming (becoming a woman?! When he was only a few weeks old he and his mother moved to Seattle so that she could attend colle. Obama represented a Lebanese developer, Tony Rezko. (LogOut/ toothlessandhomelessfoundation. However, recall that this usurper of the Peoples White House was caught on video not only claiming to be Barry Soetoro, but also claiming that he had never used any other aliases. You also agree to this sites Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. All of Obamas mentors had their fingers in dangerous or corrupt pies, not to mention Mr. Bill Ayers, co founder of The Weather Underground, known as a Domestic Terrorist Organization, who is openly responsible for dozens of bombings of public places. The talk is as yet surfing as gossip and has not impacted any piece of Mr. Barcak Obama. Who are Barry Soetoro and Michael Lavaughn Robinson, and why is it pertinent to know who they are? There has forever been gossip surfing on the web about Mr. Barack Obama being Barry Soetoro even later the total forswearing by Mr. Barack Obama. By his own statement on the morning of the long-forms release, Obama is implicated in the creation of a forgery with the intent to deceive. Had he been called to account then, the national nightmare the American people have witnessed over the past 3 years, at great cost and out of nothing more than Democrats inability to accept the will of the voters, would never have taken place. take our poll story continues below Completing this poll grants you access to Freedom Outpost updates free of charge. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). The truth about berry soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama would come out if President Donald J Trump got a Second Term in office so the liberal socialists democrats colluded with the CCP in China to steal the 2020 Election November 3, 2020. Learn how your comment data is processed. Trump represents an unknown that Congress does not want to live with as Americas president. The gossip had started a firestorm at the White House questioning Obamas authenticity and his skill to fill in as a president. DREAMS OF MY FATHER book of bogus truths by Barrack Obama. The US Congress cant just pick and chose which part of the US Constitution they will or will not enforce or can they ? Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. Forever Kind of Love. His administration has been broadly respected well, with antiquarians, political examiners, and people in general in everyday often positioning him among the top level of American presidents. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Our countrys 1st N.B.C. I was told by a Congressional staff member in 2009 that, Leadership of Congress had a meeting and decided not to pursue the issue of Obamas eligibility. And, that justice be served no matter who you are (or think you are!) (LogOut/ For years the "conspiracy theory" community has said that Michelle Obama is actually a transgender named Michael LaVaughn Robinson. Illuminati pyramids surround a performance featuring hospital beds and sinister figures. He was a popular high school athlete and in 1982, he accepted a scholarship to play middle linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers. cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and. DURING THE AWARDS SHOW, MICHELLE OBAMA STUNS THE AUDIENCE WITH A MAJOR SHOCK -- SHE'S A TRANNY! He has composed three smash hit books: Dreams from My Father (1995), The Audacity of Hope (2006), and A Promised Land (2020) till now. Obama would be around 24 or 25 years old. It expresses the hope and wishes of most if not all who read and comment on this site (including myself). The photo ofBig Mikethat follows was a familiar picture over 8 long years of FirstLadyMan displaying her massively built trapezius muscles. President was our 8th, MARTIN VAN BURENBOTH PARENTS IMMIGRATED TO THE U.S. & BECAME NATURALIZED CITIZEN, THEN HE WAS BORN IN VIRGINIAON U.S. Your email address will not be published. Social media users have been sharing an image online that claims to show former President Barack Obama's student ID card while he was at Columbia University. WORSE SCAM/FRAUD EVER PERPETRATED ON THE UNITED STATES. It was found that they were investigated in over 14 different states for voter fraud. usurper berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama ! MICHELLE FINALLY "MAKES BLACK HISTORY . My letter to Congress: My latest internet post on this subject is below. So, what or who is Barack Hussein Obama? If Americans vote accordingly in November, that process could be furthered and real transparency as to the origins of the computer-generated forgery still residing in the White House archives realized. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. We will adopt a TAKE NO PRISONERS POLICY or die trying.. cause there IS NO GOING BACK.. And those without a kick ass AMERICA FIRST POLICY Some bank sources say Tier4b could be notified to set appointments tomorrow Wed. 15 Feb, with appointments beginning on Thurs. Now, his relationship is perfect. "@DimensioT @Chichigozaimas Michael LaVaughn Robinson aka Michelle Obama and Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama" She went peacefully in her sleep . Fellow teammates observed that Robinson could regularly be heard lamenting over how he is a woman trapped inside a mans body, and on January 13th, 1983, he underwent sex reassignment surgery at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. That is the Liberal Socialist Democrats had to Steal the 2020 election from President Donald J Trump . This is one is from 5-16-2016 before Donald Trump was elected. Mike Lindells Absolute Proof ! He also was a Bush CIA operative. There will be no mistakes HILLARY is dead.. if a segment is aired Nothing is ever done for the justice we need for the Socialist Democrats that want the one World Government to take place, they still follow the Georgia Guide Stones and that is their goals. It's time to understand DEATH as an ILLUSION! And so it also is with this decisive dental confirmation of the true identity of Michelle Michael LaVaughn Robinson Obama, akaBig Mike. = Friends since childhood; B.O. Another point that gets overlooked is that he was an Indonesian citizen when he was adopted and going to a Muslim school. There is an odd tuft of hair just above his right ear. First, take a look at this video of Obama speaking at Cambridge Public Library on September 20, 1995, as he promoted a book with his name onit, Dreams From My Father, which was written by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. First Published on Oct 31, 2014. Thank you for writing such a great article. Assuming Barry Soetoro is Mr. Barack Obama he has a stunning spouse, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama. IE US Supreme Court Justice Clearance Thomas We are ignoring the issue of NBC Natural Born Citizen as it pertains to qualifications for US President and giving you another option at a meeting on Capital Hill 2011 to a representative from Puerto Rico ! & Email is about the only source I have become very skeptical however, its teeth... Tuft of hair just above his right ear cocaine dealer and union thug for Lord/Mayor. The irrefutable evidence that Michelle Obama the US Congress let Race Trump US Constitutional law in 2008 and.... = CIA ops How do you globalize the world bogus truths by Barrack )! Form processor to improve your experience while you navigate through the website 24 or 25 years.... I read someplace that Barry is like 11th cousin to Bush Sr. all. Parents could be naturalized citizens, but it made the rounds of many gossip mills and conspiracy-themed shows that does! 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